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Auoustin Daly, the woll-known New York theatrical manager, haa failcd Fat her MeElroy, said to have been tho oldest Catliolic priest in the ünitod Rtatcs. died ut Frederick, Md., last week, aged 95 years. United States Senator Bfemosb, of Alabama, was married in New York, the othcr day, to an actress named Nunez . . . Tho Boston and Albany railroad shops at Springfield, Mass., havo boeuburned. Loss, $100,000 During a thunder-storm at Georgetown, Del., Gideon B. Hitchens, with fonr ons and two daughters, took rofugc nnder a tree in a field. Tho lightuiug stnick, and three of tho children, two snns and one daughter, were instantly killed. T-ie fathcr and remaining childreri were seriusly but not fatally lrnrt. William M. Tweed has given to the public, through an investigating committeo of tho New York Coramon Council, another chapter of lus historv of municipal rings. According to bis story, ho dislnused alxut 600,000 to securo the passage through the Iegislaturo of the celebrated charter by which he was enabled to plunder the city. This money was fiirrjisbod by various tiadesraeu and politicians, tho Erio railway, throudh Jay Gould, contributing a considerable sata. He givea the name of a nuniber of members of tho Legislature who were bribed to voto for the charter, the pricefor votes ranging from (26,000 to 50,000. ISveed charges explicitly that Oalcoy Hall. tho Mayor, was the mosc exacting of all the thieves in the ring. Boston dedicated her soldiers' monument on the 17th list. The occasion was a general holiday. A large number of scats that had been crected for the accommodation of the city authorities and chosen guests gave wav on' the groumi, tnmbling abont 2,000 people on the gruiuid, a aambei of whom BOffered the fracture of 1 i ml s. bilt lnekily none were killed An exti aordinary ehnpter of horrors occuircd in Baltimore ou Snnday last : A man blew bis braina out on the strcet. A boy was disenibowelcd by a streetnSar, and died in ton minutes. A biind conviet attempted to murder a fellow-conviot in tlie penitentiary, and tlien cut bis own throat. An uuknown man was beheaded by a railway (raiu. A man feil froni a third-ttory window and was found a corpse. A boy had bis skull fractured by a kick from a horse, and will die. At midnight a man attacked another violently, and. while handling bis pistoi, accidentally shot a child. THE WEST. Thebk ia stored in Chicago clovators 311,184 busbels of wheat, 678,794 bushcls of corn, 382,578 bushels of oats, 96,524 bnshels of rye, and 189,298 bushels of barley, making a grand total of 1,658,378 bnshels, "against 3,130,583 busbels at tbis period last year. A bloody chapter of crime comes to us from the town of 8t. Elmo, Fayetto county, 111. Mr. John Scoles, an estimable citizen of the place, retornad homo with bis family, after an absence of scveral days, end fouñd a tramp in possession of the house. The latter made for a cornfield, wbero he was pursucd. Being brought to bay, he coolly shot Mr. Scoles dead. Nows of the murder spread, causing the wildust excitanent, and in a few minutes npward of 100 armed men were in pnrsnit of the murdercr. Mr. Frank Barnes, an estimable young man, was the first to overtake him. The fieud turned upon bis paranor, and holding a revolver in each hand commencec firing. Barnes was shot through the head and instnntly killed. Mi-. Frank Wiseman, another excellent citizen, carne up about tbis time and also received a bullet throngh the head, from the effects of which he died in a short time. Still coolly facing the advanciug citizens, hè aimed with hls right-hand revolver, and fired, killing a horse from nnder a pursuing farmer, whose name is not learned. Then,giving a terribly demoniac yell, he mshed toward the entire party of about a dozen horsemen. This bold and utterly nnlooked-for action by the demon disconcertcd the party, aud caused them to tura and fleo in all directious. Still intent with devilish murderous deeds, ho again aimed and hit a horse, wounding it so it feil nnable to move further, and the rider was obliged to escape on foot. The desperado then turned and