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Cotton worins are increasing iu Mississippi to au alarming extent. The grape prop of Florida is unusually heavy, and the orange groves are reported in fine coudition. The harvest in Spain in wheat, fruit, and wine has been so mngnificent that it is estimated that half can be exported. The yield of wheat in Canada this season is stated to be about forty bushels to the acre, and the quality is pronounced botter than usual. The Indiano-polis Sentínel says: "Farmera are evidently holding back their crops of wheat, and scarcely any is offered on the market." The State Department of Agriculture of Illinois, on th 3 basis ol returns of the corn erop received froru the vaiïous counties of the State, estiniates tliat 8,905,411 acres were planted with corn this year, and that the total yield of tliat staple will be at least 272,700,121 bushels, which, at 40 cents per bushei, is worth over $109,100,000. While we in the United States have reason to congratúlate ourselves over our excellent crops, the Scottish farmers are down in the dnmps. Thcir hay erop has been almost lost, and by reason of the weather their growth of grain is far from successtul this jeai In South and Middle England the farmers though not badly unsuccessful, have no great reason to be proud of their harvests. In Ireland, though crops have not turned out so badly as in Sootland, yet in some districts they have greatly suffered. Commercial anti Trade Mattera. Philauelphia dry-goods de:üers are in high spirit over the condition of the fall trade. Mr. James Byars, living ten miles from Gonzales, Ter., in boring a well struck coal oil at a deptli of thirty-five feet. The brandy production of North Carolina is immense. Over 300 distillers are registercd in the internul revenue división about Stiitesvillc. A leading Eastern exehange thinks "merchante and businessmen at the West and trado centers are either blowing very hard, else there is some improvement in business." The New York Tribune has "encouraging reports of a goo;l fall trade, caused by the return of the jobbing business to that city. Orders are coming in in greatcr numbers than had been expected." The $8,000,000 loan of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad was taken by Morgan & Co., the American bankers in London, at 5 per cent. , but at what discount, if any, does not appear. It is secured by a first and only mortgage on the 250 miles of their Chicago end. Some remarkablc prices were paid for Canudion cattlo at a recent stock Bale in England. Forty-two head of shorthorns, bred near Quebec, Canada, realized 16,280 guineas, or an average of about $2,000 per head. This average bas never before been reached in England or on this continent, and has only been exceeded once in Australia. In Delaware and Eastern Maryland there are upward of 60,000 acres of land under peauh trees. Tiiis land is the best on the península, estimated to be worth $50 per acre, or $3, 000, 000. To sliip this fruit requires 2,000,000 baskets, orncarly that many, wliich cost $250,000. The money invested in necessary implements for cultivating and shipping the peaches to market is estimated at S10 for 100 trees, or $000,000. The oultivation of peach orcliards and the picking of the fruit gives employment to upward of 25,000 laborers. The New York Evcning Post sajs : " It is doubtf ui whether at any time in the past iifteen years there has been so great an amount of varióos kinds of stocks afloat in Wall street - that is, in the hands of people who hold stocks on margins and who ure dependent on money lenders for the meaos witli whlo) l to curry tlieir holdiDgft-ajj tbore is t4. ay. At the same time, wo ncver rcniember when there was so much capital engaged in a speeulative way in ' bullng' stocks as now." MUI, Shop and Labor jiotes. The lead interests of Galena, 111. , have jeen seriously injured by the superabundanco of lead production in the reduction of Nevada and Colorado silver ores. The building hns been completed and ;he machinery placed for a now cottonmill at Savannah, Ga. It will have 7,300 spindles and 123 looms, and will be exerapt from taxation. Som e Massachusetts capitalista are about to cstablish a manufactory of cotxn hosiery at Paducnh, Ky. It is stated that this ■will be the only estabishment of the kind soutli of rhiladelphia. The emigration of carpenters from fchis country to England is managed under the auspices of an employers' union at Manchester, who are endeavoring to break down a strike earricd on by the English carpenters, and the deinand for workmen from this country is therefore not a natural one. The great nccd in the South at present is cotton-piekers. It is said that 30,000 laborera could find employment at this work during the present seasou, which extends over four rnonths. In 18G7 over one-fourth of the cotton erop was plowed under, beouse it was impossible to cret it picked. Cotton-picking is a simple operation, easily learned. The Chinese in Louisiana had never seen a cotton stalk before they went there, but were soon able to piek 200 pouuds a ilay. The price paid is 50 to 60 cents a hundred with board. Lyman Bradley, of Naugatuek, Conn. , the first American cutler, is dead. He made the flr6t j)ocket cutlery ever made in America. He was bom in 1798. A the outset of his career íh Waterbury he advertised in a Sheffield newspaper for some cutlers, paid their fare to this country and set them at work. The enterprise was successful from the beginning, though friends of Mr. Bradley's advised him against going intothe euterprise, arguinfr Üiat he eould not sell a knife in the United States that had not the Sheffield stamp on it. In the Lehigh región the workingmen have won a substantial victory, having succeeded iu obtaining an increase of wages. The situation is quiet in the Susquehanna valley, but the miners have not been so Buccessful as elsewhere. The miners charge Frank B. Gowen, PreBident of the Philadelphia and Reading Eiiilroad Company, with bad faith in coal oieraüons, and openly accuse him of instigating the strikes in the Lehigh región and northern coal fields, through the agency of paid emissaries, to overreach them in the business.


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