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State News Brevities

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On the fair ground at Nileg, Octobor 6, Perry Haskius, of Royalton, dropped ilead while eating gupper. The residenca of Hon. V. P. Collier (ex-Regent) was burglarized dunug Friday uight laat, and money and wearing apparel appropriated. Last Friday night five men nterod the First National Bank of Cassopolis.tied J. Osborne and Lon Hoon, who were sleeping there, and then blew open the outer door of the vault with nitro-glycerine. The explosión was neard by Johu Tiotsort, wbo ran out of bis house and was soen running up tho middle of tbo strout by the picket outside the bank. The burglarg ran off and uothing more was soeu of them. Thero was $10,000 in the vault. Thy left aoomplete set of tools, souie rubber tubing, steol bars, and six calía of powder. They askod Osborae if the shoemaker who slept next door 3Íx weeks ago was gtill there, and on being told no, they said " none of your lying,' and went and knooked in a window to seo. They were evidently men who had watched un opportunity for weeks. In excavating at the House of Correotion grounds, Ionia, tbe worktnen unearthed a petrified log of wood about three feet in length. One eud shows the marks of the ax plainly, and on the edges, whero the petrifioation is not complete, the wood and bark orumbles in the hand. Two young men froui Berlín, Ionia County, sold a stolen load of wheat in Loweü on the lst, and with the money reoeivod, $57.19, attempted to get out of town, but were ohased and oaptured by an officer trom Baranac, the aame day. The wheat and the team that drew it to Lowell were stolen frotn Mr. Frank Randall, of Berlín, an unele of tho youag men. The officer who eaptured them got $50 for his trouble. The cost of supporting the poor of Etist Saginaw last year wag about $9,000. The annual report of the director of the poor of Bay City is just published, and it shows that the oost of supporting the poor of that city during the year ending September 30, 1877, inoluding the salary of tbe direotor of the poor, was $1,039 41, being a decrease of $892 74 from the previous year. Dr. Snook inform us that in an autopBy whioh he held a few days ago upou a child who had diedof diphtheria, he found that death wag caused by a clot upon the huurt, the result of the disease, the clot forming after the ohild had begun to oonvalesce. Tbis is a rery rare ocourrenoe, but is said to be the second authenticated case whioh has rcently transpired here. - KaLimoMO Telegraph. Fifty years ago the first towuships in Lenawee County - Teoumseh, Logan and Blissfield, were organized. At that time these three townships einbraced all Leuawee and llillsdalu Couuties. Hillsdale County was located iu the township of Logan. Miss lVrkina, adopted daughter of Barber Perkins, of Coldwator, waa the first child to enter the State School, the first one indentured, the first indentured child who bas diod, and was almost invariably first in her classes whilo in thiU institution. The salt shipments of the Michigan Salt Association to Octobar 3d were 849,665 barrels. Complaint has been made against one Samuel Samsou, a wealthy farmer re8iding iu the township of Argentino, Genesee County, chargiug him and his three suns with prostituting the person of his niece, a young girl about tliir toen years of age. The most disgusting feature in the caso is that his wife is sivid to have full knowledge of and gavo hor oousent to the horrible crime. ■uS SfeMlttVt (ió'iifraïïtin i.ho of Lm. is, and garimbeed Treaauror Buck, who had $800 gáte money. This proven ted the paymeut of premiums, thereby uuosiug eJwiteuient amoug exhibitois. Eugeue Roberts, of Lansing, has siuid N. L. Cooley, au old farmer, for ,fL2,()0() damages, upou a uhargu of adultury with his (Huberus) wife.


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Michigan Argus