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Proceedings Of Congress

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Monday, Oct. -Bésate.- Senators wen early in thcir places; and the nsunl bunt'.e attendmg tho opening of Ulc nebion pruvaüed. . . .Tht oath nf ollico wa idniinistcrcd to Stanley Matthowe (Ohio), elcuted in the place of John Shercuan, rcsigutd ; J. Don Gaineron, in placo of Siinon Caiuerou, resigned ; and 1). H. Arniotronj;, who wan appoiutcd Ircni Miaeouri, vico I.. V. Bdgy, de eeaped ■ lifter which the Scnatc adjourned. HorsK.- The House was cailctl to order by CIcik Ad.ims promptlyat 12 o'clock. The roll of merobers by States was called, hrginning with Mino. When IXHimiana was réaheI, the C'lfrk said tiiai Ihria M of returns lia.l bc ]-i-c"ivoi from toa! s:ii-_u,!. lir-it Rignfd by John McKnfry. As Mr. HcEncry wan nevpr recognizcd nu a defacto Governor tlio certificaten signed by him wouid ni( bc omsideiva The Reeimrl set w;ih siín-tl l.y W. I'. Tvellogt?, aucï r.:: liod the Clerk at different tunea and bv different rhunneln. In regard to the lsHer, Clerk Adams aiil that the certifieateü i:ned -vere not in eompiianie wiili the laws o J.ouisiana, and therrintê not projier eredentialq. Tie conitl not rt-cogniJq then or put the nanies of memberH holding ripMT certi fleste on Ihe roil. The third net wan sighed by F. f. NiehoÜK, aa Govornop, iras in l: and in mcordanoe with the laws of i„..n;siana, nnd the nanies of the meuiberp holtlmp tlio eertificateB nigniii by Nicholls had !■ ■ i( feifi on tlic rails. "WTieu (Colorado "wa ifeached Adauis eaid lm hail excluikd (lie ti:uues of tléeen. B-liord and PattersOD, both olaünlog scala from ttat Btote Ihere were uta mcuibcis )resent. Samiial .1 Ran(lall ni electÊd SpoaSej, rocoiviag HO votan tu 132 for .limes A. aarfleld. Tlrf oath of ofhee was tómlnittered to the S.jeaRer v.ho tlnn admlnisterca the o:i(h to tl.é meinbera. Mort of the Koltthern meinbcr 'ook the nnallfled oalh. Objectlóu was made lo swearinc Ju CalU and Rainey, of South Carolina; BarrelJ iam and Roljorton, of Lontsiana. una Paclieco oi' California, an'i thowe menibers stoo'l aeide The delegatea for tho Torritt dï.sorn in without objection. Mr. Clymer oWercÖ ;t r;esohition cjecting is ("K-rk, Georpe M. Adams, of Kentucky ; Ser- ;j,:l at-Arm, John G. Thompson, of Ohio; Doorkeeper, John w. Polk, of Missouri; PogtmaKter, .Jamos M. sf-wart, of Virginia; and aa Chapiain, tlie Ri;v. Dr. John Poteel, cf JTaryland. Mr. Hale 1 ;ui aiiiiïitliüt ut subatitxiting for thef c ñames thoae ol .teremiali M. Rusk, of Wioonaili ; K. ö. Ordway, of New Hampshire ; Horaee H. arrinon, of Tenneneo ; Henry STherwood, of Michigan : and Uie Rev. .1. G. Bntlrr, of ITashlQgtoti. The amendment was rejeeted, nnl the rcKOlntion adojiteil witliont a ttivision. The oath of office w;us tUen ridiiiu;istered to ttiese offtcers, Messrs. Polk and Stewnrt taking the modified oath Afti-r Iho drawinauf seats by the rueinbers the House adjoiuneii. A Tkoy speculator in rnilroad tickets must have made lurge profits. Ho got the tickets by breaking ipU) railroad Btotions.


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