fled to tho woods. making bis escape. A teleokam from Camp Kobinson, Neb. chronicles the arrival there of Lamo Deer' band of Iudians, which completes the surrende of all the hostile Sioux, clearing the Blacl Ilills and Big Horn country, as Sitting Buil anc party are in tbe Briti6h Possessions Tho Hyde Park Hotel, the finestof Chicago's sübmban hostelries, bas been destroyed bv fire Loss cstimated at $125,000 to $150,000....' A monument was unveiled at tho Soldiors' Home, ncar Dayton, Ohio, last week in the preseucc of over 20,000 people. Addresses were dolivered by President Hayes, Secretarv of War McCrary, Gen. Butler, ex-Gov. Cox Chief Justieo Waite aud others Emil Josaphat, a private banker and shipping agent of Chicago, has failed for S40.000. President Hayes last week paid a flying visit to Senator MortoD, at Richmond, Ind. The interview betweon tho President and the sick Senator was very brief, at the conclusión of which the former took the train and retnrned to Fremont, Ohio, where ho participated in the reunión of bis old regiment Wade Hampton and Sam Cary delivered addresses before the Winnebago County (111 ) Agriciiltural Fair at Kockford, on the 18th inat. A big crowd turned out to hear the South Carolina GoTernor A cattle plague, said to be a species of the Texas cattle fever hae broken out in sections of Ohio, Michigan and other Western States, and it provine quite fatal. ' The Chicago Tribune reports that thcre are eight theaters now in good running order in that city, not counting the many unmontionablo basements where fiddlos aro beard to queak and improper persons are seen to obtrudo their so-called attractions upon the vulgar gaze. Out of the eight there fs but a very few devoted to the production of dramas whether of tho legitímate or illegitimate order. The most of the managers are engaged in fostering that kind of entertainment which can nover be described by ordinarv adiectives or in ordinarv type. McVick"er's Theater forms an agreeable exception. At this house Edwin Booth is playing one of the most suocessful engaeements he hns ever filled in the West, appearing in a round of lus favorito Hhakspearcan characters. Mr. and Mes. Odek and Mr. Sargent, living noar Rocklin, Placer county, Cal., were recently murdercd and robbed by some Cbinamen. Tho citizens were so incensed at the terrible deed that they drove all the Mongolians out of the town and dcmolished their housee. Some of the Chinese who had been arrested on suspicion of committing the murders narrowly O8caped]yncliing....Leris Myers. the County Treaeurer, from whose office "at Wapakanetta, Ohio, some 30,000 was claimed to have been takon on the night of Sept. C, has been arrested, charged with complicity in the robbery. Myers claimed to have been waylaid in tho Street by a gang of highwaymen, gogged, and torced by torture to disclose the coinbinatlon of the safe. News comea by way of Han Francisco that the Warm Spring Indians had left their reservation in Arizoua, killed fourteen men, wounded eight and oaptured a train üf freight wagons, lulling lbo teamstora and destroying the goods. Maj. Tnpper, with all the Arizona and New Mexico troovrn be could gather, pursued and attaoked the Inaiaus, kilhug forty, and at last accounts was ui pursuit of the remainder Sitting Buil, from tho other Bide of the border, makes a proixsition. He and bis followers wíl! oonsönt to ocenpy the Big Horn country provided plenty of ammunitioh Is furmshed them and thev are alltnved tu roam at will. One thing 8. B. will nt do. He says ho will not go on the resorvauonand buffer the indignlty of living on weevilod beans and musty flonr. Col. Stukgkk, commandilig the Öcventh Cavalry, overtook the Nez Perces Indians ncar the Yellowetone river, in Montana, on the 13th of Soptembcr, and bad a severe fight, lasting nearly all day. A considerable portion of the encounter was hand-to-hand batUe?, and tbe Indians only quitted the ground upon the approach of night, and after a great nnmbor of their band had been either killed, wounded, or taken prisoners, and after their stock and several hundred ponie had been run off as plunder by the troops Gen. Crook, in