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Personal And "beal."

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In purchasing the business and politics and pewi and church office of that good and great and learned man, Dr. A. W. Chase, our neighbor of the Courier seems also to havo purchaaed or inhentod the doctor's ways and methoda, his broad mantle of Ghristian charity, hia generous rivalry, and his brothsrly tolerauce of all men and women, churches and societies, who differed from him in thought, word or action, politics or religión. When the doctor was at the zenith of hia glory,- in the very condition of the frog who had swollen to nearly the size of an oí,- he graoiously gave ui his permission to leave the oounty and seek ome other place where we could earn a living or our Family. And now his heir and assign lays on the same wind instrument, and weeps nd wails (mere crocodile tears) over our nonuccoas in obtaining political prefennent or ilthy lucr, - never once imagining that an editor may have pohtioal principies that he didn't purchase and the persistent advooacy of which may not give fame or fortune ;áthat ha may be attached to a party and not own it ; or that it is even possible for him (without being a coward) to recoguize the right of others, in his party or out of it, to differ from him without traduoiug them in his columns. We eurvived the inflated career of Dr. Chase, and we hope, Frovidence permitting, to go on in our humble way, earuing an honest living, deapite the howlings of Dr. Beal, who brands every citizen "toady" or " ariatocrat " whose independence does not lead him to conaider it his misaion to personally abuie or villify all the world or the rest of mankind " who may disagree with him or Beal (eapecially Beal's onemies) upon any question public or private, and every man as pauper whose bank account is ahorter than his own. - In this connection, and once for all, let the readerB of the Argus and the public ot all shades of opinión understand, that the personal, low, and rile attack made upon us is made for these reasons: that for eighteen months or more we have refused (as do all leputable journals in like cases) to espom the cause of eitlier party to tha laboratory case ; that we have refused to join Beal in a crusade agamst one of the parties ; that we did not beheve in the necessity for a legislativo investigating committee, or that the report of suoh a committee could bind tmyone, and disapproved of the mauner ol oonducting such iuvestigation . and beoause we have held froin the fitst that in the courts was the place to determine th9 rights of all parties- as in other cases. Aud at the last we ventured to censure the denunciation of Judge Huntiugton by Mr. Beal, aud dared to condemn, in severe but deserved term8, his appeal to the public- the court of the demagogua- instead of to the dame Supreme Court which he had once almost deified for being intelligent and houest enough to decido an important suit in his favor,- Jus test of both competency and honesty. ïhis is tho whole of our offense. We eaid once for all, because we cannot afford to fill our columns week after week with the laboratory case, or with a personal controversy with Beal. We can furuish our reader5 matter of more general iüterest. We shall' however, feel it a duty to defeod ourself when necessary and when silence shall cease to be a virtue, in anticipatiou of which emergency we waru our cotemporary that his armor is vulnerable at more than one poiut.


Old News
Michigan Argus