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China At Hartford

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OCR Text ut) utxuiese lads who were brought to tliis country from China by Ynng Wing sonie timo ago, are said to be prospering finely at Hartford, where they havo tlieir headquarférs. Ynng Wing was allowed to clioose tlie boys, from 7 to 1 i ycars of ftge md to bllng tliem to this cotmtïy and grve them sueh a training as he saw lit. For tbis purpose the Chinóse Gowriiment appropriated $1.500,000, and in 1872 the first party of boys arrived in Hartford] followed in 1873 and 1874 by others. These represent tho weajfchy. aristocratie Chinese. As soon is the boys reachcd Hartford tlicy wcre put by tn-os -vith American farmers' families in Oonnoctiput and Massaclmsetts towns, so that they might learn the languago as quiddy as possible. Bnt, so that tiicir (Jnineso schooling might not% be lost, they caiiie alteniately to the headqiiarters in Hartford, and sjent three weeks in exclusively Chinese studies. A flne ediflee has been ereeted in Hartford by Yung Wing, near the residenco of Marshall Jewell, Gen. Hawley, Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Some of the boys havo got far enough along to enter Yalc College, and in the school conteste they havv invariably beate tJicir American snhoolmates. Prom college they will go to the professional schools, and then will be readj? to return to Cluna, whero they will spend tbeir lives as teachers. It is Yung Wing's opinión that the miluenee of 115 able men, thorou;(hly educated, and, more than all, üioroughly Americiauized by the filteen years spent hcre in their boyhood, cannot fail of ultimately romoving all obstaeles Uiat Chinese bigotry lias tluis far put up to progress. These Mandarins live in elegant style, and are much given to receptions. They entertain handsomely. To be invited to their grent dinners, of which four or live are given annually, is a treat groatly prized in Hartford. They dress in the ohoicest Chinese isilks, and drink a vine made oí rice, wljjeli is very treaoherous, as some of the digniüed deacons who have diued with them and jusfc sipped the wino have found out to Hnrtíord's.scaucal. feeeret Rites of jHurinoiiisin,Tlic endowments 01 secret ritos of Mormonism arts a sort of allegory in Mank yèïse, pnraphrascd i'romtlie scriptures and "Paradisc Lost." There are rooms fittecl up with scenery adapted to the performance oí a drama represent ing the creation of man, his f uil, the coming of Christ, and tlie priesthood of Josoph Siuitli. In the performance Bi"igham ïottüg always took the part of Eloin, or hcad" God, while ofher leaders rqirosénted JtísuS, Satan, Michael, ana tlie Apostles. Dift'erent degivew of the Aaronic and Melchizedek priostlipoii aro conl'crred, at cach stiigo of vhich the eandidate is required to tuke oattis of seorecy, accornpanied by barbarons penaltics sliould they daré to viólate them. Tliey also receive. a now namo, by which thcy will bo known in tlie kingdom of God. In tliis oeremony tlie vromen wear a long robe, which is placed on tlio right shoulder, is gathered at the waist ivitli strings, and ÍIowr to the iloor; there is an apron of linon, coyerèÖ witli gifeep nuk aud embroidered witli (ií loaves - the nearost approach to the Paradisaieal apron that decency could tolérate. The men wear a cap of linen similar to those worn by stone masons or bakers. 'I'lnladies' eajis u-e of Swiss muslin, with a veil of the same material, which is Raid to produce a pretty efFect. Tliis is also the coKtume in wliich fuitl)ful Jtovjaons are prepared for the grave. (


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