explanation of the failure of Howard's campaign, Rays the country in which ho is oporating is the roughest in the whole lifwky moTintain range, and offers insurmountblu barriers to the progress of troops. Gen. Crook coincides with one or two other prominent armvofficers in the belief that Joseph's íntention has been to form an alliance with tho Indians uuder Hitting Buil, and probably other bands. TUK SOUTH. Yellcw fever has made its ap;;earance in some of tho coast towns of Florida, cauaing a panic and stampede among citizcus and visitors at Jackronville and other pointe. At tho late session of tho Kemper county (Miss.) Circuit Court, the preeiding Judge, in bis charge to tho Grand Jury, called special attention to the Chisholm aasassination, and epressed tho hoi that, for tho honor of tho county, they would thoroughly investigato all the cirenmstances of the affair. QENERAl,. A dispatch from San Antonio, Texas, roports that Ihree of the Mexican brigands who attacked tbe jail in Bio Grande City have been üuirendered by Canftlei, tïio Diaz Oovwuor at Matsmoras, . ,,81nce tho iuauguration ut the nivt)0iis!bftnli nystcm hy IimiHh hv fsilod. Chicago having contributod füiir of tbo coll a I ':- . 1 concerns. Tue greateat achievcraent in the mattor of railroad speed on record in America was that of & train on the Canada Southern railroad, nhich i aocomplisthod a continuous run of 111 miles in 109 minutes. score another victory for the Yankee over he " blarsted Britisher." In tho international conteRt between the American and British iile teams at the Creedmoor range, New York, iie immeute snperiority of tho Yankees in ttio ïfe of the long-range rïflo was atlested by a most creditable victory. Tho teams consisted of eight men on a side, selected, aftor ong and careful practico, fis the crack marksmen of their respective countries. The hooting lasted two Jayn, each man firing örty-fivo phot in each day's eontcst - flfteen hots at 800 yards' distance, fifteen at 900 yards, and lifteen at 1,000 yards. Tho followng is the score : Americana, 800 yards 1,143 Americana, 900 yards 1,101 Auicricans, 1,0(0 yards 1,090 Total 3,334 Britieh. 800 yards 1,11 7 Briüf h, 900 yard 1,073 Britisli, 1,000 yards 1,052 Total 3,2tó The Amerieans winning by ninety-tvro points. President Haïes dropped iuto Cincinnati on Saturday evening, the 15th inst., and was accorded a hearty reception. After the formal reception and the delivery of the customary speeches ho was driven to the rctidence of Dr. John Davis, where ho remained astil Monday, on which day he left for Louisville. In tlie latter city his reception partook of the nature of a grand ovation, noarly the whole population turning out to greet him. He was mot at the depot by an immense throng, and escorted to the Galt Huuse. Iu the aftcrnoon tho President was escorte-d by tho military nul Reception Committee to the Exposition building, whero he was recoivcd by the children of the public Bchools. In the evening tho President and Mrs. Hayes gave a reception at the Galt House ; Tuesday they dovoted to sight-t-ceiDg, and in the evoning they gave auothcr reception at the Exposition building. Tuesday mght, the 18th, the President and hifl family ,accompaiñed by Secretarles Evarta, Schurz and Key, and several other dignitaries, lcft on a special train for Nashville. Tiie Cuban rovolutionists received, very recently, a cargo of arma and munitions of wa( wliich wero landed on an unfrequented part of the coast by a schooner which ailed from on e of tho Southern porte. The Spanish em& sariesin Washington gut wind of the matter, but too late to do any good. WASHINGTON. Red Cloud. Spotted Tail, Ne-Water, ManAfraid-of-his-Horse8 and other diötingnished wielders of the scalping-knife aro booked for a to Washington about tlie lst of October. They go to havo a talk with tho " Great White Father." POLITICAL. The Wisconain Republican Convention for nominating State oflicers assembled at Madison on the llth inst. E. W. Keyes callcd tho convention to order, and announced his resignaron of the Chainnaimhip of the State Committee. D. II. Kcllcy, of Green Bay, was chosen to preside. Hon. William