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Proceedings Of Congress

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Tuesday. 0ct. 16. - Sen ate. - A largo numbcr üf bilis aucl petitions werc preeented and rcfcrrcd. Among tbc pctilione werc ma:iy favoting an incrcasc of the compc-neation of etter-carriers. Among the büls vas one olTercd by Mr. Beclt for the rcmoval of all disaibÚitioe Lmposed by üie Fourtcpnth amendnient. Iïeferred Mr. Thurínac introducid a bilí to amcnd thc Pacific Railroad acta, so ae to créate a sinkiug fund for the lújuidation of the indebtedneas duc to thc Goverumcnl by the Pacific Itallroad Coiupauks Mcinorlals froni the Missouri IjegiBlature, in favor of the wï of the natioiiai capital to the MiseisHippi val1 y. and in relation to a national system of loveos for the Miss;: sippi river, verO referred. . . Mr. Ingalls introduccd a bilí grantiug arreara of pensions. Keferretl A bilí to establiph the Territory of Hurón, ama próvido a temiorary governmont theiefor, was referred; also. a bilí to establisu a br&ttch mint at Omaha Mr. Rogere, Private Seeretttry to the President, delivered the message. ït was read iintnodiately by fiecietary Qorham, ortïerod .rintfid, and referml. ñotrsE. - Mr. Hak-, of llaine, called uplhe Colorado elcdion caso. Mr. Cox raieed a pointof ortffer that the disputed electlons munt bc cpnsidered in order. Objéctcd to, aiul the niotiou to ca!l up Colorado was lost. ... A loug dlscnweion took place on the question of tttfoaring in the two South Carolina meniber, Rainey aid ('aiii, wbose n&Xnes were put on the roll by the, olerk. Mr. Cox wanted Ote question referred to the Committee on Klcctions, but it wan contended, among othor by two Demócrata, Bleaan. Miles and Potter, that, as the gentlemen had the usual legal ccrtilkah' of oh-etiim. thcy ekould be sworn in. and then their rlgbt to Heatij uiight be referred. XhiB view prevüilefl, and Riüntay and Cain wcro sworn ii . . . , Objection was withdrawn in the case of Darrall, of Louisiana, aud he also was sworii in. . . .The case of Klam, of IjOiiiBiana, was disciiHsed, but no rcpult reached The President' mes?ape was rcad. and referred to the eommiitec of the whole Thc ralea of the Jast licuse was adopted. ■Vhdkksiay, Oct. 17. - Senate. - 3Ir. Keek introdvicíd a bilí authorizmg ihc payment of 50 )or coiit. of customs dnties in Iciisï-tender notes. Referred Mr. Thnrnian pre3ented the credflntláls of Heiiry M. Spofford, Senator f rom tiOUiflUna, from March 4, 1877, and asked that tbey bc1 rrad aud Mr. Spoffora sworn in. 'Jhe credentiala b been read, Hfr. Mitcbell movrd tbftt tïioy be ruferred to the Committee on PrivüegCfl anfl EU otions. Finally fr. Kdninuds appealeri to .Mr. Thurjiiat! to l-"t t be subject lie over for a day. ISTr. Tlmrman cou.euted. ha%ing no deWre to foree Uio S'n;itor to vote if be waa nnt ready to do fio BUlB werr introducid DO rtft-rrfd aiilhorizinfí the citizenH of Colorado, Nevada and the Territorios to feil and remove timber on the public domain for iniDing and domestie pxirposes ; to prevent abnseB in the sale of pofttagè BtampS aud Btamped envelopes. . . . Mr. McCreary introdneed a bilí to repeal the bankrupt luw and all the auts ameadtttozy thr-reto. . . '. Mr. IMnmnds submitted the followiug : Rssolv&t, That a select committee of seven Sdnaton be appojtiti'il, wh"Ke di:ty it phall be. totake into consideration tbc state oi thc law rbspeöUng tlio aBoertalnin and tteclaration of thcresultof Uieeleotion Ol President tind Vice President of thc Uuited States, and that said committoc have powei to report by bill or otherwiwe. . . . The Prei iiïont went in :i largo nviBkber ut iiomiitationi, moefly of pAraone ft fio wcre appointed during ihe rrdtflS ot IliO Senato. "1 lue only new ono Of iuinortance was that of Hou. John M. Harían, to be Associate Justice of the Suprcnie Court. House. - After the reading of the jourual the dieputed Oteotton rape froni thc Fourth Di&trict of Jjouisiana wan taken up. the (116SUo& 1 ri;ipf xipon the rcEolntiou of Mr. Leon&rd, reforrinjf the claims oi i;.;i)n aiul Siüitli, the