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"dad's Financiering."

"dad's Financiering." image
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A farmers wagon, m which were seated a family of eight, yesterday drove up to a house on Beaubien street, and, leaving kis team at the curbstone, the farmer knocked at tlie door, drummed on the windows, and seemed determined to get in at every hazard. When all efforts had failed, he returned to the wagon, hitched his horses, and the family sat down on the grass to wait. A lad who had watched the performance passed around the corner and suddenly disoovered the boy whose parents lived in the house. "Here - you - there's a whole family trying to get into your house !" he shouted. "Hush- shut up !" whispered the other. "Bnt they are visitors," continued the other. " Don't I know all about it ?" growlec the hiding boy; "didn'tmam and I see 'em drive up, and didn't we scoot out o the back door as the feller came through the gate '? I'm here and mam's over in that house, and we feel like some one ought to boot dad all over town !" "Why? What aid your father do?' 11 Wliat ditl ho do ? Why, ho was ou ÍU the Mmatry buying povüiry and yags and lie stopped at a farm-house, made 'em believe be was a distant relashun, and got liis dinner for notbing. He eame liome and told it as a big joke, and be grinned around for a week, but now I want to see bim when be comes up to dinner and finds tbcm ' relashuns' squattcd around tbc gato! Do they sbow any signs of leaving?" "Nary sign," replied tbe otber as he climbed the fence. "Well, let 'em stick. Mam won't come borne, I'll be gone, and if tbis turns out a -Black Friday for dad it'll serve bim rigbt. Let's get where we can seo bis kneea wobble as be turns tbe corner and sees his distant relasbuus covcring balf an aare of ground !"


Old News
Michigan Argus