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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NATIONAL SÏÏRGIOAL INSTITUTE. EXTRAOUDINARY OPrORTUNITY FOB THE ISEA8ED AND DEFOKME1). Two or more of the surgeons of the National Surgical Iimtiiutu of Indianapolis, Indiana, with ita three tjreiit división at Philadelpha, Atlanta, mil s.m Francisco, will make a professional vit tó Ann Arbor ou the lóth and liïth of October, '77, at iheGrcgory House. As tin is tho only viait which :hey will likeiy be able to mako away froin the [nttitute, the opportunity here oflered for beeing aud consulting them without a viflit to the Inatitute should uut be neglected. Thw visit is desiguated for the eco mmodnt ion and benefit of their old patients and all such new oih-w as delire treutraeut of the Instituto, yetare unable to afford the expense and time consequent upon the long joui - ney to Indianopnhtt, They will come fully prepred to trrr.u all cataeB of Club Feet Sptnal Uiscaae, Sip Dineaüe, DiHeades of the Jmnti. Chronic Dis caaes. Pemile diseases, Diaeases of tho Kye and -::ir, Panlsia. Pile, Fístula, Cutarrh and Private )i.-íoases, which Eire curable or oao be benefltted, s'tt case will bu tuken under treatme'it unlcss with a fair pros poet of recovery. All the atliicied are nvited. Consu Itutlon Fre. 1652 John W. Maynard HAS OPENED A 8TORB IN THKMcMAUON ItLOCK FOK THE SALE OF FINE &R0GERIES. THE BEST JÜIMJEiS ARE INVITEDTÖ EXAJIIXE QU ALITIES & PRICES. DTSFEPSIA I Permanently cured in evcry instance by the EAGLE DISPEPSIA TROCHES. They will ïmmediately correct a sour stomach, check vomiting and heartburn; cure sickness or pain ín the stomacb, costiveness, livcr complaint. headache, etc. Being plea.sant, safe and harmless, are asure cure for Infanta sufforing from weak stomach. Price, Thirty-Fïve Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDER. At all times safe, rel lablc, strictly Tegotable and tosteles, used by old and young with perfect safety. even when worms are not present. Kequires but onu dose 10 effect a cure. Price, 15 Cents per Package. Sold by all Druggists, or sent by Mail, on recefpt of Price. NEBEKER & CO., Prop's. 12tï ui ninrerth Sti.. FbiUdilpii, Pa.


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