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The Elections

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Ohio indorsed the Southern policy and the civil service reform policy of Huyes, un TueBday ; indorsed, by electing Bish op, Democratie candidnte for Govornor and tho other Democratie State candi dates, by a uiajority of (rom 25,000 to .'$0,000 ; and by electiug a Democrati Legislatura - 40 or inore on joint bailo - insuring a Democratie United State Senator to suoceed Stanley Matthews Good enough for one day. Iowa went Bepublican, but by a great ly roduced majority. - - ■ ■ - - Tuk Indianapolis Sentinel is nittking an unnecessary attack upon Sona tor McDonald for tnaking, in advance of going to Washington, un nrrange ment to " pair " witU Senator Morton in oertain contingencies. So long a " pairing " is the rule at Washington and recognized as legitiman' by botl Senators and Representativos, there i uo sonso or justice in the criticisin upoi Senator McDonald, and there ig not the least reason for guspeoting that he i vreak-kneod or half-hoartod beoause o: the arrangement, lí good ser vice will be done by the Sentinel if its oaustic attack shall excite such public discussion as will lead to breaking down or up the wholu systetn of " pairing. We never could see good grounds for its existence. The absence from sickne3s or neceasity, laziness or drunkenness, oi one uiember, is no reason that another should Toluntarily refrain, or eren be excused, from doing his full duty ; and roting upon pending mensures from day to day, or hour to hour, is one of the most important of a member's duties. SrEAKlNO of the dofeat of the roman suffrago constitutional amendment in Colorado, the Lansing Jiepublican says : " Colorado, Kausas, aud Minnesota permit womeii to voto and hold office in school aiiairs ; lllinoi and Mussachusette permita them to hold school offices but uot to vote; Michigan permits them to vote in school meetings but not to hold offi e. Wyoming territory alone recognizea the full politica! eqality ot women in regard to Toting at all electiouB and holding any offices." Is n't the Repuhltatn a little mistaken 'n saying that women cannot hold school offices ia Michigan ? Ag we construe section 3,705 of the compiled laws women who are taxpayers are both both veters at a school meeting aud eligiblo to school di-trict offices. And our construction agrees with that of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who says in a note to the section retorred to (see edition of school laws for 1873, note to seo. 145) : " Any person twenty-one years of ae, three mouths a resident, and having property in his or her own right, hable to a school tax, of whatever nation, color, or ex, 19 a qualitiod voter, and ihijihh lo any dtstrict office. Is the Superintendent or the Iiep'Mican corteot ? The first number of the Detroit Vost and Tribune (consolidated) is to be issued on Sunday morning next, with L. F. Harter, business manager ; William Stocking, managing editor ; Chas. K. Backus and E. G. Holden, political editora, and the other members of tho staff drawn from the forces of the merged journals in about equal proportions. The eveuing edition of the Tribune is to give place to the Eoening Tdegraph (a two cent daily), with Louis J. Bates as managing editor, and William P. Fuller as telegraph editor. It looks just a little as though the Post men had got the better of the Tribune, in whioh case the now paper will not be a full-blooded supporter of Hayes and his policies.


Old News
Michigan Argus