E. Smitn, of Milwaukee, was nominatcd for Governor on the first ballot. The other nominces are as folIowö : Lientenant Governor, J. M. Bingham ; Secretary of State, Hans Warner : State Treasurer, Richard Guenther ; Attorncy General, W. E. Carter ; State Superintendent of Schools, W. C. Whitford. Horace Iïublee was elected Chainnan of the State Committee. The following platform was reportcd and adopted : 1. That wc rcafiinn tbc principies which have guided the National Itepublican party hitberto, 2. That we declare it to bo the stcadfast puzpose of the Republicana of Wiyconein to co-opcratc with all good citizens iu maintaining in letter and spirit the constitutional anicndmcuts framed to secure equal rights and protection to all in maintaining the plighted faith of the nation, and in promoting reforma to secure econoruy and einciency in every branch of tbc Government. 3. That, motst earnestly desiring the pacifieation of the Southern Bection of our Union,and its ppeedy return to material prosperity, we are xuindf ui that tilia can be gained only by obedience to the law, by protection to all in cvery right, and by a careful regard for that class of citizens less able to protect themsetveB. In the efforts of ihe preeeet naüonal administration to restore peace and concord to the South wc recognize a magnaninioua purpose to remove cvery semblance of excuse for lawlepsneps aud violence. Wc hope tbat the magnanfiiiity will be duly appreciated, and that the reeiprocal plodgos made by prominent eitizens and omeialsof the South will be faithfully kept. We shall rejoico if the Southern policy of the President produces the hoped-for resulte of order and peace, but, if these resul ts thall not follow this experiment, we dcinand that other measures be adopted which shall secure to all citizens. without distinction of race or color, the f ullcat cujoynient of their conatitutional righta. 4. That the determi nation of the National Executive to render the civil service 'more efficiënt and lees obnoxious to criticifctm meets our approval. The perfectaon of our Bystcm of governinent in every detail of administraron is one of the most lmportant duties of the hour. All cfforts in tliat direction should be fairly connidcrcd, neither haatily approcd nor condemncd. 5. That in the purpoKes and patriotifm of President Hayes wc declare our unphaken confidencc. C. That tbc atteutiou of -ijngieËH íb called to the neceseity of such modification of the Patent laws as shall, wbile affoiding adequate recoiupenne to the inventor, at the same time secure the complete protection of the people from unduc exactions for the use of patentcd articles. 7. That we rcjoice that the fidelicy of the Republican party ín upholdiug the national credit has brought our currency so near the point of reAumption of specie paj'ment. We hold that the silvcr dollar should be restorrd to its fornier place as money. and made a legal tender for the payment of debts, except where otherwirtc distinctly provided by law, with the coinago eo regulated as to maintain an equality of valué aud preservo the harmoniouh circulation of goid, Büver and legal notes as money. 8. While we earnestly condemn all violence, outlawry and mob rulo, yet the Repnblican party exjretit-eB its heartfelt Kvmpathy with the condition of the workingmen who are willing to work, but are unable to flna employmcnt, and public atteution should be called to the grave importauce of the labor question, and the moBt carefnl coniíideratíoli should be given to the earoo by Federal and State lcglslation. 9. Tbat we oppose any furtlier beatowal of pubüc lands npon railroad corjiorations, and urge the establishment of such governmental rpRiilation over inter-State raL'roads as their importance as nationai higbways and tho interest of tho people demand. 