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EXTRA NEWS Clothing BuyerSj Attenticn ! Our now stock of CLOTHING, FiirÉli Goflfls, Walking Sticks, Etc. la dow oompiete, and if you de.sire to SAVE MONEY And Un gefc woll-m mli1, Fiushionulile and GOOD HONEST &OODS You can Ünd thera at OUR STORE. Our Stock of MENS', YOUTHS', & BOYS' 0 LOT H ING! Is vory largo and well solocteil. IN OUR lerclant T ailoring DSFAETME1TT Our tables aro loadod down with the finest Woolens the country affords, of both Poreign and Domestic makes. All work in first-clas3 style. We allow no other establishment to succossfully compete with us. Good Goods, liottom Prices, and Fair Dealing is our motto. S. S0HDHEDÍ, No. 9 South Main Street, Aii 11 Arbor Mich. A B ANKRUPT STOCK 01? HARDWARE! WILL BK SOLD Without Regard to Cost At the o d of I. C. HISDON, No. 31 Soudi Main St., Am Arlior. NOW IS THE TIME FOR CASH BUYERS To lay n Lhi'ir Winter supply of STOVES And Hardware of evory Description. ALL THOSE INTENDING TO BUILD ANOTHEK YEAB, CAN NOW BUY TIIEIR 1)00 It T1UMMINQS ANU OTHKR UARDWAKE OHJSAPI 1652013 iniNSEY & SKABOLÏ'S BAKEUY, GttOCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEED 8TOKE. We keep coastiintly on nund, BKEAD, CRACKEES, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RKTAIL TKADE. We Bhitll aleo keep u aupply ot DELHI FLOUR, . M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUK, RYE KLOUK, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUK, COHN MKAL, FEED, &c, &a. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS onstnntly on hiiiid, whioh will be aoltl on as rcaonubie terms a ut any other house in thie city. Cash paid for Butter, Egga, und Country Prouco Renenilly. BüT" Cioods delivercd 10 any part of the city with ut extra chargu. KINSEY Sc SKABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1870. 1564 znraspoRFs" Oswego Starch ! theBKSXand MOST KCOXOITIIcal. ir the World. sperfectly PURE- freo from ncids a othor foreign substancos tluit injure Linon 8 sritllJiGER thnn ny oth',r-roquirillg ïnticti lesa qufintlty m xisin. [s VlVIFOUïtT-Btiffens nod üüishj WOik nlways thü Hume. Kingsford's Oswego Zorr, Staroh. Is tho most dcllcionsof nll prep vrutOns for PUDDINGS, BL ANK-MA? (jiE CAKE&C 1646 TRICK FOR SAT.ËT" Orders Sm ■ !)RICK left a' the shop 01 tho rni,-iPriih'ni'il wlll tx) promptly J .e,, AnnArlwr.JunoïS,.],,. J' Vl'G4n?í FOR NE AT AND CUE AP JOB PEJHTnrO GÜ TO THE ARGUS OFFICE. ALL AND 3KBTIIR JACKSOX TKUISS KOU WAGON Atan, .■ Ni'w Klght-llnnd Itiirrull I run C'orn Sbeller, at M. ROUEKS'. RAILROADS. MICIUUAN CENTKA I, l A J MMÜmT JUNE 24, 1877. OOINO WBBT. M ir ]" : w L ■ .2 o L;.L!l?Í!ElÜ 1, Y,' A. H P. M..P. M.' P. M. pM Jetroit.leave, 7 00 ü :(5 4 49 3 15 6 05 9 V. G. T. Junction, T ÍS 8 50' 5 00 3 30 G 20 10 n Wayne Junction 7 m 10 17 5 32 3 55 6 67 10 40 Vpailimti, 8 17 10 35 6 00! 4 15 7 26 M ni Geddes, I 8 s 1; ir, _ Aim Arbor, 8 40 10 50 6 30 4 32; 8 00 'M 51 Delhi, 8 55' 6 43 . Dexter, 9 03l 6 53 4 53 8 22 Chelsea, 9 23 7 1215 07 8 37: . Gras Lake, 9 52 7 37 1 5 27 9 02 PM ! m Jackson, 10 20,12 15 8 00 6 10 9 30 u A Albion, 1104 12 53 7 00 10 18,1 Marshall, 11 50 1 35 - i 7 30 11, ,, j ' P.K.j 'Ú8 Battlo Crcek, 12 20l 1 Mi 8 00 11 16 j i0 Ualesburg, 12 55 8 38 1153 'a.m. a.u. Kalamiizoo, 1 15 2 40 5 00 9 00 12 16 2 Lawton, 1 57 5 35 1 00 , Decutur, 2 15 1 5 52 1 27 Uowagiac, 2 41 6 17 i un: Nües, 3 11 4 U7Í 7 00 i 35! 424 Buehanan, 3 23 ; 7 11 5 6(V 1 Oiik.i 3 52 4 43, 7 37 3 20 ( m New Buffalo, 4 118 4 56 7 49 3 S5 . Michigan Clty, 4 40' 5 20 8 10 4 06 5 i; Lake, 5 23 6 02 8 50 4 52 6 28 Kenaington, 6 03 6 5') 9 l" 5 40 7 jp Chicago, arrive, I 6 55 7 40 10 V. 6 3i 8 M OOINO e.ibt. 1 u' I". 2 I i _?__ t g lgjUs_ _ A. M. P. M. P. K. 1 M. r. ChicaRO, lenve, ' 7 00 9 00! 3 45 5 1J 9 00 Kensington, ! 7 50 9 501 4 35 6 05 9 50 Lako, 8 3' 10 28! 5 23 6 48 10 3) Michigan City, 9 23 11 10 6 25 7 36 11 15 Nbw Múflalo, 9 4.') 