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__A homeopathie dose of raiu yesterday niorni"SThe twelfth animal reunión of the 20th jlicliifc'a" Iufttutry takes place at Graas Lake Dn vVeilnesday next. „Ths Rev. Wyllys Hall, of Aun Arbor, has Heu appointeil chaplain of the First Regiment tfoJjjgan State Troopa. ,Prof. Lodeman, of the Normal School, ypsilanti, is arranging to take a party of ex.jfsiouists to Europe next June. _John Chiindler, a resident of this city me twenty-fivo years ago, died at his resijüicein Coldvrater on Friday of last week. „Our "bosa" ia speudmg this week visiting jjjolJ home and triends in Cold water aai! jrnch Couuty. He lelt this eity last Friday jOffliBg. _ Chas. Conrad, for many years a resideut . fpsilanti, has removed to a iarm near Dt.xft upou which he has just completad a fine idence. gTho "County Legislature" meots in ans,j] session at the Court House on Monday ,(St. Thoss having clairas agaiuat the oounty ,Mk out ! " „The flrst foot-ball match between the sophtísand íreshmen took place on the campus ' jiturJay, aud resulted iu a victory for the I jiiaef by tt score of 4 to 0. i -Divy Tobin ia again íeastiag at the exjpseof the county. He having been directed ,,,'ustice McMahon, on Friday last, to Btop :. Sheriff Cuse for ten days. Í,DiVe Heaiiing has astüblished his numerjjipple agencies and is ready to gather in ; i ippleB are oÉFured t'or sale. Apples dou't i rg i" VO' rapidiy this year. _A meeting of the members of Campany jittiie armory noxt Mouday evenmg. ïhe jjindauce of all members is wanted, aa imjljnt business is to be transajted. Postmaster Clark repórts that tho reprekii!tÍTesot the Smith family are quite numlMsainoiig the students, aud that 13 of them ■je already secured boxes at the postofh'ce. -Judge Huntiugton commencod holding jíOctober term of the Iugham County Ciriit Court ou Monday. The calendar coutains cases, amoug which are 14 applicatious for j - Hl' Lodholz, who keops a saloon in the ::ivarJ, on Friday last, before Justice I Jdl Plead gii'ty to a charge of violating f jiáimilay ordmance, and was fiued $10 and -M. S. Starr. formerly couuected with the ich Mimufacturing Company at Ypsilanti, ariiig established himself iu business at Ciuaati, removed his faniily to the lutter place it week. -The owuer of the lots in rear of Gregory I , oaed for the wood market, is building I lince srouud the sama. Cause: the Commou ioancil failud to renew the leuse for their use ;el purpotes. -Johu Frauk, of Saline, tells the ComjsiCouucil oi this city that Í1.OÜÜ will sottle 3 elaim for datnages recuived by reason of a jKpl&Dkiu the sidewalk uear Heiuy biui-fs premises, ou Main street. -Tliose young ladies of this vicmity who rtofailed to see " Sardanapulas " at the Opera loue last week, for the reason that they had wthmg to wear," missed an opportunity ol seing how others look that have nothing to „r, -ïhe clothier, Joe. Jacobs, started east for ,wds Monday, Oct. 3d. Look out for close ■.mprices, as the eastera market is quite dejs-od at present. He proposes to take advans of the same for tlio büuefit of his cuswrs. -The Lansiug liepublicaa says: ' Stale vator Buiieigh, of Ann Arbor, has sent the Kjffrisors oí the townahip ot HurLeigh, Iosco 6intj, a beautiful national flag, size 20 by 30 ttt The towuship wajj iiamad in honor of ííSeaator." -Theseini-aiinual couvention ot the State laneopathic Society was held iu tlus city, at .i's Hotel, oa Tuesday aud Wednesday oi „week. The society adjourued on Tuesday arauoti to atttnd tne lecture of Prof. Jones, aleUuiversity. -The Aan Arbor Scieutitic Associntion will lulitinext annual meetiug in the lawer lecl.iMraof tlie medical building next SaturW. ti), at 7 1-2 p. M. Prof A. Wiuchell l'i give a lecture on " Spoutaneous 'leuera1'-." No charge for adtnittauce. -The Lidies Library Associalion will hold SiSrst parlor reading of the seasou at the adem of Dr. Augeli, on