10. Tíiat wf; congratiilate the people of Wisconsln tbat, during the many years in which the Republican party bas been m tho ascendency, no stain has been tound upon its record in this Htati, nnil. therefore, confidently point to its whole liistory, and especially to the wie and cconomical admiuistration of Gov. Harripon T-udiugtou, a the best evidence and guaranty of ite intcntions and purioses for the future. The New York Democratie State Convention will meet ftt Albany Oct. 3 State conventioue of the Prohibition party were held in Peimgyivania and Massachusetts last week, and fllll tickets placed in nominatiou. A State Convention of the Workingmen 't party of Ohio was held at Coluinbus last week. The Greenback Executlve Committee werc present, and consented to withdraw their State ticket and unito with tho new movement if tlieir ideaa of cuiTency reform were heartily acquiesced in, which was agreed to ia open convention. The following ticket was then nominated : For Governor, Stephen Johnson tátmtenant Governor, Christopher Lewis ; Supreme Judgc, Milton 1. Clark Treasurer, James Jenkins; Clerk of tho 8upreme Court, E. P. Pitkin; Attorney General, George A. Duncan; School Commissioner, John C. Logan; Board of Public Works, C. C. Strong. The Demócrata of MasuftchuBettsmet in convention at Worcester last week, and nominatbd the foilowiüg ticket : Governor, William Gaston ; Lieutenant Governor, William It. Plunket; Secretarj'of State, Weston Howland; Treasurer and Keceiver General, David N. ttkillings ; Auditor, John Ë. Fizgerald ; Attorney General} Chuies P. Thompaon. Tho following platform was adopted : We fcaftlnu and annoilncc the Jfational Democratie platform ot' 1876 as the authorítfltiv'! rsposifi'-a of principie of our party, and we congratúlate our political brethren of the whole couutry that thoge principien wcro indorsed In the national canvaiis by the suffragew of a decided majority of the American peoplo. Wc bclieve tbe peoplo fairly elected a majority of Ihe Electoral College in favor of the Democratie candidato, and whlle, in the high interest of public tranqulliily. we BUbuiit to the authorityof the constituted Federal administraron, we "dcnounce upon tbe gullty Kepublican party the stern rctribntion for tbe frrrat pnnla crime by which tbe oeople were derrauded of their rigbt to be fíverned by rulers of their own choice, and by which the rlective principio wa wounded in ita mout vital part. We challenge ior it the opprobrium of history and the indiguant .iudjfnient of all hoDeet men. we congratúlate the country, and aupporters of freo governmont everywhere, upon the happy resulte of reatored public order and roiving indiiBirial prospcrity, tbe inauguration of a new reign of domffitic peace and Hberty, rt -gulaird by law, in the Bouthern iection of the Union that have eusued upon the adoptlon of Democratie principies and meaBuree of adiumistration by tbc JSzeoatíTfl Department of the Federal Governmeut in refor the Southern States. We recognize in tbeae mi-j-ícious rcsults the Mignal vimlication and pnujtiúa] trinmph of the constitu tionai doctrincBsofaitlifully contended for by tbe Demócrata In the late political content, and the etatotiinanship of the wíbc fathera which f-eekü the welfare of the republic by the support of tbe cqual rigbts and dignities of all tLe States in tbe Federal Union. Wc trut tbat hereafter tbere will be no .Southern policy, no Northern pob'cy, but one cominon policy for the whole Union, and equality of rights and duties of all men befora the law. Resolved, That we are oppoued to the rc-enactment of a Prohibitory law. Jiesolvtd, That tbe practico of bnrrowing nioucy for other objecta than those of a strict public neceshity baa gonerated Bchomes of extravagant exponditurcB ïintil taxation haa become well-nigh an intolerable burden. Honcsty, cconomy, nd 'pay u. we go " should 1m! the rule in all appropriations of the people' money. Tbe power of Htaten, eonnlis, citicg and towna to borrow money ought to b( riiidly Umited, bo that an eid may bo put totheRystuin which " antioipates tho lalior of cttuing ag and ap propj-Utef tbu f ruits of it ín udvance ; whicb ooIum ihe industr.v ei futai gpn'ivtlon Jnto cmu, and Ufit.