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- Dry and warm, with cool mghts. Whoal needs raiu. - Ypuüauti reporta a fiua shoiver on Wednesday ruoruing. It did n't hit this needy burg. - The Common Couucil of Manchester has Jismissüd village attomey Norria. What's the matter with Ezra. - J. C. Mead, ex-Sherilï ot tho county, has niovod from his farm iu Ann Arbor town into the city : to be nemer good schools. - Order your Letter Heada, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Circulara, Dodgers, Business Cards, etc, at tho ARaus office. - Hangsterfer has broken ground íor a new building on State Street,- on the Muudy lot. Eastward the tide of business takes its way. - Hon. Danforth Keyes, of Clinton, Lenavee Couuty, was iu our city on Mouday last, -looking aftor some business in the probate court. - Didu't Bro. Pattison, of the Ypsüanti Commercial, know thiit the law of this State prohibits the publicatiou of lottery adveitisements t - Are the shootists who are practicing in the gallry on the corner of Main and Hurou straets preparing for next year's Creedmoor couteat ? - Ou Friday last Justice 13eahan ticketed Helen Patterson, a colored woman, to 25 days injail, for stealing wood troin the Agrbultural Company. - Jake Martin, of Ypsilanti, cannot content hiinself with the butcher business, but is lookiug to another match with Uwens, the Vermoüt victor. - The Adrián Times and Press each annouuco that they shati hereatter charge t'or all rjsolutious passed by auy and all organizations, on the occasion of the death of deceased uienibers. Correct. - In Justice McMahon's court on Mouday Geoige Kellet plead guilty to the charge of assault upou Mrs. Crouch and wus releasud on suspended sentence. ifas. B. Mount, formerly of Lodi, and son oí A. J. Mount, died at Mitchell'8 station, Culpepper County, Va., Sept. 7, of typhoid fever, in the 28th year of liis age. - Trumiin Carpeuter, farmer, cheose manufacturar, etc, ut Moort ville, has made au assignment to Myron Webb, of Saline. Liabilities about f14,000; assets estimated at $13,000. - A youug man, a student in the Modical Department, wishes to procure a place in some family where he can work for his board. Can give excellent references. Inquire at this office. - Miss Ella M. Hill, daughter of Thos. F. Hill, of this city, who has been for three years successfully teaching French in the Marshall High School, has gone to Paris to pursue her studies, - especially to perfect herself in the French lauguage. - The examimition of James S. Keynolds, oí Manchester, on that charge of arson, was cimcluded before Justice Babbitt, at Ypsilanti, on Wednesday. Reynolds was discharged, the Justice holding the ovidence against him inBufftcient to warrant committing him for trial. - We are asked by the County Cterk to again remind officers and uil other persons haring claims against the couuty that they must De filed with him on or before the third day of the coming aession of the Board of Supervisors - that is on or before October 10. A failure to do so will mstke it impossible tor the board to entertain them. - A Mrs. Broyson, hailing from Iowa, "skipped" the Leouard House a few days ago. leaving an unpaid board bilí, üflicer Fleming went in pursuit and wus more successf ui in bringingher "home" than in the case of the Chicago lawyer auil theologiau. Ou a deposit of her baggage as seuurity J ustice Boahau save her time to puy bilí aud costa. - The fair oponed at Ypsihinti on Tueaday, and will close to-day. The n'uinber oí entiles up to Wednesday mght was reported at about '2,300, beiug a larger nuinber than usual. The attendance was also ïarge the iirst three days iusuring a fíuancial suceess The weather has been all that could be desired. We dispatched s reporter yesterday who will be hemd froin neit week. - On Tuesday V. Kobison drove down to yp8Ílant, to look iu upon the opening of the fair. Goiug over a street crossing tho borse suddeuly sheared, brenking evory spoko tut of one wheel of the carriage, throwing Mr. Ujbison out, clearing hiraself trom the carriage dashei off. Turuing into Noble's atable yurd he ran the thill of a carriage into iis breast, froin which wound he soon died. Mr.Robison is oq crutches but tortunately has no limbs broken. The horse was a valuable ene. - We invite a careful reading of the commuuication in another column on " Juclge Huntingtou's Decisión." We know that the writer is in no aeuse a partisan of Dr. Douglas, aud we also have good reason to kuow that at the flrat, for a Ion time, and perhaps now, his personal sympathies were with Dr. liose. His moderate appeal ought certamly to convince the friends of Dr. Rose that in attackiug Judge Huntiugtou they are at least acting very unwisely. Are n't they being used to pull soineone's cliestuuts out of the firo f


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