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- The Ypsilanti Sentinel saya : " Until spring the business places will close at 8 o'clock every eveniug. - The citizens of Ypsilanti-have subsoribed a sufficient amount to build a tower in conuection with the new Normal School building. - The house of Stephen Moore. in the Fifth ward, with part of its contenta, was destioyed by lire on Friday afternoou last. Loss about $1,500, insured for 11,000. - C. F. Field, Superintendent of Schools for the town of Manchester, holds a public examinatiou of teachers, or perhaps of caudidates, to-morrow, Oct. 13. - Among the latest patents issued to inventora in Michigan is one to Wm. A. Benedict, of this city, for a earriage top, and one to John Buruham, of Milán, for a beehive. - The farmers flatter themselves that the severe frosts of Friday and Saturday mornlngs last took the vigor out of the fly and checked his ravages in their wheat fields. - That rain whioh carne on Sunday evening last, lappiug over into Monday, was very welcome : to all but masons aud builders whose jobs are not yet ready for winter quarters. - Mr. Jaycox, of this oity, who was injured some montha ago by falling down atairs at his residence on Huron street, was taken to the insane asylum at Kalamazoo, on Monday last. - The libel auit of Boae vs. Douglas haa been notioed for trial : and Beal is canvassing the county in the interest of an impartial jury. Or is n't that a fair and legitímate interpretation ot the meaning of hia speeches on and about Judge Huntingtou's decisión. - The Schuetzenbuuders have a shooting match at their park, on Mouday afternoonnext, with twenty-three chosen men on aach side, nuder the lead of Capt. Beahan and Gapt. Fred Bross. The members are requested to be on hand promptly at one o'clock. - Two fine places in this city have been Bold during the last week : the brick house of David Hemiing, corner of División and Liberty street8, to Uol. J. L. Burleigh, for 17,000 and the new house (wood) of L. C. Bisdon, cor" ner of Huron and División atreets, to Dr. Maclean, for $7,500. - Ia the Supreme Court on Tuosday, the case of Fanny E. Thatcher et. al. va. the Wardens and Vestry of St. Andrew's Church was aeciuea, me court amrming the judgment below, which was in favor of the churoh. Upinion by Juatice Marston. Wouldn't an opera house iudiguation meeting now be in order 't - Justice Beahan had Jake Eitelbus and John Cherry before him on Tuesday, - Jake ou a charge of beiug drunk and disorderly, and Cherry charged with assault and battery- having shaken Jake up in a right lively marnier. Sentenced to pay the costs or board 15 days each with Sheriff Case. Oflicer Brown has tbem in charge. - The Ypsilanti Commercial has this to say of the attendance at the recent fair in that city : " The first days of the fair it looked luspicious tor our western friends of the couuty society. It appeared as if we of the east had been sold. But Thursday and Friday dissipated the deluslou, and we had no cause for complaint." The Commercial says that the receipta oí the fair were over $4,500. - The Aegus readers who are the special triends of Dr. Eose, and who have taken stock ia the vindictivo attacks upon Judge Huntington and in the Irautic appeals from the legitimately constituted courts to the public are requested to read the article in another column from the Adrián Times, a journal which has from the first warmly sympathized with Dr Kose and earnestly esponsed his cause. - It may interest some of our readers to know that an application is iiow pending beiore (jot. Croswell for a pardon of Lewie Buah, formerly of Manchester in this county, who was coDvicted at the October term of the Circuit Court in 1876, oí the crime of forgery, and sentenced to the State Prison tor the term of three years. We learn that the pardon is recommended by Judge Huntington, by R. E. Ftazer, Esq., who tried the case as Prosecuting Attorney; by J. Willard Babbitt, present Proeecutiug Attorney ; by Hous. J. L. Burleigh, E. B. Norria, A. J. Sawyer, and E. P. Allen, members of the Legislatura ; by Hon. J. 3. Eobison, C. Walbridge, Esq., C. Joslin, hq., and by a large number ot prominent and lufluential residents of Manchester and Saline. - The Ladies' Library Association held its first parlor reading for the season, at the residence of Dr. Angelí, on Tuesday evening. The prevailing storm prevented a large attendance, but the exercises were excellent. Prof. Adims' read Emerson'a latest essay, f rom the North Americrn Review, " Perpetual Forces ; " Miss Chittenden, of the High School, recitad "Beautiiul Snow " and read " Sam Weller's Walentiue," doiug both in a manner highly creditable to herself and to the great gratifioation of her hearers. Miss O. spent most of her nimmer Tacation in taking lessona in elooution and reading ander a thorough instructor, md evideutly improved her opportunity. Dr. Angelí read Buchanan Bead's poem, "Autumn," and Prof. Walter closed the entertain. ment with a song.


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