-lipe thi iahöiUtmty fvojn -hildreu yct unliOra,1' ment of the public dcbt, and of a currency on a gold busi ■;. Jïesolved, That the present deprceslon of tho industrial, commercial and financia! interest of tho country is largely dtie to onr inability uuder present lnva to dispose of the surplus producía ivbich other countrioH want, and which but for retfrictionB and injurious lcftislation of the United States would, to a Rreat extent, produce and wil bctter and cheaper tban any otïier nation. TUK TURKO-KUSSIAN WAR. A dispatch f rom Belgrado saytf : " Informaion bas been received from Turn-Severin that lie Prefeets have been ordered to have everyhiiiK In readincss for 50,000 KussianR who will march tbroufih Turn-Severin on their way to croHK tho Danube, and enter Servían territñry. 3n the Servian bank everything is preparodfor the crosBing of tho Russians." ïhk foUowing is the Russian oflicial bulletin of the operations against PloTia, issued on the llih inst. : " Oiir battcries cannonaded Plovna all Sunday and Monday. Tho Tarks made a considerable sortie against our lef t wing, 1 ut wcre rcpulsed, losing heavily. The lïoumanians made a broad reconnoiseance of tho euemy'n redoubts, which opened a hoavy fire, but were silenced by tho concentrated fire from our batteriea. The poaition of ono of our siego battcries was changed to have it cannonado the fortilicd Turkish encampment. All ia quict at the other pointe of tho theater of war. At the capture of Lovatz we took hvo Turkinh standards nnd a quantity of arms and ammunition. Wo buriod 2,200 Ttirkish dead. Largo mimbers werc sabered by our cavahy during the pursuit. Our Iobs was 1,000." A dispatch from ltagusa reports that the Montcnegrin at Jesero defeated Hafiz Pasha, who was marchiug to the rolief of Nicsics. Six hundred Turks were killed and 100 taken prisoners. Dispatchks from Vienna on tho 13th inst. report the capture of Oaman Pasha's strongesl position in front of Plevna, Tho point was carried by assault, on tlie morning of Wednestlay, tho Ï2!h. Six Russian batteries and ono Roumfttiian battallon took part in the asaault. 'IVo standards and five guns were captured, and tlio Turks driven iell-mell out of the Grivici redonbt. This victory was achieved at heavy cost. The Kussian ofticial report admits a loss of over 5,000 wounded. The numbers eng&ged aro estimated at about 57,000 on the liussian side, against from 50,000 to 70,000 Turks. . . .Itifl announced from Kagusa that a majonty of tho Bosnia insurgents havo submiited to the Turkish Government. The Iïvissian official bulletin, datcd Poredin 13th, says: " Yesterday (Wednesday) wc made uo further attackn, but bombarded the Turkish fortifications and townof Plevna at short range Toward 4 p. m. tho town began to burn, an two oxplosions wero observed within tho for tifications. The Tnrka made little reply to oui lire, and directed all their efforts against on left wing, which threatened their rear. A this point Gen. Skobeloff repulsec five furious attacks, but was oom pelled in tho evoniug, af ter the nixl] attack, to evacúate the fortifications whic] he captured Tuesday. During Wednesdaj night our troops intrenched themselves in thei positions. From the beginning of the battl up to 1 o'clock Wednesday afteruoon 6,00 wounded havo been brought to the field hos pital." The armies in Asia Minor are reported as being Btill inaetive. According to Turk ish reporta, the Kussians have retreated from Ardahan and fallen back to a stronger position There is littlo prospect that any event of sig nificance will transpire in that quartfcr for some time to come. Advices from the Kussian position before Plevna, up to the lCth inst., report ■ that the attack on Osman Pasha cannot bo resumed un til reinforcements are recoived. The Grivitza redoubt, the capture of which oost the Rnssians thoueands of men, was still held, bu was heapod full of dead Russians and Kou mauians, and likely to become wholly untena bic under the incessant fire of the Turks. Ii tho lull of the Knssian operations on lii main lines, Osman had found time to fal upon a Kussian force which had intreuchet itself ou tho road to Sofia for the pur 1 -c of cutting his Communications. A Shuinla dispatch, reporting this affair, claim that the Kussians were badly beaten, and los somo thousands of men A dispatch f ion Bucharest on Sunday, tho 7th, states that the Turks had mado desperate efforts to rocapturo the Gravitza redoubt, making geven ineffectua as.