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In His Speech At Lynchburg, Mr.

In His Speech At Lynchburg, Mr. image
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Hayes had the check to say : We havo grown up and flourished iu pursuing, iu the Constitutiou aud laws, the pathway Jefferson marked out." President JeffetfOIl said, in his inaugural address of March 4, 1801, that oue essuntial principie of our Government was "a joalous care of the right of election by the people." Was it by that pathway that Mr. Hayes mounted to Jufferson's place? The atteuipt to amoke Cari Schurz out of the interior Department nearly resultijd in the destruction of tho nobH-st piteo of architecture iu the country. The Patent Office, as it is gouerally called, is a stately building of the Doric order of architecture, and, tbough not nearly so large nor 60 fin&ly wrought as tho capítol, is so superbly proportioneel that if it woro proininently situated in spaoious grouinU it would be oue of the most impOBÍng editices in the world. lts dimensions aie about 800 by 400 fpet. Within was garnered the models and evidences of American iuventivo genius for a contury, forining a permanent ezposition of our mechauical índustry. But liero, too, perhaps nnfortunately, were the records of the Interior Departinent, tho Indian Bureau, and all its other branches, and as the War and Navy Departiueut buildings havn been iired in these declining days of the corrupt party, so may have this been an attempt at arson in order that those records iuight be sent whuro moth and dust corrupt not, aud where investigating committocs do not break tlirongh and squeal - incenditirisiu for the sake of the insurauce from detection. Many an official would havs been wiliing to iiddle while the building was Imrning.


Old News
Michigan Argus