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THEllrand Jury of Palerson, N. J., have icdictcd all the officors of the Merchants' Loan aud Trust Company for conspiracy in removing tho assets of the bank after it farled Col. John V. Fornev hm raid the rhiladelphia Press for 180. 000. Col. W. W. Nevm is the purchaser The remanís of thcgallaiit Custrr f werd iuterred at West Point, N. 1'. on the Hth lust. About 2.000 propio were in attendnncr, and tho fnnei:1.! cciiinonies were quite im P3sing. A yrisTiojr of executive privilege has come up in connection with tho investigaron by the - Pittsburgh Grand Jury of the f acts and circumstancos of the Jnlv riot. Subponas have been aerved upon varlona State officials, iucluding Gov. Hartrniift. commandhig them to nppoar and trslify. They have :,■■:, lil to disebev the BommoDS, advfeed tliereto bj tho Attñrmy Gi-uiral, and tho Giaud Jury' thiroupon hu's asked that thoy hu adjudged giiüty of contompt atueompolied to appear and givc tcstimony "ïl.iamC. Gilman, the extensivo íorger óf insnrance scrip, pleaded sruilty in a New York conrt, and was tenteneed to fivo years iu the Stato prison. The amonnt nccessary to proenre the transportation from Kgypt of the obelisk prosentcd by tho Khedive to tbe city ot New York bus bom. mibsmbod. Tho monument ia the com paiiion and counterpart of Cleopatra's Needie and wilïeost èlUÜ.OOÜ to brfng over. ■rn.rc wkst. Axmost the entiro buRincsu portion of the village of Vucaville, Solano connty, Cal., together with a ïiumber of resideneeg, has beon destroyed by fire. TJie loss aggregatos uia ivar# of 6100.000. ... The r-ported carnings of tweniy-four Western railroad oompaniea during tbe month of September aggrogatc 88 li.i 978 agwuitt 7,13fi.H72 (torhisi the bowspondin" inonth last yoiir. Thu inj-canc t tl,8n7.lwi. "bc grt'atcat inercasr was in tht' cariiings nf the Cliicago, Milwaukee and st. Paul road Nmo of tho twenty-fonr roads suffcred a decrease as compared wiUi tUo saniu uiouUi in TTCXTTfW for fiirthering the improvement of the uavigation of the Upper Missisri ver ivas in sessiön nt St. Paul last iveek. llcaolutiouB ulopted tirKin upon Congross thc necessity of an appropriation i'iifficicnt í'lll:i' "ud navicatioii from ihe falls of &{ Anthony to thc Gnlf of Mexico, and indorsing Ulfi bmldiug of levees by the General Oovern.wiaein ni.... Ihe Chicaso papers enromóle the (leath of Daniel OUara, a prominent piüzen and loading Democratie politician. A srN-orr.AiíLY horrible tragedy wa enaded in a Chicago hotel a fow days ago. A man nnmed J. 5r. Glarldcu, haiíing írom lowa, ninrdeiyd a married woman, tho wife of one ISvü, with whom he liad been criminallv intimate, by eutting throat, and theifended lis own hfo by the samo meang. . . .The KausM wty rimes statcs that gravé doubt exist as to lic Ruilt of Joel Collins, who vas nccntlv kükd as ;uo of the Union Pacifio U'ain robK-rs aml bu fathur, a wealtby oitizon of DalJas, lesas, has employed counsel t luTestigate the matter. It is claimcd that Collins could riot have been present at the train robbery tliat lie was refnrning from tho Black Hillt. ■nhore he had sold a ilrove of cattlc Tor $20 (00 and lis conduct when cajitured is accoi'nted ou the hypothesis that he upposed ho had fallón iu thc hands of robbers, and was detcrïnined to resif t to tho end. ANOTHEiiof tho Union Pacific train robbers . has been an-ested in Callaway county, Mo. His amo is James Berry... .Mihvatikee telegram i " J. Jt. ]!i„ekley. Assistant Attoruev tr.meral of the United Stetes under President eJohnson and ho bas resided in thin citv for a yëat and a half prt, has disappoared mysteriously Hia mental condition for severaldavs past has excited some apprehension." THE SOUTH. Fourteen tobáceo manufacturen, indicted in the United States Circuit Court at Grccnsboro, N. C, for reissuing, altering, forging nnd eoimterfeiting tobáceo Btamps, have plead3d guilty. Tire cotton erop at tho South this soason will fa!l soznewhat short of last year. Picking is progresaing rapidly, except in Mississippi. in which Stato considerable damage has been dono by torras. Tbs yield is estimated as follows : In Lom.