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Agricultural And Domestic

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Around the Farm. Effect of Wind on Evergreens.- Inere was uever a better illuetration of a point we are continually urging- tliat ït is wind much more than frost tliat is so destructive to evergreens, and gives a tender ehnracter to many beaiitiful varietics - than the equinoctial storm of last spring aftbrded. The thermometer was only ten degrees below the freezing point, but the injury to evergreens was greater tlian at any time through the winter, wken the thermometer was at zero.- Gardener's Monthly. Watering in Cokd Weather.- Cows givmg milk need an abundance of water. The dry hay usually given affords little material for milk, and even with abundance of roots, uuless water is placed within easy reach, cows will tend to ten rather than to milk production. A great difficulty in cold wcather is in having water so fnr froin the yard that cows will sulfer long beíore going from comfortabie quarters to reach it. Wiienever it is possible, a cistem should be constmcted under the barn or imder ground to hold water for stock. - Exchangc. BePAIRING THE MlSCIIIEF OP MlOB. - The writer liad aome eeventeen applo trees badly damaged by being girdled by mioe, many of them olear around the tree and í'or a spaoe of eix or eight inches from the base up, the past winter. Those trees are now in f uil leaf, and are apparently doing as well as any among about 100 of the same age. We enoircled the damaged places with common graf ting wax, over which we wound cloth and then bound with twino. This was done as soon as we discovered the miBcliief and before the wood had seasoned. - Oermaniown Telegraph. Feeding New-Born Calves. - When calves are taken from their dama immediately after being dropped, care should be taken to feed them at flrst with their mothers' milk, which at the time of calving is peculiarly adapted to act as a gentle purgative, ridding the bowels of the calf of the meconitim with which they are charged at birth. To induce the new-born calf to drink readily from a pail, a couple of fingers should be put into his mouth, and the muzzle then brought gently into the milk, which it will draw into the mouth while sucking the fingers. - Mural New Yorkcr. To Beeak Up a Sitting Hen. - Our lady friends who generally have charge of the poultry departmènt are. sometimes worried and tortured by the obtinacy of hens that persist in sitting when they are not wanted to perform that duty. Many plans have been tried to prevent hens from sitting, 'stich as tossing them in the air, or driving them from place to place ; but the best wayis to fasten a string to the hen's leg, four or flve feet in length, and tie the other end to a stake driven in the ground, close to the path where you are in the habit of passing frequently. Then scare her as often as you go that way. One day effects a cure. - American Stock Journal. Baising Cobn fob Foddeb. - One dairy farmer, who has 100 dairy cows, says that he wants his corn grown so as to produce tlie greatest quantity of ears possible for the purpose of feeding his cows, and to increase their daily flow of milk ; and, from letters received from different seotions of the country last fall, there is no doubt tliat very many farmers will make the experiment tliis season with sweet coro, growing it in such a manner as to produce ears as well as fodder, all to be used in the feeding of farm stock this sutamer and fall, and from such experimenta much knowledge may be gained. The largo, free-growing varieties of sweet corn are best for this purpose. - Cor. Exchangc. Pkotecting Tbees from Kabbits. Trees from threo to ten years old, which farmers value at several dollars during the fall, are often found to be ruüied in the spring. Blood or manure applied to the bark in the early -winter will generally protect until the smell is gone ; bu t even thentherabbitstakehold some. An all-winter protection is better. Some use poplar bark; otüers cedar bark. Would not building-paper be íi good protection ? I Lave seen apple trees protected by oheap barrels. Wlien the tree is sinall both heacls are taken out and the barrel preesed over the tree. When the tree is larger, a hoop is taken frona eaoh end, and every hoop is nailed to every stave; then every hoop is sawed off between two sta ves; you can tiras spring your barrel around the tree. Then the upper and lower hoops are replaced and nailed. A barrel thus prepared will protect from hogs, sheep, rabbits and the sub. - Correspondence ] cstern Uur al. About the House. Never start your flre with oil. It is fashionable to economize. Tkï lemon juice on cucumbers. Fetjits are delicious for breakfast. Use a cloth for washing potatoes. Qtjiet workers accomplish the most. Aik pillows in the ■wind, not in the sun. Use blue tissue-paper for wrapping up silverware. Make your home bright and cheerful as possible on rainy days. Rub your kitchen table with a ripe tomato to remove the grease. Do not use silver spoons to scrape kettles, or silver forks to toast bread. Never starch napkins; they are intended to wipe the mouth, not to scratch it. To sweeten a sour sponge; rub thoroughlyin lemon juice, then rinse several times in warm water. Wasii matting with warm salt water - one pint of salt to two-thirds of a pail of water, and dry with soft cloth. Fibst boil ashes in a new ketüe, then scrub with soap and sand; flll with clean water and boil two or there hours. Whejí servants do not wait upon table, let the lady members of the family take turns in serving. It is much pleasanter than for this one, that one, or all to jump up every time an article is needed. Oorn Fritters. - Cut the corn from twelve ears into a deep dish : mix in tliree eggs and one teacupful flour ; fry in a skillet or spider, as they require considerable fat. If the corn is grated it will be as good. Relief fob Catarrh. - A snuff made of powdered borax, and used frequently during the day; also borax dissolved in tepid water and snuffed up the nostrils. Spirits of camphor on a handkerchief, and kept near the nostrils at night aftcr retiring, will also be of great benefit. Indelible Ink Spots. - Oyanide of potassium will remove indelible ink, but being a deadly poison it must be carefully handled. A druggist will give the necessary information. Try a mixture of lemon juice and salt ; keep the spots wet with it, and bleach in the sun. A Bbeakfast Lttxury. - Take eight ears of cqhi and grate them, carefnlly scraping off the cobs with a knife, so as to get all the milk. Peel one quart of good, ripe tomatoes, and cut them into the corn. Season with salt and pepper. Put in bntter, and roll in three soda crackers. Let them stew steadily for one hour. To Remove Grease Spots from Black Velveteen. - Have a bowl of hot water, a tooth-brush, and some pulverized borax. Dip the brush into the water, then into the borax, and scour the spots ; wliLn the grease bas disappeared rinse the places with fresh hot water, using the brush to do so ; rub dry with a black cloth ; shake well ; when quite drv bjusli the places vyith a drybrueli,


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