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- Of the -55 students received last year on [iploma, 29 carne from the Anu Arbor High School. - Tlie students had a rush at the postónico on Tuesday eveiúng last, and afterwards on he campus. The least said about it the better. - The students of the Medical department are to be represented on the Chronicle, as mere lepartnieut itemizers, by T. E. Taylor, J. C White, and Richard W. Corwin. - A complete history, in eighteen volumes, of the voyage around the world of the Aus,rian írigate Novara has been received at the Jniversity library, the gift of the United States Minister at Vienna. - The Medical department seniors have Lected the following officers for the current year: President, V. C. Vaughn, of Ann Arbor ; Vice-President, A. M. Beid, of Pennsylvania : Secretary and Treasurer, G-eorge W. Spencer, of Ohio. - The Law department juniors elected their lass officers on Thursday evening of last week, as follows : President, J. E. Richards, of Calitornia ; Vice-President, J. C. Slaybuck, of Ohio ; Secretary, G. M. Thompson : Treasurer, William ti. Mcürorty. - Prof. TenBrook appealed to the Rugente ast week for reinstatement ns librarían, but a deaf ear was turued toward hun and a cesoution adopted requesting Mr. Davis tu enter upon duty at once. Miss Farrand has been cting as librarian since Ootober 1. - Hou. Einory A. Storrs has notifled the officers of tlie Students' Lectura Association hat he caunot flll his engagement for to-morrow evening, and Wedneeday evenin next ïas been tixed upoo as the date of his lecture. o subjectis named in the bilis posted. - The Freshman cluss has elected the folowing officers: President, Frank C. Robbins, of Ohio ; Vice-President, Nellie Colman, ot Ann Arbor; Secretary, Charles St. Johns; Veasurer, Schuyter C Ixraves, of Rrand Rap ds; Foot-ball Captain, W. L. Leggett ; Committee on Seal, Messrs. liowen, Pratt, and St' ohns. - The Senior Lyceum of the Medical defartment has the following n'w offleers : Presdeut, E. Olin Kinne, of New York ; Vice?resident, James S. Herries, of New York ; Secretary, Edgar D. Lewis, of Ontario ; Treasurer, Absalom W. Jones, of Ann Arbor ; Excutive Committee, John L. White, W. H. itiller aud Arthur L. Worden, all of Ann Lrbor. - On Tuesday next, according to notice duy entere:! and served, motion will be made or a rehearing in the laboratory case : that s in that brauch of it tried before Judge Huntngtou- thö accounting between Dr. Dougas aud Dr. Rose. In order that our readers may kuow, or have soine means of guessing t, how many errors it is possible for a judge ;o commit in deciding a case, we copy in anther place the list of errors assigned by counel. RED KIBBONS. - Judge Cheever's address at the Opera louse on Sunday afternoon last was very long )ut a good one, The duty and work of the tiurches were discussed. - D. Cramer, Esq., is to address the Dixboo Red Ribbon Club on Sunday evening next - R. E. Frazer, Esq , speaks at Foster's on unday evening, and on the foltowing Sunday vening at Dexter. - Dr. Hartley and Dan Amsden addressed ia Lodi Club on Sunday evening last. - The mass meeting at Whitinore Lake on aturday afternoou last was a good one. lifton Hall was well filled, and R. E. Frazr, Esq., made one of his best efforts. - Rev. Dr. Haskell will address the Reform Club of this city, at the Opera House, Suuay at 3 1-2 o'clock p. m. - There is to be an amateur minstrel perbrmance at the Opera House this evening, for (ie benefit of the Reform Club. - A Reform Club dance uext Tuesday evenng. Managing Committoe : Chas. Boylan, . Q. A. Sessions, N. R. Wateiman, D. E. )oane, and Robert Cuthbert. ABSENT-MinDED. - During the rain-storm on Mouday last, an editor aud a lady met in a meat market. Each carried an umbrella. The ditor beiug served first, trudged off with oth umbrellas. Wheu the lady started for ïome she discovered her umbrella to be missing. Some will doubtless be uncharitale enough to think that this editor purpoaely ook this umbrella, but beiug well acquainted with this man, we kuow tbat he lias, aud probbly will continue to do mean things, but we mow that he would not De guilty of stealing n umbrella. It was a clear case of absentmindeduess. - Courier. A pretty good joke, that'safact; but then s the editor discovered lus own mistake and urned back with the umbrella after going a ew rods, it was not quite so pronounced a case f " absent-mindededness " as another local ditor exhibited a fewjuionths ago, when he lired a hvery horse and carriage, drove to the epot, tied his horse to a post, got into a hack nd rode up to his palace home, - some editora re rich, - and forgot all about the poor horse which was left to feed upon post-meat for a umber ot hours : all night if our memory erves us aright. That was " absent-mindedess " for you. R" Coma to the Arqus Office for your Leter Heads, Note Heais, Bill Heads, and Statements.


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