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RAILROADS. Mí( HÍHAX rKSTRAL F5AM.ROAT). JITKE 24, 1K7T. í S sT ■- ■ """■■-" = „. ?? -=: ïi i ? I Lía I ' I'. M. i. M. A. M I1. M. j , F. M. py Ietroit,lBBve, i o ts 4 r ■- -í(1 B 05 , ',. . T.Junction, lis 9 50 5 00 ■; ',-, '; - lil ii Vayn8.Iuirti'jn ; 4t Id i; .. 52 , 'i's 6 47 lo i', Kpailanti, 8 17 10 35 6 IX) 7 26 11 J; Gcdde, 8 SO ci 15 4 l! Ann Arbor, S 40 lo .50 l lio 8 00 n ■ bolhi, S55 6.ï '-il Dexur, !) K B3 -, ,,- s 2 OheUea, 9 13 . 712 - , 8 37 . Ora Lake, g 52 .- - , 7 :;7 '■ 02 P. M ,; ni ' Á Ji Jackmn, lOSOjISld H 01) 7 ,„, ! 30 lï'ji AlMon, 11 04 13 S:i ó ■ - ■„ 10 18 1 Mamhnll, 1160 I ;j ' 10 49 J ttloCrc.-k, j 15-5 1 22' 11 16 U 1, Oalebur,'. 12 14 1 1 5S _!_; 'a. m. n , A. K. KHlsmautj, 1 1;) 2 40 fi (10 l'i 10' % ,y Lawlon, 1 57 6 K6 1 00 „ Deciitur, 2 IS -i 62 1 '2' I)owgiac, 2 41 6 17 2 00! Niles, :; 1 1 1 07 7 on i 35 4 a Huclmnan, ;: 2: 7 11 2 io __: ThreeOKks : i- 4 43 7 37 3 20 5 New Hutl.-ili.. 4 OS 4 56 7 4'J 3 35 ___ M i-lii(in Cily, 4 40 S 20 8 1(1 4 OS ; I -i k 1 ■ . 5 23 6 W h 50 4 52' 5 j Kensington, 1 6 03 6 50 a I'" 5 40 ; p Ohiouu", urrive, ( jj 1 40 1 ,. 6 30 g M OOINO KAHT. A . M . 1'. M. r . M . P. M, ra I Chic(to, lenve, 7 CKI ! 00 3 45 5 lí 9 M; Kenniugton, T .50 g 50 4 :ió 06 í a Lake, 8 37 10 28 ;'.': i 48 lo it Michigan City, '.1 23 11 10 (i 'U 7 36 11 u Xew Buffalo, V 46 11 26 ti 51 II u Throc Oaka, .0 00 11 3fi 7 0'J 8 12 11 y Biichaimn, 10 33 7 K . Nlle, 10 46 12 15 8 20 OOOHSi Dowiigiac, II U 8 4 IB Dooatur. 11 Sí 9 1, 1 li Lavton, U "7 a K a. m. Kalamazoo, 12 SS 1 38 10 10 6 30 10 26 2 1) Uniesburg, 12 55 . 6 T 2j; Battle Creek, 1 32 2 17 j it 7 3.5 11 16 3 Ís ManhitU, 2 17 3 00 p 8 12 ll 40 Tïi a. si. Albion, 2 4 -i 21 a. M. 8 43 12 0ó' 4 10 Jackaon, ;l 35! 4 05 5 JO 9 45 12 50 4 Sj Oras Lake, S 57 ' 5 48 10 OG Chetsea, 4 19 6 15 10 24 Dexter, 4 35 6 30 10 35 Delhi, 4 1 1 li 4.1 Ann Arbor, 4 54 ü 10 7 ('O 10 50 2 10 S ; Ueddes, 5 03 7 05 Ypsilanti. . ö IS 5 24 7 14 11 05 127, WayneJunc, 5 8(5 5 45 7 40 11 22 2 48 7 15 O.T. June, 6 10 6 1; i 2ó 11 60 3 20 J Detroit, Ar., . (i 2i, 6 ". S 10 12 Oó 3 35 í 00 ♦Sunday excepted. :atiirday aod Sunday . eepted. iDaily. H.B. LEDYARD.Oen'lSupt., Detroit. H. C. WicNTwoitTH, Gen. Pana. Afjt,, Chicago. DETROIT, H1LLSDALE&INDI. ANA RAILROAD. To take effect June 24, is;(. UU1KO WE8T. tiOIMQ Ka.-T. STATIONS. Mnii. Kxp. STATION. A. M P. M. Ypnilantl.... S:20 7:i' '■ . .., Suline CU 7:67 Bunker 5:00 fcií Bridgvwator. . S:49 8:15 ; Hilldale .. 5:20 MO Manchester. 10:12 8:37 ' Manchester.. 8:20 4:1 p. M. Bridgevratet 8:55 4:!1 Hillsdale 12.45 10:33 Saline 9:35 4:W Bankers. ... 1:00 10:45 Ypsilanti.. . . 