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( - A free dispensar)' will be opened at tha Homeopnthio Medical College o Monday ' next. - Raymond C. Öivfs, thu new tFniWsity = librarian, omviel last week and has enterad upon duty. - Dr. Charles (atchell, ol Milwaukee, Ims aooepted au sppbintinènt au lecturer in the r Homeopathie Medical College. l - Tho Sophomores and Freshinen test each other's metal and endurance to-morrow after, noon, in their eecoiid match game of foot-ball, , - The students of the Law Department refuse to detail mere Onronicle itemizers or . department reportera. Editois or nothing is . thalr motto. - Tho Steward of Uia Univorsity has adi vertised for propo?ala tor printing the Calendar for 1877-8, Ar.nounceinfints of the MediSchools, and proceediugs of the Board of Kegents. Bids to be in on or before October 30. - The subject Hon. Henry Watterson will discuss before the Students' Lecture Associatiou to-morrow eveniug is "The Old and New South," or more specifioally speaking, " The Comicalities, Whimsicalities, aud Realities of Southern Life." Mr. Watterson will come with a reputatiou which he will care to protect, and we are conlident will yive lus audience something worth hearing. - This eTGning four picked men of the Literary Adelphi Society will wreatle with the following qirasHön, " llcsohcrl, That Cromwell was a greater statesumn tban Kichelieu ; " while tho Alpha Nu Society will discuss, " Hesohei!, That ladies ought uot to bc admitted to the society aa inembers." - The Lanaiag República u errs 111 fiayiny, saying, "Dental studente m the Uuiversity havo to go through the regular course of medical lectiues now, in additiou to the dental cturse." They have to p:tss the öamo exainiiiiition for admission, but it is impossible that the whole medical conrse can be crowded into the two years' dentul course. - On ivtturday lapt, after much "wornting,' the Souiors elected class ofticers as follows : President, Charles M. Daugherty ; Vice-President, Miss Eva Chaudler; Secretnrry, Paul H_ Hanus; Treasurer, J. J. Read ; Orator, Florus A Barboiir ; Poet, Georgo Horton ; Historian, Wilüum Jenks; Seer, Stewart D. Walling; Marshal, W. V. Alatli ; Toa-tmaster, Williain V. Grove. - The Juniors have appointud the followmg conunittees for their class Hop to come off iu February : On iuvitations, lMruund A. Christian, John iiussell, Fred S. Bell, Edwin W. Jenney. On management, Henry W. Ashley, John H. Tweedy, Orlando F. Barnes, living K. Pond. On reception, James P. Brown, H. Throop Mork-y, Wilh;wn J,. Axford, Isaac C Uoff. - That Woodruft' expetiition arouud the world, in which several professors and studeuts of the Uuiversity weit expected to take p;irt, bas again been postponed,- this time to June 1, 1878. The last vessel chartered proves unfit, a new one is to be Duilt, and the trip wilt be reversed, going cast arouud the world msteud of west, making the Paris Exhibitiou one of the ürst pomts of visitation. - Was n't ïtjust a httle unnecessary tor the President of the Luuturo Association to advise Wu.lnest.lay evening'a audience that the SweUish La ly Vocalista billed for last evenmg wein not the "original" troupe eugaged to appear betore the associatiou sometime in th futura ': Is u't ftny entertainment to b tolerated outaidc of association mauagenient r Monopoly and jealousy are both to be avojdeít. - An aVeraged sizetl audience tiaseinbled in Uuiversity Hiill on Weilnesday evening, (■■ hear the Hou. Emery A. Storrs, of Chicago, discuss " l'olitical Keforms " under the auspices of the Studeuts' Lecture Association, which subject, however, Mr. Storrs retused to discuss, holding the aforesaid reforma in too unsettlod i condition. He e iiectud ts his theme "The Uses and Abuces oí Oütnre," c.outrasting in iliustratiou ot his deulamtion that culture alone was uot enough aitd thitt mauhood is bettet ttun culture, Charles I and Oliver (Jromwell, Krasmus and Luther, Edward Eïerett and Abraham Lincoln. In the progress of liis lecture ciril service reform, so-called, and " Aly Policy " were lugged in and got what the speaker evidently thought soiue very severe raps. Mr. Storrs had evidently relied too mucli upon the inspiration of the hour and the fame which had preceded him, and too little upon special pre paration for tho occasion, and it is only fair to say that his lecture was not up to the expectations of his evdieiice. It had, however, one superior merit,--brevity.


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