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The Ohio Victory

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The Deniocracy of Ohio send glad greeting this morning to the National Deniocracy, and proudly lay upon the Democratie altar, as their nobly-eamcd and joyfnlly-tondered gift, thoir garland of evcrlasting, the Empire State of the West. Wc sound tho loud timbrcl tliis morning, and send the glad tidings to more thau 4,000,000 of Democrats in the land tb at yesterday lrtid securely the foundation of permanent Democratie dominion in the Union. Thrcc huudred thonsand Ohio Demócrata have fought the batüe bravely and have won a glorious viotory, whose far-reaching and benplifcnt roBiilts cannotbe hpmmed in by the border lines of any State, and will not cease with this generation of men. We have feléctéd onr State ticket and chosc'U a Democratie Legislatura, and CdWteá the eounty of Hainilton for nearly or quit; the whole of our ticket. Mr. Bishop is probaoly elected by a plurality of 20,000 votes. The Democratie m:ijority in the Legisla ture eannot be stated exactly, but it is easily Democratie. The líepublican vote, as v;e predicted it would, has fallen oiï iargely everywhere, while the Demócrata have brought out ncarly their vote of last vear. It has not been a battle between load ers; it has been the more significan struggle between ideas. The Kepubli eau party, plethorio with ili-gottcrj spoilrt, kingly by a patronage which nothing but lofty patriofism anti intelligent suffrago ean resist, appeared before the people of the State pleading for a popular pirfectiug of the Presideutia titlo, and au indorsement of the lieturning Board method of choosing Pre?idents as a precedent; and Ohio - Haves own State indignantly refnses, iuthe náine of eivil li'oerfy, to müly her lips with the atrocions verdict. The DemocrutK of Ohio, tanghï last Kavember, 01 last March, alinost to believe that suffrage was au empty banblc, whieh fraud, in the name of law, eould at any time dash to atoras, with heroic hate, sometiuies ■ sublime passion, swore a lasting revenge at the polls for the wrong that was done, and made one page in ourhistory glow with the record how that oath of hato wats kept. ïhis waR the nature of onr battle against odds, and the signiticanee of tho triumph innst be mcasred by these facts. The fruits of tlie victory are the permanent possession of this pcople's roalm. This is Ohio's gift to the Uemocraey on this continent. Men s:vw iu 187.'! the iiower of 817 Oliio votes. The pioplc's brimch of the Congress foltbwed ; a majority of States swept into line ; bilt tiiat triumph was not píete. It was the tírst soft snnny diiy thut annonnces the breakicg up of winter and tlic noiselcss coining of the spring-timc. iSoiiio shivering days werc 'nevitably to be iaropped down atter wrd, but tli e slimmer was surely to come wheu all the yalleys, like yasc basins, should be filled with golden suushiue ns witli wiue. The Ohio idea has couquCred at last, and lastingly. The ïull srnnmer of power is at hand. T h lojig dominion of the national DemociMlic party is secured. Ivot oaly tliis, luit Oliio herself is litted to a place of command in oiir national affairs. She sits between the lake and the Ohio, empresa of oui politics, witli the assurance of loug-cojitinued power. She has eavncd the latiréis of the laad in the great couueils of the party, and her bugle note from October to October through thn rolling years will marshal the Status to the prolonged and kindly sway of the true Democracy. 8he lias redëeined herself, add, in so doing, has r.'ilfi ■ineii the nution aiidgivon it baekto the i)cmofrntie idea in -wliieh it 'n'aseonceiyed, born, baitizcd, and in which its ïobiist yonth and anrly mauhood wero nurtiued. Ohio will preséntly seud auothei- Deiuocintio Senator to ton, worthy to wear the mantle, and Ohio's real voice "will be hcard in the higlier braneh of Congress.


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