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160,000 volumes and an annual book fund of H,000. Don't FAIL to turn to the fourth page and rcad tbe eloquent addrtss of Wade Hampton at the Eockford, 111., fair. The Democracy of New Jersey have honored themselves by nominating Gen. George B. McClellan as their candidato for Governor. The Ma88aehusotts Republicana mot in convention on Wednesday, nominated Gov. Rice for another term, and indorsed both the Southern and civil service reform polioy of Prosident Hayes. Senator Spencer, of Alabama, was marrted a few days ago, in New York, to Miss May Nunez, a well-known aotress. Spencer is 42, the bride 22,- and it is said engagod to another man. The Tribune Tuesday said : " ExSecretary Chandler is looking after niatters in Washington," but didn't give an inkling as to the kind of ' rnattors," - business, religious, or political. The Dütroit Tribune seeks to make a point out of two alleged fact9 : " Democratie opposition in the North to rogistry laws " beoause they restrict tho right of suffrage," and the imposition of " an onerous poll-tax upon every voter" in Georgia, coupled with the temporary disfranchisement of all tax-payors in arroara. Woll, what of it 'i The Lansing Republican publishes a list of the tax-payers of that city who are assessed for the outrent year on a valuation of $2,000 or over. Tho number is 181. James I. Mead heads the list with $28,450, and O. M. Barnes is the next highest, $25,860. But three other parties oxceed $20,000: N. G.Isbell $22.370; estáte of A. N. Hart, $21,980 and II. Ingorsoll, $20, 5T0. TllE amount of losses which which Alleghany County is called upon to pa; because of the late Pittsburgh riot i now figured down from $10,000,000 to un aggregate of $2,940,000, using the inothods of fire insurauce companies in adjusting their lossea. A test case ha beon brought with the understanding that if judgment is obtainad in the courts other claims will not bo litigated Postmaster-Generai, Key did hi full share of tho talking during th progress of President and Cabine through Now England, but at Louis ville this was his little spooch - this anc nothing more : " My fellow citizens - of this occasion which brings you here I simply desire to say to you to-day that this demonstration makes me fee toward Louiaville that slie is a part o tho South." Had ho reason to doubt i bef ore ? He did n't believe in the literal res urrection of the material body, and re i'used to charge upon the sin of Adam the sins and cussednosa of all modern thoologians, politicians, lawyers, editors and common people generally, and so tho Michigan Conference pronouncee him gailty of horosy and prohibitec him from preaehing any more from Methodist pulpits. His name it wa M. V. Rork, and he was formorly prin cipal of the Saline Union School. Arrangement havo beeu made by wliich the early moruing newspaper mail from New York will be trausferred from tho Great Wes tern train to a postal car in the Michigan Cen tral depot, and mafte up on the spot withou going through the usual quarantiae at the postotfice. About twenty-iour hours' time will be gained by this axrangemont. - Detroit Ti ibune. As we havo herotoforebeen accustomed to receive our New York newspapors by tho 11 o'clock train tho day aftor publication (say Monday morning's dailies at 11 a. in. Tuesday), wo shal undor the new " arrangement " - the Tribune's estímate of time gained being correct - oxpeet to get them at 11 a. m of publication day. How timo and spaoo can be annihilatod by a daily paragrapher. Didn't our frieud Judge Chapman of Lansing play the demagogue jusi a little, when, in the recent greenbackers' convention of that city, he " denouuced the issue of bonds under any circumstances," doclared that " the Government should issue greenbacks sufficient to supply all necessities," and proclaimod that " the laboring classes wil have the bonds to pay 't "We had supposed that the bonds would be paid by the tax-payers of tho country, and thai guch tax-paying capitalista as our frienc the Judge would havo to come down with his quota. The laboring man will undoubtodly have to contribute his share, and under a vicious tariff system more than his share, but it is scarcely wise or patriotic in Judge Chapman to assure him (tho laborer) that the whole burdon will be placed upon his shouldere. And will an unlimited 6sue oi groonbacks - nothingbut promises tojiay - uiako his burden any the less ? That " Sootchman " up at Otter Lake shonld n't rely too implicitly upon the Free Press' answor to hia conundrum about a poll tax.for that journal iscertainly in error when it saya " No poll tax ia levied in Miohigan," and may bo in orror when it adds " and therefore 1 Scotchman ' can neither bo Hablo to poll tax, nor be compelled to pay it." We would refor both tho Free Press and the " Scotchman " to section 1,220 of the Coinpiled Laws of 1871. Clause first of said soction prescribes that overy male inhabitant (not citizen or voter) between 21 and 50 years of age, with cortain exceptione, shall be assessod one day'a labor on the highways of his district, and clause third of the same section calis such assessment " a poll tax." Soction 1,222 provides for including in or adding to the list for tho yoar the names of "persons left out" and of " new inhabitants who have not in the same year been assessed in soino other placo for highway labor," and section 1,228 providesfor oommutation by assessed persons at the rato of $1 per day. We rather guess that " Scotchman " is in for that poll tax if enrollod and called upon by tho proper oflioor.


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