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TVTEW TEA STOEE. Japan X a at 3Oc, 40c, 5Oc and 80e per 11) ,;i ui tUe vcry best imponed at TOc per lb. Gunpowder Tea at 60c aud 80c per lb., aml the very best imported at 31,00 a pound. Young Hyson at 40c, 50c and GOc, and the best ira ported at 80c per lb. Oolong Tea at 35c, 50c, GO, and 70c per lb. Imperial Tea at :0c, 40e, and 50c per lb. Twankey Tea at 20c, 25c, and 30c per lb. COFFEES AD SPICES, of our own roasting and grinding, at greatly rt duced prices. Gire us a Cali and be Convinced. J. W. HANGSTERFEll & (JO., 30 3 a Sou til Main st., Aun Arbor. 1039m6 "etust a. MtANCB COMPANY. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Ke-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.36Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ee-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. 3ÏACK, Agent3 Ano Arbor. TO tlie AVorkine; Class.- We are now preparad to furuiah all ciasses with constant employinent at home the whole of their time, or for their spare moments. Business new.lightand profitable. Persona of either sex easily earn f rom 50 cents to 55 per evening, and a proportional suin by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and ghis earn nearly as much as men. That all who see tlüs notice may send their address, and test the business we make this anparallelea oiïer j To such as are not woll satisfied will send one dollar to pay for the trou ble of writiug. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to coinmencc work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the best illustrated publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profituble work, address, Oeo. Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. pEOÜGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firmof Clark & CiïOrswY, and A. Kkarney, latu ui' Texas, uuder the ürm uame of KEAKNEY & C110PSEY, Have established tliemaclves at No. 33 Soiith tí u 11 si, Anii A rlior, and propuso to do general Grocerv Business They wlll also keep CROCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, and a full liue of UOMESTIC and FOREIGN F1ÍUITS. ïhey have flttcd and furnished A First-class Eating Department, Whero Mcala can bc had at all kours, or board by the weck. Cash paid (or Rutter, liga, and all Country produce. Goods promptly delivered i any part of the city. Remeinber the place. 33 Sontb ITIain Sircct. KE.1KNEV &CROPSEY Ann Arhor, April 26, 1S76. 1580 TföTaHleHouses FOK SALE, The prop'erty helont-nipt to the WELLES ESTÁTE, situated on DIVISIÓN STREET, at the head of ANN STREET, and the property lately owned and now occupied by A. WIDENMANN, will bc sold VERY LOW PRICE, AND ON LONG TIME IF DESIEED. Anply to S. H. DOUGLVS. TO YOXJa MENdttHMfc U8t published, in a sealed envelope. S ?CVrice six cents. %&JM A Lcctiiio on the Nature, JSsfl" treatment, and radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, induced by SelfAbuse, Involuntary Emïssiona, ImDOtency, Nervous Deblility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumptton, Epilepsy, and Fita; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c- By KOBERT J. CULVKIiWJiLL.M.D., author of the "Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves t'roin Ms own expenence that the awf'vl csneequences of Self-Abuae may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instrumenta, rings, or cordiais ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain, and eifectual, by means of which every sufl'ürer, no matter what hia condition may be, raay cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. $5$l'his Ltcturc will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain enelope, to any addresa, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or frwo postage stampa. AddreB the Publiahera, TUE CULVEBWELL JLEDICAli CO., 41 Ann Street. N. Y. Post Office Box, 1580. 1630yl THE MILWArHKIf MEDICAL & SURQICÁL INSTITÜTE. EstablÏBhed 18fi7 and Chartered by the State Legislature ior the improvcd treatment oí all Private and Chxonio DiaeascH mentioued in thís eard. Just pubiishcd, jigTmTtmt "THE SILENT FR1END! JfMjfMËÊA, A confideiitial Advieer for theyoung and JÊisÈ!GmJÈE& m'iddle agod of both sexea ;on all DiscaayHy" T es of a Private Nature, arismiroin ï Early Abuses or Infëction, Seminal vveakness, anö Loss oí Manhood, and the beet meana oí cure; with valuable advice to the Married and those contemplating Maniate ; including a treatise on Pemale Diseases, and Clironic Aflections of the Throat, Lunes and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, ítupture, Piles, Fistula.the Opium Ilabit Sic. It contains 2P0 large pages and numeroua engravin E8,m a iled under seal on receipt of 50 ets. A CliINICAL LECTURE on the above diseaees, and the principies of medical practice in their treatmeut Price 10 ets. AdUress, Atteiiding Phvsician, , M.