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7?i.i ij the f nest Liniment in the ivorld, tnti :■. 7 posilivey cure in almost evtry case. Price $1.00 per lottle. JOÏÏNSCM, HOLLOWAY & CO , SI'ECIA T, AOHyTS, SViiladelpAia, PRICE, 85 CEKTTS. Joiinston, Holloway & Co., Spocial Aeents, Fbilsd'a. f-i EORQB W. CBOP8ET, Late of the Arm of Clark a Cbosev, and A. Kkarnky, hite of Texas, under tUe ftriu Dame of KEAKNEY & CROPSEY, Hare esiabllsbed thenjaqlyo at No. :s:t Souiti 'IjiIii M-, Ami Aiiwu-, hikI propose to do Jl'Ht'l'ill Crocerv Business win :Us.i k-.'.'i. CBOCKERY, GT.A88 and WOUDEN WARE, and a ful! Une of DOME8TIC nul FOEEÏGN PRUIT8. Th. y hav UW Etnd ll IlislltMi A First-class Maling Department, Wlutn' M' al can be luiil ut al] houra, oï b}ard by the wivk. Cash pniI for Kuiler, li'ss"i' "II '. E.miir produce. G la promptly dclivertMl in auy part of tho city. Remember the platie. 33 Soittll il in MriTl. KEARNEY &CKOPSEY A mi Arhor, April 2ti, 18TC. 1S80 A BANKRUPT STOCK OF HARDWARE! WILIi BE SOI, I) Without Regard to Cost Al t),e oM t;m(] of L. C.RISDON, No. .'51 Snntli Main St., Aun Arlior. NOW ís THE Tí Mi; CASH BUYERS ' líiy n their Winter upply of STOVES And Hardware oi' cvery I)cscription. ALL TIIO3E INTRNDING TO BUIL1) AN'. OT1IKU YKAR, CAN NOW BUY THEIR DOOIt TRIMJUNGR AND OTIIKIt HAliDWAIÍE QHEAf ! KINGSFOILD'S Oswego Starch ! Mil.' BUST .itiI .tllis-i1 i;((lOIIIi:;il in the World. Iaperfectly P17RK- free from acida an other foreiga RubstnnccB that injure'ii. la ArmüGKR thnn any otlier- roquiring lauch lesa quiiutity iu usinj;. Is ll l-'oitl- HiiiVtii nnd fíitighea work rIwa ya the same. Xingsfcr&'s Oswego Corn Starch Ï8 the most delieionof all preparations tor PUDDINGS, BL.VNK-MAXíiK, CAKE&c I(it6 TRIÖK FÖirHALËT" Oiilcrs ftir BUK'K lífl al the shop oi the undersitn il wilt h: iroiii)tlv tlll(!l. .1' VOI.LANI). An:i Arbttr, June 28, 1S77. K41tf mw TEA STORE. Japan 'I' a ;U iïOo, lOr, 5OC ;m1 ri)c per Ib v i I (lie ver) in -í iuiported at 70c er Ib. Guopowdot Ten ;it dc ind SOc per Iti., and t lie vevy bettt huported at$l,00 a pound. Yoiiug Hysou at 40c, 5í)c and G'k-, umi the fitst im ported ;it 80c peí Ib. Ooloii Tea Bt -3c, ")IM', r,(, and 70c por Ib. ímpuria! Tea at 80c, 40c, and 50c pw H. Twankcy XflB ai líík;, 26c, and :ílk: er Ib. COFFKKS A.VD SPICES, of our own rowtlQJi and gcriwling, ;ir greaüy rOdllCÓd l'lii 68. iis :i C;ill inifl be ('nnviiiml, J. W. HAXUSTKRFIvH k ÖO?, 30 32Soutlt Ulaln M., Aun Ardor. !639lnG liMíS ïöÉp. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1S7(, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Ynars, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluiüng Ku-Insuranoo Reserve, $4,735,092.36. Net Surplus ovr LiaVjilities, incluiling Re -Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. (.'. MACK, Agent, Aun Albor. TJiis ia prohahb fhe strongest, purest nnd best rrparafion of Iron knoym. One trial, ivill convince. JVicr, $1.00 per bottle. JOHNSTON, HOLLÖWAY & 00. Kpcrlul Agcnls, JPhilmlelpMa. To tlio 'Workiiiff CJIans. - We arê bon ircpnfod to j'uniisii uil classes wlth constani imiloyint'iit u bome the wtoolè oí their iiimor for ümt spare tnojuepta. Busineafl Qew,lfgl)t and pxoftable, PersoB&of eithér sox ea$lly eajrn from 50 ■cni-s to $." i'T cvt-iiiiiií, and ;i proportionaj Bum iy levotlug thoir whole iiin to business. Boys irul gtrfsearu ijeariy bh lúuch as men. Tbat all vhn sec tlii nonóè mftV 'rii their (uldresti, and ál the Ihi.'níiios wv urik'1 thia an paral leled ofror: i u mcb as a re nol w ell aatisfied n iH seiid one dolar to pay for the troublc öf w rit ing, l'nll partibil;i ra, sa in pi i's WOIÍ h ii-Vfiiil dollars tO coiinnt'iKM1 vnrk od, and b copy oume aud FireHldo, one of he betii illustratw pübllcations, all sent free by iiail. lïfaler, il" yon wnnt permanent, profitsblo vMi k, address, Qbo. Stinson & Co., Poruand, Mo. tiii:iiimv.u'ki:f.' MEDICAL & SÜR&ICAL INSTITÜTE. EstAbliflhcd I3Ü7 and Chtrtered by the State Legislatura orille improvcdtreatmcnt oí all Private and Chronic Diaeoses mcutioucd in this card. Just publiihed, MfmTmbrni "THE "-ENT FRIEND! J nudillo ngcil of both icxfs;on all Dieess" 61 ot % Private Noture, arieinKfrom BT Early Abuses or Intection, Seminal Wniktifi'S. and Los ot Mauhood, and th best ntcaus otcurc; with valuBble adyice tq the Married and thoso ■oiiliniplutinpr Marriajïc ; mduding n treatisc on Femalo Diseasca, and Ciironu: Aflcctioni of the Throat, Lungs aiul Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupture, Pilc,FUtula,the Opium ) labit &c. Il cont aiiis '2G0 iarge pages and nuincroui uu;raviiiErB,nifiili(l nndor fal on receipt oföOctt. A CLXNICAL LECTTTHE on the ahovc dinraurjt, and principies of medical practice in their treatmeut. Pricc lUctu. Addn-ss, AttcndinR Physiiian, M.&S. INSTITUTE, No 43S Wator at.. MILWAUKEE.Wia. du a p wak Ureat chance to mnke money. If i( ] Ij you cun't got gold you cun got 4 y JB -(-■■ n't..icl. Wo need a prson in every town to tako subscriptions for the Inroest, choapeat and best illuatrattd family publication in the world. Any one can be roiiic i siiciN-iful The most elegnnt worka of art. giveu free to subscribera. The price ie so low tiiftt ftlmost everyb 'dy subacribos. One agent reporta mnking over $150 in n week. A lady aent repons taking over 4K subecriberH in ten days. M wlio engau mtike money (ast. You can devote ,all your time to the busmees, or only your spnre time. You nood not b away from home over niprht. You can do it as well na othera. Pull partieulars, -un-' luns and term free. Elegant and expensive outfit free. If you want profltable work aend us your ddrees at once. It costs nothing tu try the buaineas. No one who engageB failH to make reat pay. AddreftR, " The People's Journal," FottTand, Maiue. 1648


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