-iana, 25 per cent. less than last year m Missisáppi. lo per cent, less in Arkansas jt compares favorably with last vear and m Texas thc decrease wiU be about 25 per Mott and six revenue officers recently made a raid oq tho moonshiuers in Bnrke eounty, N. C. captured two illicit disti lers and a large amount of crooked whisky While returning with their bootv they were attackcd by the mountaineers, and" all but one woBuded. GKiKRAL, The barge P. C Williams, was driven asbore. during the galo, at Leiuníngton, Out. Tho Captain, tour men, and a wonian wcro drowned. F.vii.tüirs : The Pioneer Lruid aud Loan Bauk, of San Francisco, liabüities $1, 113,000, aiwets nil ; the Franklin Saviugs Bank, of Piltfburgh, liabihties 2(J0,000; the German.a" liank' of Q"1, I-, üabiUtiej A Nkw ïork dispateh informs us that " the railway comjmnies have advancíd ratea on wostward froigUts 33X percent.". . . .Asteamer sailed from York for London, the other m day, with 100 sione-cuttors on board. These men go ont under a year's contract, at Od per hmr. Another company of 100 is soon to folluw .. ..Thc storm of last week was 'the most destruetive experiKoood for ycars on J-kIKo ,ne. Aunierous wrocks are reported ji inany ïustanocs ac;ompanied by loss of hh-. ... .Niles G. fturker, ex-State Treasnrer of boiitli (BTulma, bas been arrested in Jersej City and lortRcü iu the connfy jail on a rcnnis-itioi from Oov. Hampton, of Soiith Carolina, chare ing hmi wUh plundering tho State. He says he is willing to liu-n State's evidence. i:iniA:i).s PiKr.iiM-oN-r, United States Jlininicr to the Coiu t of St. James, has tenderod bis resiguation. ÏYrso;? (Arizoua) telegram : 'A most scriona ai.d Uuwateiring otate of aiTr.irs -xU.s at El Pafo, Texas. 508 entiro lower portion of JÍJ county ia in posseesion ol tho mob, aud American thronghout the cóunty have abandonad thtir homes and lied fco j;i l'ïmo foi safety. JrwJge Howanl, who killed Louíb Cordis, Kueccedod in maWug Ui escape to Jfessilu, whtre lic still mtiaiu. GortÜs is said to havo bc the loader of tho inch, wlio are all more desperate atod threaU -.iiin;; in conscquencc of lus dcaüi. A largo nnmber of outluws m encamped naar tbc county-seat ïiiev doolare tney will flKht tho troops if the lat tor attempt tu niko arrests. Judge Blaker i en route lrim Ifort Pluvis with troops to restore order." A Wasíunoton telegram to ího Chicago' Triixnii-a;, ys : "Aulndiaua geiitleman pi promini-m-(!vlio has aviived here rays tlmt Senator Jloítoa can novor again como to Wafchüigton ïle yivet; Ihe followmp description of his presi-nr cnn.utjoii : With tho exception of Blicht aclivity ui lus .-urins. Senator Morton's IjckIv is practically dead below the cIud, and it is ith dimculty that iicuirishmcjit of any kind ean lic . admmiettred to him." The uick "Senator va removed laat week from Itichmond to Indianoiolia. WASHINGTON. A New Yohk dispatch sayn "the now Rehedile of freight ratos on all Wostera-'bound traflic, m ftgieed to by all tho railroad line, abolil!. s all Rjiccial classes, whieh are morgcdinto the fuiu-th claes. Tlie rates nstahlislifcd are on aaiiairig ten!,;, aluj w;ii „hortiy lo im-reased, as Ihcy wero not lixed for any dotinito periód. Aniciigtho K]ecmlinRtraction"stofreight agent au ■ tlmt ao,üoo ponnds will coustituto a earload, nnless othtrwiiie specilied. and isbore Hpwial clam-rateB arè made on articles or caroí. „ ' f -v muat bo i'Jerstood to men 20,000 iKumds or moro cf eaoh artiele naroed and freight mnst he delivcrcd on the same day a:id be all for ono consiguee." The latest .specu'afioua about Amr-rican Ministers abroad keep George P. Marsh in Italy, and Mr. Moran in Portugal. The Bslgian and Venezuelan mi.isio.iH, it i intiniated, aro to be filled !)