Tuesday eveniög aUommencing at eight o'clock. lt is hopjere will be a large atteudance ot both j Jiiïand gentlemen. All are invited. -Tta "tie" in the Cominou Council, on 'iïqaestiou of repealing the saloon tax ordiwte.was braken on Monday evening. The pions for repeal fiuding two inembers tatoa account ot sickness, put the ordiwfoi repeal through by a vote of 7 to ü- -Uliíer L. Olds, who lives on Mosely street te Second ward, has left at this office a ispear, which he picked f rom a tree in bis Pn containiug many more of the same W Itmeasured 12 1-2 iuches in circumferfnd 13 1-2 iuches around it from stem to , wd weighed 19 ounces. -Thatcourtmartialof Lieut. Frank Joslin, Company i', First Eegt., State Troops, of 'fsiianti, for misconduct during the recent anpment at Jackson, did not come off on aiay, for the reasou that previous to the -;f trial he tendered the resignation of his ■amisaion aad was discharged from the ser-Hie inside wal Is of the basement story of -: stvr Court House are nearly all up. The ■"tone for the outside walls oi the basement "luriTed and are being delivered on the ?", the work of placing them being deW by the non-arrival of the boss stone The corner stone and iron joice have ■ ttrived. "TkeOctober term of the Supremo Court enced at Lansiug on Monday, with 114 188 o the docket. Tbere boing but two fom the Washteuaw circuit : Jacob 8. re ei al. Vs. John Starkweather, and W. Edwards vs. Allonez Mining ComJV' The latter is a case from tho Upper la which was tried n this city last -IL'. Jïhefact has been demonstrated that the Peach-growmg section of the State ia in Mámty of Ann Arbor. The peaches round here are of the finest quality PBaiid the highest pnce of any in the mar are sought after in the markets nf " i Jackson, and oUier places at a price 'oth 2 cents por basket over those grown "sections. A namber of new orchards ■"" set out uext spring. ndrew Pfeifle, a Detroit street saloonist Ifc ueitlier respect for the laws or the a"i, keeps his institutiou running when■' can get customera, and who sold the tolieo. Kellett, a few Suudoys since, ■"tasad Killett to commit his suvoral aale oa that day, was up before Justice J Ml n Monday, on a charge ot keeping ,._ oouopen on Sunday. He was üned ''■ A light let off. ""nembera of the military company 'city begin to think that it is high time e"ed their pay for services at the late i Pment atJackson. They say it is all f ce to hear general orders read at dress " llJ' oilicers with great titles attached r tiames, cougratulating the men for V'iieral proficiency and promptnesa with k e' wnt to camp, &c, and would uow rtholn)0rtU"Uy t0 co"8ratulate the raüitaií,f.'tles íor a prompt performance of Guties. - The " old Boss" of the Courier, last Thursday evening, 8neaked around, stole a copy of the ABUU3, ruad il, got mad, and then blubbored out in his paper the next morning at our bosa : " You're a liar." Nice conduct for the secoud Daniel Webster,-" s'fuis' that's concerned." Jacob Strieter, vvlio wandered away from his homo u Lodi, a few weeks siuoe, has turned up in the Detroit House of Correction. While in Wayne County he demanded somethiug to eat at a farm house and was retused, and thoreupon ho committod an assault on the inhospitable farmer. - Bob Blakemoro, the " ooon " who thought to help revolutionize the politics of this county last fall by killing off Democrats, he who made a savage attack upon a crowd oL persons in front of the Opera House who were shouting for Tilden, on the mght of a Democratie meeting, was arrested in Detroit on Thursday of last week. Aiter the assault he fled to Canada where he has remained until the evening of his arrest. He was brought back to ;his city on Friday last and is now a guest of Sheriff Caso at the county hotel. He will be equired to answer to the charge of assault with intent to kill.


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