10:20 ÏM Traius run by Chicago time. W. V. l'AUKBR, Sup't, Ypuilanti. THE lEÁLTH LIFT A TIIUUUUUU GYMNASTK 8Y8TEM KOB LADÍE8 AND GENTLEHEN, l. TEN MINTTES ONCE A DA Y. The Health T.ilt ís a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Forthe uttriinrnent and prever vution of Henllli. 1: ia the beat meaos ot PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IS THE SIMPLEST, SAFEST AN MOST KPi'ICIENT MODE OF TAKINU ALL NEEDED EXEHI8E. In the brief spact of ten minutes all the muscle are gradually, thorouiihly, and ayinmetriCítllf brought into ftction. Conoentrated exercise tor the bus? and sedentary. ANNABBOR OFFICE AXD PARL0B8, ' UEatHuronS South of Court House A DOLLAR SAVED IS Á DOLLAR KARNtiD ! NEW GOODS ! And piices I.OWKK THAX KVK1!. I have purcbased in New Ywrk, for e!i, afld Iamnowdaily reccivint' one of the largent ni most select atocles of Groceries in WiishteDiiff County, consistiug ol a tull and well selecte.) LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Giinpowdon, Imperial!, Young 11)snii, II sous, Japans, loloiis, í urin.isiis, c onifoila, miic Iioiiuk. iiikI I 'IV II uk il 1 H, Together wilh r full line of ('OFFKES, codpí'ïne of the followin? branda: MOCHA, OLÍ) QOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIHO, LAGUAYKE,áANTOS and ICIO, bth roasted and k'roond ; s full and well seleoted Htock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Togtfa6T with evrything in the line cf Pure Spicü8,('unned fruí is. and Vegetables. We haT i' full ;lih1 cúmplete line uf BOOTS & SHOES, II ATS, CAPS, (i LO VES And Hasierj'. A]no, 11 clioice assoitment of Lridie' and Gentltiuen1 Underwenr ('il and cxhiiiítio Ooods and l'ricea und we will inHiirc .-íntisfHfition. EDWAKD ÜITFFY, " M.yi;ii'i Mlock,-' cor.Mdin and Aun streíts Aun Arbor, Mich. ■ariIiirheRt ciíh jirice pnid for all fíirm roduce."Ba [D f f O' ant 1m' lli;i(1' ly evTv agont ei7 L "iwnth Id tbe business iré farnlsb, but fll M M M ltlst" rilling tu work cuii earn ■ down llfUUUildlhirsaday in theru own locallUeí. lave no room to cxplitin here. Buslnew'pleawnt and honorable. Woiuca, and boys and giru do a vtii i i men. We win furnUh jou a completa ouitit ree. The business paya better than anythlng 6l Ve will boar expenso of rtartlng yon. Partleolin reo. Write and see. I'artners'and ineelianus helr sons and daaghten, and all classes hn needoi myiug wrk t home, shOuM irrite to os and leai II about th( rork at. unce. Now U the tinu'. lon't delav. Addresn, True & C'o., August, Muiíu-. 1620 BSTRACTS OF TITLEsT A The underaifjned, lïpfrisler of Deeds, will prompt y and carelully make Abstracts of titles, Frjm the Original Records, ''or Attorney, Agenta, Owners, or Purchssers. Su pains will be gpared to vive a complete cbainof itle, and show ah encumorances. Ciiitrges reünable. CHAP. H. MANIiT. Anu Arbor( Jannary 10,1177. 1817.


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Michigan Argus