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Declaration Of The General Assembly: Relative To Slavery

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The Assembiy having duly considered ho subject presented to thcir attention n the various memorinls forwarded from 'rcsbyteries, Synods, &c, adopt the folowing, as the expression of their judgenent. 1. The system of Slavery, as it exists n these United States,viewed either in the aws of the several states which sanction t, orinits actual oneration and results n Society, is intrinsically unrighteous ind oppressive, nnd is opposed to the rcscriptions of the law of God, to the pirit and precepts of the gospel, and to ho best interests of humanity. 2. The testimony of the General Asembly, from A. D. 1787 lo A. D. 1816 nelusive, has condemned it ; and it renains still the recorded testimony of the 'resbyterian church of these United Jtates against it, from which we do not ecede. 3. We cannot therefore withhold the ï.xpression of our deep regret, that Slavcy should be continued,and countenanced yy any of the members of our churches ; ind we do earnestly exhort, bolh them and the churches among whom it exists, to use all means in their power to put itaway from them. lts perpotuation among them cannot fail to be regarded, by multitudes iníluenced by their example, as sanctioning the sysiem pourtrayed in and maintained by the statute of the several slavehoiding states wherein they dweil. Nor can any mere mitigation o its severity, promped by the humanity and christian feelings of any who con tinue to hold their fellow men in such bondage, bé regarded, either as a teslimony against the system, oras in the least degreê changingits essential character. 4. But while we believe that many evils, incident to the system render it important and obligatory to bear testimony against it; yet would wc nol undeitaketo determine the degree of moral tupitude .on the part of individuals involved by it. This will doubtless, be found to vary, in the sight of God, according tothe degree of light and other circumstances pertaining to each. In view of al: the embar rassments and obstacles in the way oi ,emancipntion, interposed by the statute; 'of the slaveholding states, and by th tcial influence afiecting tlie views anc nouct of thoie involved in if, we can not pronounce a judgment of general anc rtromiscous condemnation implying tha! Jstitution of christian principie and feel ■1 wiiich should cxchule from the tabli MiOrd, all who stand in the lega Pffof masters, orjustify us in with jholBng our eclesiasticle and christiai fellwship from tliem. We rather sympnthisSlyith,and would seek to succor them in .thjför cmbarrassments, believing that separación and secession among tho chu relies and their members, are not the method God approves and sanctions for I the reforma! ion of His church. 5. Wiliile therefore we feel bound to I bear our'testimony against Slnver)r, and to exhort ourbcloved brethren to remove it from them, as speedily os possible, by all appropriate and availed means, we do, at the same time, condemn alldesisive and schismatical measures tending to dostroy the unity and disturb the peace of oor churchesj and deprécate the spirit of denunciation, and that unfeeling severity which would cost from the fold those whom we are rather bound, by the spirit of the gospel and the obligations of our covcnant, to instruct, to counsel, to exhort, and try lo lead in the yeays of God, and toward whom, even though they may err, to exercise forbearance anc , brothcrly love. G. As a Court of our Lord Jesús Chrisí . we possess no legislativo authority, anc , as the General Assembly of the Presby , terian church, we póssess no judiciarj authority. We have no right to institute , and prescribe tesis of Christian characte r and church membership not recognized and is tho sacred scriptures ] and in our own standards. by whicli w j have agroed to walk. We must there l fore leave this matter with the Sessions . Presbyteries and Synods- the judicato . ries to whom pertains thff right of judg. ment, - to act in the administration o j discipline aá they may judge it to b their duty, constitutiohally subjects to tS t General Assembly ónly in the way o general "Review and Control." x The Chinese are fond of long finger r nails - they've beeèn seenl7 incheslong - To preserve them they sometimos bine ! them up carefully belween slips _ol bam b boo.