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Mack & Schmid

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BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Or THE LATEST STÏLES AND COLOUS. Hrocnáea, Mottlud, Plain, Plaid, and Striped ; All Wool Cashmeres, 36inehes wrlo, 50 centB por yard; Lupia'u Culobruted Btuck alid Coloied Caaluncrea, Ö5c, 75c, $1 .00, and $1.25 ; COLLIM'OOD ALPACAS, MOIIAIRS AND BRILL1ANTINES Whir.h pxfsed all other mukes in lustre, trimde and weight. Their briiliant color does oot chnngo by weuriug tia others do. SILKS AHE DOWN AGAIÏT ! Tlns is astonisliing, but tnie. The $2.00 colored dress silks for $1.50 ; Black Silfcs fully 25 per cent. under value. We have the choicest brands to select from. Elegant Beaver and Paisley Shawls, , long and square, black Thibet Shawls, plaid and striped, Domestic Wool Shawls, and the most desirable styles of Coatings, Cassimeres and Flannels, cheaper than than they can be bought elsewhere. NEW DESIGNS IN "r LACE CUKTAINS, HAMBURG EMBROIDKRIES, TABLE DAMASR, TOWELS, (iuilts, Napkins, Corsets, Black and Colored Trimming Velvets, Ponsons, Cloaking Velvet, Germán Black Cotton Velvet, sanie shade as silk and unchangeable in color. Our assortment of Ilosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, Buttons, Eringes, Ruchings, Collarettes, Eibbons and Ladies' Furnishing Goods is the most complete in the city, and contains many special bargains. Black and Brown Cottons mostly at New York wholesale prices. 3 Button Kid Gloves 81 per pair, also at 50c, 75c, 81.25 and $1.75, every pair warrantod. GREA.T BARGATNS IN WOOLEN YAENS. We aro bendes receiving weckly large sdditions in new and dwnrable Fnll Good, purchawd from the New York auctioiiB for cash, about 2S per cent, below regular prico. Evitj ijody ia iuvited to exaiu ine our goods.


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