-aults, and losing 10,000 men A correspondent with tho Turk ish anny in Koumelia telegraphs as fol lows : "There is a reign of terror from Adrián ople to the BalkanR. All respectablo male Bul garians are hunted down by order or conniv unce of the authorities. Fever has brokei out in Suleiman Paxha's camp. Evory hous in Kazanlik is a hospital. The placo reek vnththe fever-stench. AH the country fron Schipka to Yeni Saghra can cnly be "ridder error with. camphor in one's mouth. Dcac bodies are lyingon the roadsides and in field and gardens. From 400 to 600 bodies are in Yeni Saghra. and have been there ever sinc the battle some weeks ago." Disfatches from the Bussian headquarter in front of Plevna, dated tho 18th, stato tha "tho military operations closcd when th Turk recaptured the doublé redoubt taken b Skobeleff. When the Kussjau Commander-in Chief could not or woulJ not send reinforce ments to hold this redoubt, it was ouly to evident tho attack was at an end. Gen Skobcleiï lost 2,000 men in attackiug the re doubt ; he lost 3,000 more holding it ; an im menxe proportion of oflicers wcro cither killee or wouuded. Only one conunander of a regi ment is alive, and scarcely a head of a battaiion is left. The Kussians have uot, however, aban doned theü" positions, and do not seem dis nosed to do eo. On the contrary, they ar fortifving them. The Kussians are movin np siego guns and receiving reinforc ments of infantry. Maj. Gens. Skobeleff Dragomiroff and Imeritinsky havo hee promoted to be Lioutenant Generáis.". . . A Shnmla dispatch dated the 18th tatos tha fciuleiman Pasha had assaulted and capturec Fort St. Nicholas, in Schipka pass. The los of this position. it was claimed, would compe the llussiaus to evacïiato the pass .... Kussi has now settlcd down to the conviction that th jrar is not a three-months affair, and is makin preparations to quarter her armies in Bulgari dunne; the winter. Gen. Todleben, of Sebab topoi fame, has been directed to furnish plan for the fortification of tho winter camps, a JlatchiD, Hirsova, Sistova, and Nikopolis, th pnrpóse being to render the lattcr place im prcgnable and to hold it even though the siana should be driven from every other pos tion. (JKNKRAL FOKEIGN NEWS. The Paris pólice, the other day, seizedfiveo the principal Republican papers, and one Bonapartist paper. The aeizure was only main tained as regarda onc- Le Bien Public (jam betta was sick when his case was callcd in th Paris Pólice Court. A continuance, howevor was refused, default entered up, and he wa condemned to three months' imprisonment anc a fino of 2,000 francs. He will take an appea however, and in a higher court tost the question whethcr npeaking tho truth in moderat and respootful words is a f elony undcr the law of Franoe. We have news of a terrible disaster in th English channel, by which upward of a hun dred lives wero lost. The Britlsh ehip Ava lanche, Capt. Williams, from London for Novf Zealand, carne in collision with the British sliï Forest, Capt. Lockhart, from London for Ne York, off Portland, and both vessela founderec Ninety-six persons were drowned. The Fores was in ballast and had a crew numbering twen ty-one. Capt. Lockhart. chief mate and seve others wero saved. Tho Avalanche had a crew of thirty-two, and fifty passengers. The tiiirc officor and two searaen only wore saved. Afteb nearly twelve months of suspense durim which tho gravest fears were enter tained for the safety of the gallant African ex plorer, the welcomo news has come that Henr M. Stanley bas arrived on tho west coast of Al rin. Stanley's last dispatch íb dated fron Emborna, Congo river, west coast of África Aug. 10, and states that he arrived at tha point on Aug. 8, from Zanzíbar, with only lli sniils, tho entire party in an awful conditioi aftor their long and terrible journey througi the heart of the African continent. Tdbkky being unable to supply additiona troops to act against Montenegro, orders hav been sent to the Genoral commanding th Tuikish forcea to keep more on the defonsive It is annonnced that the Montenegrins Intern to march on Trebinje and Spuz.


Old News
Michigan Argus