_v new men, and Collector Artbiir, of New York, ia said to be on tho slate for a thirdclafls 11 jpfiion. Iue President and several mêmbere of the ('ilmi.f atto:ided tlio Slaryland Fair, at Fredrick, bint week. I '■ -J.I ■Mr.cs Dkoano, formerly Sccretary of the Interior, was caned in thentrcetsof WRshJQgton, the olher day, by ex-Judgc Wright, of ïndiaruv. Wright, it seems, wa indioted for fraiul nomo yenrs ago, Rnd attribute-f bis illfortnne to llelano. . . . Gen. McMillan, of I.oni-i;ma, ban bccri appoioted Pension Agent for tho (onsolidated agencies for the Somhvrest. with neaaqnarters at New Orleaus, succeeding Isbel (colored), whobe bond was defectivo 'I he atlimjUKtration wül do its utmost to secnre an appropriation of at, lenst $200,000 for the purposes of the París Expoí.ition. The deficiency of tho Navy Department isibont Y2,000,000 ; that of the Department of Jmtice about $250,000 Secretary Schprz asks for 33,000 to repair tho damago sustained at (he Interior Department by the re centfire. Tjd: Democratie fanons for the nomination of oificern of the Housfi of KepreBentatives was huid on evening of Satnrduy. Oi-t. 13. Iliester ('lynicr. of Pennsvlvania, " siui:i'. FortheKpeakership, Kandali.S.ivYr :.:;, i were noininated, tho namos oí' M. Cox havmg been previously withdrawn fröm the contest. Raudall received the nomination on the first ballot, the voto standing : Bandall, 107 ; Goode, 23 ; Sayler, 12. The caneus made the nonn'nalion unanimous. John G. Thompson, of Ohio, was renominated for Kergeant-at-Arms by aeclamation. Adams was renominated for Clerk on the lirst ballot. Thcre wrre threc ballots for Doorkeeper, resulting in the chuioo of Col. Polk. of Missouri. J. M. Stcwart, f Vitgiuia, wasnoininated on the firsfc ballot for rê-olcetion a Fostmastcr. Itev. Dr. Poisel, of tha Southern Methodist Church, was nominated for Ch&plain. POLÍTICAS. The Democrats have carried Ohio by a mgjority of about 25,000, and securcd a májoriíy in Ute Legislatura of abont forty on joint ballot, which iusurciaDuuiOürr.lio United States Senator in place of Stanley Matthcws In Iowa the Kepublieau niajorityia butween 40,000 and 50,000, and flic regislaturo largely Repubhcan. A large meeting of New York Republicana, callod for the pui-poae of indorsing President Ilaycs, was held in Cooper Instituto one night last weuk. Pn.r. Dwtoht, ( Columhia Law School, presKkd. Ooorge WiUiain Curtís was the principal speaker, lit-solutiona strongly indorsing the national adininistration wer'o adoptcd. Tuk Iiepublieaiis of the Black Hills recently held a delegato convention at Deadwood, ohose E. C. Brearly a delégate to Washington, and adoptod ri-Kolnliono indorsing the national adminUtration The Iiepublioan State Coraffiittee of Georgia lia disbandeil. At a meeting óf th' Gorman and Indopondent CitiziMis1 of New York city, the other day, it was resolved that both the cinocmtie and HepubHcan Htare ticket; were unworthv of support, and tho following ticket was put up : of State, John C. Churobil] : Oomptroller, Prederiok P. Alcott; Preaflurer, WitliamL. liostwickr Attomey Oeneral, GranAllle Tïwnain; Stati; Kügiü.xr, J!. i io;ir, Jr. THE TUKKO-IÏUSSIAN WAK, A special correspondent vrith the P.ussiaus in Asia telegraphs from Karajal that Mukhtor 1'afhi liaitvacuated liiüjxwition Kizil Tcpo, which was. taken from tho Knssians a few ironths npo, and aïso Subata. In an cfticial telegram from tlio Rnssiau hoadirnarters it is paid to have been In cónHeqnence of operations on the 2d and Sfl nat, and tüo occupation of new positions by the Kussian ü-ooib, that the Turks abandoned most of tlieir positions and conuueneed retreaÜDg. Anotuf.k battlc iras fonght near Kars, in Asia, on the lOth iust. The Turks claim to hare repiüfed the Rnsdans with disastrous joBReS ...The Turks have again revictualed Plevua The inclcmout wcjillier aad lack of clothiDg i-; cauaing great mortality in the lïissian rauks... Anather Turkten monitor bas been blown up by a torpedo in the Danube Kusi-ia bas undortaken to pay Servia l.OOO.