11 28 6 SI II (, Tbrue Oake, .0 UO 11 36 7 09 8 12 1153 A. U. Buehanan, 10 32 7 46 Niles, 10 41 12 16 8 SO 9 00 12 Si Dowagiac, 1115 8 48 1 10) Decatur, 11 39i 9 15 1 J; Lawton, 11 57 i 9 16 a. m. Knlamazoo, 12 35 1 S8 10 lOi 6 30 10 20 í II Oalesburg, 12 65 . I 6 53 2JJ Battle Creek, 1 32 2 ÍT.J M : 7 85 1 1 16 3 15 Marshall, 2 17 3 00 'p 8 12 11 4O(T9 Í.M.. Albion, 2 45 S 21 a.m. 8 43 12 05 4 19 Jackiton, 3 35 4 05 5 20 9 45 12 50. 4 15 OraBü Lake, 3 57 5 48 10 0G; ' Chelsea, 4 19 15 10 24 Dexter, 4 35 6 30 10 35 Delhi, 4 43 6 43 1 Aun Arbor, 4 54 5 101 7 ('0 10 50 2 10 38 (eddcs, 5 03' 7 05 Ypsilanti, 5 12 6 24 7 16 11 05 2 27 6 ti Wayne June, 5 S6 5 45 7 40 11 22; 2 48 7 15 (}. T. June, 6 10 6 16 8 23 11 50 3 20 7 ti Detroit, Ar., 6 2516 30 8 40.12 05 3 35. 8 00 'Sundays excepted. ISaturday and Bunday eicepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l 8upt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntwokth, (jou. Paas. Ast., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDI. ANA RA1LEOAD. To take effect June 24, 1876. OOINQ WK8T. BOIÍIO H8T. TATIONB. Mail. Lxp. STATIONS. Exp. l(i A. M. P. M. YpfiUantl.... 8:20 7:25 . . F.. tíaline 9:15 7:67 Banken 5:00 ; Bridgewatcr.. 9:42 8:15 j HilUdale ... 5:20 Í;W ManchoBler. 10:12 8:37 Manchester.. 8:20 4:(0 p. H. Bridgewater 8:55 iH Hillwlale 12:45 10:33 Saline 9:: í: Banker 1:00 10:45 Ypsilanti.. . . 10:20 S:ki Traiiis run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Bup't, Ypsiliuti. TÜÜMM A TiroIíOUOH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOR LADI1Ü AND GKNTl.KJIEiN, IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. The Health I.ilt ís a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. For the attninmont nnd praservation of Hesllli. It in the best meana ol PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IS THE 8IMPLEST, SAPEST AND M03T KFflCIKNT MUDE OF TAKISO AI.L NEEDED EXECISK. . In the brief space of ten minutes all the mui' cíes aro grndually, thoroughly, and symmetriwlly brought ínto action Concontrated exereút íor the busy and sedentary. ANN AUBOR OFFICE AND l'AHLORS, 11 Eiit Hurón S Bonth of Court IIouM A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! i1 NEW GOODS! AndprlcesLOWER THAN BVKR. I have purchased in New York, for cash, ni I ara now daily receivins one of the litrget aDJ most nelect stocks of Groceriea in Wttshten' County , consiating of a f uil and weU selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - includinL ; 11 ii)om ilirs, Imperial. Voung W Nom, II sous, Japans, OolongMt I ur' ïiiomis, Conirons, Sou lioim, uin' Twankays, Together with a Tull line of COFFEES, comí'1' tne of the following brand: MOCJI.V, ÜL1 OOV'TJAVA.MAnACAIHO, LAOUAYKB.SANTOa and ItlO, both roasted and (fround ; &" and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line et Turt Spice,Canued fruits, and Vegetables. We bare 'uil aud complete line of BOOTS &, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Husiery. AIso, a choice assortment of Ladi andOentlenien' Underwear. Cali and ex""M Ooods and Prices and we will iiisurc aatiafactiooEDWAIID DUFFÏ. " Maynard'e Block,-' cor. Main and Ann " Ann Arbor. Ml arnisheat cash price paid for U i" roduce.%3B I I Imonth in the busiueas we furpuh,' II T M Mthose willing to work can earn a f1" fKJKj Udillars a day iu there owu locan"; lave 110 room tfl ejtplain herc Business P'c?. nd honorable. Womtn, and boys and girls " J! wcllusmen. We will furnish you a completó out reo. The business pays better than anythlng Ve will bear expense of starting you. Pnrlicui ree. Write aud see. Farmers aud niccbnuT hcir sons and daughters, and all classes in "oe" . paying work at home, should write to usand i' II about the work at once. Now is the "L Don't delay. Address, Tkle & Co., ■"?'!;, laine. 16OT BSTEACTS OF T1TLES. The nndersiirned, Regisier of Deeda, will promP1' y and c.iroiully make Abdtructs of titles, From the Original Records, For Attorney, Agents, Ownera, or l"ur;;aS No pain will be apared to Kive a complete "!",„. itle, and ahow all eucumbrances. Charge r" nuble. ,lVIv CHAS.H. MANLï' Ann Arbor, January 10, 1877. l"lu


Old News
Michigan Argus