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- ïlio public schools were closed vcsterday Coruer-stone holiday. - Tiro moro meu- ü. Pulmer and Harvej Jlorris - have lieen arreBtod on charge of wheal itealing- The fewhoursdelay in issuing tuis week'4KOCS must be charged to the coruer-stune celebration. _- Pi : that was what made that very ornanieutal hole iu tlie advertisenient of C. H. yülen & Son in last week's Aeous. _ G9 cents a day : that is what Sheriff Case 1S allowed for boarding the " wards " of the county,- a cut of one cent a day por boarder. - Six new cases were added to the criminal leudar on the first cali iu the Circuit Court ai Tueaday, with several townships to hear (rom. - On the first cali of the Circuit Court Calendar on Tuesday the Rose-Douglas slander iUit wus marked " not tor trial." Iiuproperly jotioed. -The boys of Company A hok expect to . jettbeir pay for last summer's service at Jjcksou uext. - well, sometime next spriug. (ireat is red-tape. - Heury K. Cocker, sou of Dr. Cocker, of . ;. city, has gone to New York, and will sail ■ -morrow for England, by the Adriaticof the White Star line. - The Circuit Court adjourned frora W'ed1 jesday atternoou to this nioruing : to give j nryers, suitors, witnesses, and officers of the 1 jtnrt an opportnnity to help lay the corner , tof. - Wlieu that uew Court House is completed the Supervisors wou't be allowed to hold their meetings in the Common Couucil toom. They'U have a!most as good a room of Iheir own -The Mendelssohn Quintet Club, of Boston, s aelvertised for a concert at Ypsilanti on Thursday evening, Nov. 1, under the auspiees 1 the Ladies' Library Association. ïne Yp. antians will get sorne good music. _ It John Henley don't stop queshoning I He truth of the Abous items we'll send a I mili boy up the nver to throw bran in his 1 ;tes. His last sin is to refu3e to believe our ] utftto story. We won't stand it. -The Board of Supervisors has ordered that j .rearfer the expenses of keeping the poor 1 sanu in the Kalamazoo Asylutn be charged to the county at large instead of to the town or city from whish they are sent. Correct. - Ou Tuesday the Board of Supervisors fiied the salaries of the county officers for the current year as follovrs : Judge of Protate,fl,200; Clerk, 900; Treasurer, 11,200; Prosecuting Attorney, $900 ; Probate Register' J300. - The Lansing liepvbi 'ican says of Mr. Beal's recent speech at Mason : " It was expected that he would attack Judge HuntiugtoD, and indignation ran high ; but those who hcard him pronounce his utterances very mild for the man." _ Omving to a litt!e " onpleasantness " the Odd Fellows lodge at Dexter surrendered ita charter on Monday evening last, and on Wudaesday evemug Cïraud Master ïracy reinstated the lodge, - the discordtuit members be■:,vz hit out in the cold. - Otmar Ebrbach, of this city, of the drug Srm of Eberbach ifc sou, was elected President of the Michigan Pharmaceutical Association, attheannual meeting held last weekin Detroit. .Prof. Preacott was appointed on the Committee on the Progress of Pharmacy. - A very gntifying expression of esteem was made to Prof. TenBrook and family on Tuesday eveuiug, - the eveniug preceding his departure for the East. Calis at lus residence were made by a large number of citizens and friends, and the testimoniáis lett wore libera!. - At the auction sale on on Wednesday of thoroughbred sH'iue by Wm. Smith fe Son, at Ravenswood (near Detroit), E. O. LeLand, of Xorthfield, bought a Sussex boar at f80 ; J. W'anzer, of Ypsilanti, an Essex sow at $26 ; md J. Kepler, of this city, a Suffolk sow at t:'0.50. - Üa Tuesday afternoon the Board of Supervisors eiected E Iward Dulïy Superintendent of the Poor for a third term of three jears, by a vote on the third ballot of 14 to 11 lirAaron L. Feldkainp (another Democrat), aml three blauks. The votes for Feldkamp were given by RepublicAn. Mr. Duffy has made a good ofh'cer. - The vocal concert given last evening by Ihe Swedish Lady Quartet, asaisted by the right royal harpist, Aptommas, was a real musical treat. From the rendermg of the first ote to the last note of the closing piece the tieautiful and sweet siugers had the fuil symputhyof their hearers. Such voices and such musical interpretatiou - eiinpte and pure - are urely hnard. - Two stuuents of the LTniversity took a Í20 riele on Monday evening last, borrowing the horse cf D. L. Gates which they found standing before a place of business on Huron toet. They wero treed- one of them iu an pp!etree-in the Fifth ward, and C. O. D. iracefally. Experience is a dear school aud ituiieuts may learn in it the same as the fools i)f the proverb. - The Bunyan Tableaux advertised to open athiscityon the evening of November 30, comes recommended by the press and the clerjyas a superb work of art, - as a reproduction M "Bunyan's Allegc-ry on canvas, glowing ffith beauty and auimation, and a wondrous nterpretation ot the Dreamer's fancy." The pictures are by sudh Artista as Huntington, May, Kyle, Cropsey, Church, and Darley, a fact Mch carries a guarantee to the public of their Mpenority. '


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