ÓÖÖ rubíes monthly from tho tiniü the Servían armv is sent to the frontier. A COBRE8F0NHENT with the Ozarowitz's head'iuarters in Eulgaria telegraphs as follows: " Tlie sevore storm of cold wind and rain which bogan a week ago still contiuuesj The camps are hierally lakes of mud. AU roads aro impraoticable, exce])t tlie highway botween Biela and Rustchuk. The suffuriug"of tho soldiers is iudescribable. No preparation has been made for winter weather. The Czarowitz. it is faid. considers it impossiblo to winter" bis army in Bulgaria unless Rustchuk or oome other fortress' uurrenders." The Geshoff brothers, Euglish merchants at Pliilippopolis, who were sentenced to death by a Turkish oourt-martial, have had their punishment conimuted to simple banis hment. Tue stretigth of tho armies in Bulgaria is thought to be about equal. Each ie bolieved tohave about 200,000 men The Czar iwi decreed that every soldier may be promoted a commiRSiortcd officer for distin'guished services on passing the usual cxamination. Teleghams from Sistova give favorable accounts of the Rnssian preparation for a winter campaign. ast stores of cornand forage have been laid in at the depots along the roads, but the mud is frightful. Ou tho road two miles EOuth of the Simnitza it takes eight horseii and tweuty nion pushing bdhiud to get a light wagon through. The railway from Fratesti to Simnitza is progressing rapidly Deserters from Plevnn report that OsmanPasha"s army is destitute of clotbing and ammunition. and. scantily provisioneel. The men and oflicers we tired fighting and suffering, and disposed tó surrender A con-espondent at Cettinje reports that the bulk of the Montenegri-i army has been dismiS3ed to sow the crops. OBNKRAL FOKEION NEWS. r+1 Spencbb, late Preuidont of the State Savings Bank of Chicago, whose wüereabouts for a long time were unknown, bas turned ati in Paiis, where he is living in stylo at the Hotel do llivoli. T Soutu Amehicam adrices report the death of Henry Meigga the great railway buildcr. Iluiggs was a nativo of New York, and Ctí years . ld. In 1370 ho contracted with Peru to build six raüways fov 12r,000,000, and was engaged in complfting the last of them when prosti-atcd by Bickness It is stated in a Londoii Iipatch that all immodiate apprehensions of f:uiiine in Northern India nxt ycar lias pafsid away, thongh high prices and some préssiffo on the poor will reniain until the spring erop is asoured A tenible mine explosión, resulting in the death of forty persous, has occurrcd iii Iancashire, EDgl.ind. A Pabis telegram saya that " Gambctta naa been sentenccd to tbree montlis' impiisonment and to pay a fine of 8800 for placardiug bis recent address to the doctors of his arondissoment. The printer of the addrens was sentenced to lirtccn davs' btfprisonnient and tonav a line of Y100." " ünk Bedel, claiming tn bo au American citizen, remlered himself conspicuous in the Frenen electoral contest, was oxpeüed from the country by order of tho Government, and has Rougnt reparation through the American lecation at Paris. Tuk elcction ín Franco for members of üie (ïhamber of Deputies bas resulted in a t-inal victorj' for tbu Ilepublicaus, who havo Miéceeded in ucimriiiij a fair working majori.tyJ It remains to be secn, howcver, whother the Marshal-President, baeked as ho is by all the monarchical and anti-liepublieaii i lamtnts of lbo naliou, will tubmit gracefully lo the people's verdict A lañe private bank in Vienna, Austria, h.'is failed, with Uabilitios o) El, 500,000.. ..War is threateiicd bctwoen Great Britain and Afgbanistau A Berlín dljputcn uays tliu total fosees bj tlie failure of lbo iiittersehattliclio Bank, of Sletun, will probably amount to over 15,000,000 marks A terrible galo swept over England, Irclaud and Scotland on tho nigbt of tho 14th inst., doing immense damage to property on land and soa.


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