&S. irSTITUTE, 435 Water st., MILWAUKEË.Wia. Scwing Dfaeiiincs The beat stock of Machines in the Stato, anl I willsell you a BBTTËR MACHINE for the money than you can buy anywhere elae. I have the MOOT BEAUTIFUL MACUINKÖ that you ever saw, and Bell them for the pnce charged generally for cheap coramon machines. Itemember I have buught and aold more m achines than any other ten raen in the county. and can do better by you than any little ono-hor&e conern. Machi nos Delivered F ree of Charge TO ANY PLACE WIT DIN TWNETY MILES. No more wiuding bobbias for S1NGER MACHINES YOU CAN BUY YOUE THItEAD READY FOR T SHUTTLE At the Singer O1H . PLAITEES FOR DEESS-MAKING Three kinds for f rom $1.50 to $2.00. Necilles and Parts for Nearly nll Machines. I. L. GRINNELL. regory niock, Sccond door east of onI Ofüct, Alin Arlior, TI -l . (1656) H A m fi Great chance to make money. If Tl 11 11 you oan't Set gold you can (?et M W cá-MZ? Birrei'iiliiicki. We need a pi'rson in every town to taire subscrip;ions for the largest, choapoat and bost illustruted amily publica tion in tho world. Any one can boome a successful agent. The most elegant works f art given f ree to subscribers, The price is 8O ow ttmt almost everyb'dy subscribes. One agent eporls making over $150 in a week. A lady agent eports taking ovur 400 Bubscribers in ten days. All who etigage mnko money (ast. You can devote ill your time to the business, or only your spare ;ime. You need not be away from home over night. 'ou eim do it as well as others. Full particulara, irections and terms t'ree. Elegant and expeusive utñt free. If you want profltable work send us our address at once. It coats nothing tu try tho lusiiiesa. No one who engages fails to miike great ay. Address, " The People's Journal," Portland, 'Xaine. 1648 FINE JOB PRINTING done at the AlUiUS OFFICE. Wool Time and After Harvest ! AS Wool time and Horvest have lioth come and gone, I simply ask each and ewi y onc who owes me any amouut, great or nmall, to bear in mind thcir long past promises, and walk up üko a chicken to the dongh, wilh the cash in thelr breeches pocket, and pay mo, or I will ünil out. what. virtue there is in a suinmous. 11' these pollectfofifl can't be made willingly tliey must be made forcibly. I have come to a íirm resolution to collect my otitstanding debts. U' you givu this matter your iinmediate atlention you wül save yourself custs. Now I want you to bclieve every word of this bocause it is truc. This thine must be done. Ann Albor, July 18, 1877. M. ROGERS. TpOE BENT. Two Stores, Law OiHeos, ntid upper Hall in tb e MoMahon Block. For tevuis pply to Koot & Wilcoxaon, office in the same building. 1Ö45 JJSRUSHA F. NOHLE' Estáte of Henry O. Vosburg. STATE Oí MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. At a Bession of the Probate Court for tbe County of Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the fourteeuth day of September, in the year one thousand eitrht hundred and seventy-aeven. Presont, WiHiam D. Ilarriman, Judse of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Ü. Vosburg, deceaaed. James A. Freer, administrator of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he ia now prepared to render hia flnal account as such adminiBtrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the thirteenth day oí' October next, at ten o'elock in the lorenoon, be assiijned forexamininf; andallowing such account, and that the heira at law of said deceased, and all other persons interented in said eetute, ure reqmred to appear at a aession of said court, then to belioldeo .c the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, i i ïaid county, and shoT [cause, if any there bo, iy the said account ahould not be allowed : And 1 1 is f urther ordered that said administrator giveno tice to the peraons inteieated in said estáte, of the pendency of aald account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. 1648td WILLIAMD. HAKUIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Register. 1052 Estáte of John Schairer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaahteO naw, 88. At a session of the Probate Cüurt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate ottieu, iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the niuetcenth day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, Williara D. Harriinun, Judge of Probate In tho matter of the estáte oí John Schairer. deceus d. JohuQ. Schairer, administratrix of said estáte, comes into eourt and represeuts that he ia now preparnd to reuder hei final account aa such adminIstrator. Thoreupon it isordered, that Friday, thenincteenth day of Octuber next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for exaniining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, aud all other persons interested in said estáte, are requiredto appear at a session of said Court, then to be holdnn at the Probate Office in the city of Arm Arlior, in said county, and show cause if any therc be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordercd that said administratrix give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the penduucy of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pulilished in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and eireulatingin said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearin WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate. WM. G. Dotv, Probate Register. lOj.'itd Estáte of Christopher Donegan. STATJS OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washteoaw, made on the sixth day of September, A. D. 1877, six months irom that date were alloweil for creditora to piesent their claims against the estáte of Christopher Donegan, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deeeased are rtquired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the siïth day of March 1878, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on the 6th day of December, 1S77, and on the 6th day of Murcti, 1878, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Sopt. 6, A. D. 1877. W1LLIAM D, HARIUMAN, 1652w4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Ella McCollum. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 88. Notice 18 hereby giveu, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County oí Waahtenaw, made on the Klth day of September, A. D. 1877, aix months from that datewere allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Ella McColIura, late of eaid county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claimB to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the llth day of March, 1S78, and that such claims will be heard betore said Court, on the lOth day of December, 1877, and on the llth day of March, 187, at ten o'elock in the foreuoon of each of those days. Daled, Ann Arbor, Sept. 6, A. D. lh"7. WILLIAM D. HAERIM AN, 1052wi Judge of Probate. Estáte of Sheldon Tomlinson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the elevcnth day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sheldon Tomlinson, deceased. Abby H. Tomlinson, executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court and represents that she is now prepared to render her final account as such executrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the ninth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowiug such accouut, and that the devisees, legatees and hoirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any thero be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said executrix glve noti'je to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tliis order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate. Wh. G. Doïï, Probate Register. 1652td Estáte of Wiliiam O'Neil. STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Washten;iw, as. Ai a sension of the Probate Court for the theCüunty of Washtenaw, holdon at the Probate Olíice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the eleveiith day ot September, ïn the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, Williain D. Harriman, Judtreof Pro ate. In the matter of the estáte of Willioin O'Neil, deceased . On reading and ñling the petition, duly verified, of .Johanna O'Neil, pr-vying that James Sage may bt appointed administra tor of the estáte of said deceased. Tbereupon it ia ordered, ihat Monday, the eighth dáy ot Ootober next,atten o'clock In the forenoon, beassigEd for the hearing oí said petition, and that the heira at law of said deceased, and all othei persons iuterestod in said eatate, are required to nppear at a aeesion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouid not begranted: And it ia further ordered that eaid petitioner give notice to the persona interested in said estate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspapur printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. WILLIAM D. II ARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Üott, Probóte Heelster. 1652td Estáte of öeth Smith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, es. At a seaaion of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office inihe city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twelfth day of September, in the year one ihousand eight hundred and eeventy-seven. Present, Wiliiam D. Harriman, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of fSeth Smith, deceaaed. On reading and nling the petition, duly veriñed, of J. Austin Scott, praying that Noah "W. Cheever, may be appointed adminiBtrator de bonis non with the will annextd of said estáte. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday.the eighth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the foronoon, be aBsigned for the hoarinj; of eaid petition, and that the deviseea, legatees, and heirs at law of s:iid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesaion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouid not be grantcd : And it ia iurther ordered thut aaid petitioner give uotiee to the persons intereated in said eatate, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published iu the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circula ted in said county, three successive weeka previous to aaid day of hearing. W1L.LIAM D HARRIMAN, CA true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1052 Éstate of Msry Ann Clute. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw k? as. At a aession of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tenth day of September, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and soventy-seven. Preaent, Wiliiam ü. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Mary Ann Clute, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly veriflod, of Willicm Clute, praying that hernay bo appointed administrator ol the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the sixth day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing oí aaid petition, and that the heira at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a eeaaion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show causo, if any theïe be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouid not be granted: And it is lurther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the peraons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a cpy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, & newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succeasive weeks previoua to said day of hearing. WILLIAMB. HARRIMAN, CA true copy). Judge ot Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. l(J42td Estáte of Glenns, Minors. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, J ss. At a sesBion of the Probate Court for the eouuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Proliate Office in thecity of Aira Arbor, on Tuesday, tlie fourth day of September, in theyoaroue tlioiisand eight nundred anti seventy-seven. Present, Williani D. Harriman. Judge of I'roliate. In the matter of the estáte of Ruport M. Uleun and Alfied H. Glenn, minors. Ou reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Williaiu Watts, guardián, praying that he may' be liceused to sell certain real estáte belonging to Alf'red fl. (rlenu,one of said minors. ThoreupOD it is ordered, that Saturday, the sixth day of Oetobcr next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are rcquiml to appear at a sossion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and show cause, U any there be, why the prayer of the potitioner should not be granted : And it is further oráered that said pctitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendencyol said petition and the hearing thert of, liy causing a copy of this order to be pubüehed in the Michigan Aryus a newspaier prlnted and circulated in said cóun'ty, four successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKH1MAN [A true copy.l Judge of Probate. Wm. J. Doty, Probate Eegister. lKiltd Estáte of Joab Carpenter. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Waahtenaw, ■ J 88. At a sesaion of the Probate Courffor the ■ Courity of Washtenaw, holden at the Probuto Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tho i flrst day of September, in the year one thousand eijiht hundred and Beventy-seven. Preaent, William D. Uarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Joab Carpenter, deeeased. llorace Carpenter, executor of the last will and testament of aaid deceased, comea inio court and repreaenta thnt he ia now prepared to rendcr ]n final account as sueh executor. Tflereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, tho aecond day of October next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, be aasigned for exuniining and allowiug such account, and that the deviaeea, legatees, aud heirs at law of said deceased, and all other peraona interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of said court., then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account ahoukl not be allowed : And it ia furthor ordered that aaid executor give notice to the peraona interested in said estáte of the pendency of aaid account and the hearing thereof, by cauamg a copy of tina order to be published in the Michigan Arus, a newspaper printed and circulating in aaid eounty, three successive weeks provious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). HAKEIMAN, (A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1651 Estáte of Andrew Bush. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court tor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the flrst day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and Beventy-seven. Present, William B.Harriman, Judfjeof Probate. In the matter oL the estáte of Andrew Bush, deceased, On reading and filing the petltion, duly verifloil, of Jamea Bush, prayiug that acertain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be the laat will and testament of aaid deceauud, may be admitted to probate, and that Ezra C. Robinaon may be appoimed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the firat day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law ot said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordored that said potitioner give notice to the persons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendency of said pt'tition, and the hearing thereof, by eausinga copy of this order to be publiahed in the Midi ■ igan Argus, & newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weekBprevioua to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, IA true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Eegister. 1651td Estáte of Henry Warner. ÓTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslitenaw, C5 88. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the flfth day of September, in theyearone thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of llenry Warner, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of William Warner, prayingthat hc and Frederiek Warner may be appointed administrators of the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the first day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bi; assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intcrestcd in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, thon to be holden at the Probate Omce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pelitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to tlie persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and cireulated in said couuty.threesuceessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Trobate Register. IC51 Est. of Francia Dougherty, Spendthrift. l TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waslitenaw, sa. C5 At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, thetwenty-sevenlh day of August in the year one tbousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francis Dougherty, spendthrift. Patrick Tuomy, guardián of said spendlhrift, comes into couit and representa that he is now prepared to render liis final accouat as such guardián. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty-flfth day of September next, at ten o'clock in the noon, be assigned for examining and allowing Blleh account, and that the next of kin of said speudthrift, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ana Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said guardián give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeucy of said account and the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, o. newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAERIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 1650 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tlie conditions of a eertain mortgage, wheiein the power to sell therein contaíned has become operative, executed by Willmm Fohey and Catharine Fohey, bis wite, both of tha city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Ilanuah M. StileB, of the sume place, and dated the tifth day of April, A. D. 1873, and recorded i the oiüce ol the Kegister of Deeds for the CÖunty of Washtenaw and Ötateof Michigan, iu Ubex Iti of mortgages, on page 379, upon which mortgage and the note accompanying tlie sanie the re is claimed to bedueat the date oí this notice, the sum of thirteen hnndred and thirty-thiee 33-100 dollars as priniipnl, and one hundred and flfty-five dollars aa interest; also the sum of six hundred and aixty-six 66-100 dollars to become due on subsequent payments ; also an attorncy fee of fort y dollars, provided lor in said mortgage : And no suit or proceedinga at law or in cLaneery having been ïnatituted to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice ia heieby given that on Saturday,the 29th day of September, A. D.1Ö77, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw ia held), I will sell at public auetion, to the highest bidder, the premises describcd insaid mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy snidamount, with ten per cent. interest and all legal costa and expenses, tog ether with said attorney's fee, Baid premises being deerribed as follows : All those certain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described aa follows, to wit : lieiüg all that part of lot number one and the west half of lot number eight in block number four north of Huron street, in range number six east, which lies east of Detroit street, saidparcel beiug bouuded west by Detroit street, south by North street, east by Mary H. Clark's lots, and north by the landa of the DeForest estáte, excepting a parcel of land heretofore sold by Abigail O. Goodspeed to David DeForeBt, described as iollows: Commencing in the north line of said lot No. eight, and in the soatheasterly line of Detroit street, and running thence southwesterly on the easterly line of Detroit street flve feet ; thence sontheaBterly at right angles wit)i Detroit street fifty feet from the eoutheast line of Detroit street; thence northeasterly parallel to Detroit street to the southerly line of the parcel of land recently fenced off by said DeForest from the northeast corner of the west half of said lot; theuce east along said fence as ït now stands to Eaid eaBt line of the went half of said lot number eight; thence north to the north line of aaid lot number eight ; thence west to the place of beginning. Dated, Ann Arbor, -Tuly 2, 1877. HANNAH M. BTILES, D. Ceamer, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1642 Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, in chancery : öuit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washienaw- in chau cery - at Ann Arbor, on the 30th day of July, A. D. 1877. Sarah McKim, complain&nt vs. Daniel McKim defendnnt. It satisfactorily appearinir by to the suhscriber, one of the circuit court commissioners in and for the county aforesaid, that the defendant, Daniel McKim, is a resident ot this State, that process for his appearance in this case bas been duly issued, and that the same could not beservcd by reason of lus continued abaence from his place of residence. On motion of John N. Gott it is ordered that the said defendant, Daniel McKim, cauae his appearance in this cause tobe entered within tïirec months trom. the date of this order, and that in case of his uppearance he cause his answer to the complainant's bill to bc fllod, and a ccpy thereof to be served on complainant's sohnitor within twenty days after service of a copy of said bill and notice of this order, and in dbfault thereof that the Baid bill be taken as confessed by the defendant, Daniel McKim : And it is fur ther ordered that within twenty days tho said compl-iinant cause a notice of this order to be published in the Michigan A rgus, a newspaper printed in Baid coiinty, and that the said publication be continued in said paper at least once in each week tor six successivu weeks, or that uhe cause a copy of this order to b'j pereonally perved on the aaid defendant, Daniel McKim, at least twenty days before tho timo prescribed for hia appenrance. Dated, July 30th, 1877. FRANK EVÍER1CK, John N. Gott, Circuit Court Commisnioner. öolicitor for Complaiuant. 1648


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Michigan Argus