contestante, lo thc Coramltteo on Elections, to decide who has a right to the Beat, and a long discusfiion on points of ord t fullowed. Mr. Gibson off(-red a eubatitute providing for the immediate swearing in of J. ]ï. Elam After debate ihe Bubatitnte was' adopted - yea?, 144 ; nsys, 119. Mr. Elam took thc niodiikd oütli. M:-. Frye offered a resolution reciting that Charles N. Naah had preseuted a certificóte of elcction Bigned by Gov. Kellog;?, ilien the duly recognized and acting (iovemor of Louisiana, but thut the Clerk ot the House had deollnedtQ place Xas-h'u name on thc roll, but had subHtituted E. W. Robertson on the unihorlty of a paper signed by Gov. NloboUs, and direoting that the name of Robertson bc truck off the roll and Nabh be tworn in. Aftt-r debate a subBÜtute offered by Mr. Ellis that Robertson bc aworn in was agrecd to, and the modifled oath of office was adniiuistercd 'J he caso of Pachr-co, of Californi, was then called up, when iIr. Q&rAeld moved tíiat the oath of office le ailniuiisicrr.l, wliich was agrecd to after discuetiion, and Mr. I'acheco took his BC-at. Thuhkday. Oct 18.- SENATK.-CoiïHideratiou was resumed of Mr. ThnrnianM rcrolution to have the oath administercd to Mr. Spoflford, of T.ouislana, the péndlsg qHrbtion bc-im? the substltute retiniiiK the credentialH to a oominlUee. After debate, by a Vote of 'AG yeaw and 88 oays, the BUD3t.tute Wñ6 agrecd to, and thc crcdcntialB of Bpoflord were : ruferrcd to thc Committee on Privitegee and Elections. Mr. Duvis (111.) voted witU the Demoi-rate I gaiuHt reference. A motion of rr. White ïnstructÍUK the eommittee to rt-port on or before the lst of Novembe ,1877, was njeeted- yeae, 81j naye, 05. The committee wu also Inatraoted to conslder and reporl tq on the crcnentialR of Willhxnj Pitt Kellogg. Mr. Thurman moved tbat J. B. Eustls be sworn in as Senator from Louisianu. Lold ovet, Hocse. - Not in setisioii. F]iii.y, Oct. 19.- Senate.- Mr. Merrimon introduccd a bili to amcnd section Ufi of (JheBAviFecl Statutos relatiug to vacancies iu the ofli.-r Of President and Vice President, . ..Mr. Morrill BUbmitted a rmolution instructing thc Connnittcc on PeflAioiu tn iuqnire and report, by bill or ottaerIfle, ■ plan for reducing and propcrlyadjUBtlog tho walaiies und feee of Pension Agente. An nmondment offered by Mr. Ingalln, dli rectiog the ooAunittee to inquire into tlic expedlency j of all the pension igepoiffl and hm itijj j the pensions paid from Washington, was agreed to, ■ uní lïie roRolution paued Mr. Merrimon intrcdnoedabü] to alter the tiineB for holding electioTis for Prepident and Vire Presidcf-t and casting thc votê in tbe Bleotoral College . . . Tuo claimt of J.B!, ! Bastía toa Beat' tn the Renato from LoutrianA were dieoussed, btri no .iclion was taken on tlic eae. House. - Not in ecsaion. Monpay, Oct. 22.- A number of bijlB were introduccd and referred, among othi i - the foUowing: By Mr. Jones (Nev.) to authorizc lbo coinage of a dollar of 4i2X prainH, ttindard Blijer, and lor nthcr purpoRos ; by Mr. Beek, to repeal section :i ol the act to provide for Ihe rMimption nf eppae paymènta, Lurod Jtily 14, 1875: by Mr. Hereford, to rtpeal the [iH to provide gf the (umiVt"n 'of BjSecIe paynontR ; by TVfr. Howcj t rmeiul tho Bevlsed BtattnfiS relating to the, trana.)t tation of live stock ; by Mr. Ingalia, to nstabllRh a pension agcngy at Topeka, Kan.; by Mr. Paddock. to divido the Stato of ríebraka intó two judicial dtetMCta. Hotisiv. - The Üoloiódó case was debated, but 110 áclion taken Mr. Schleifchcr off erod a resolution for tbc appoiübn'mii % nT A flel'cct conihiiltce . ot cTö vV biembe ra to onaitlet ,tbe ittDJeot of tho civil service of IQ ' ' oltËtt otatea ;ml nieaeures to promotc its effii nry. Adoptad. . . .Mr. Southard ofifered a rcsolnion for the appoiutment of a select comniittee of i-rn members to take iHto coiiBideratiou the state f the law rMpGOÜng tlie aRccrtainiucnt aml ilftclaraon of the result of tho election of President and "iie Prcrtidí-iit, and to confer with a like committcc n the part of tho Scnate. Adopted Mr. Cox ffered a reflolQtion tlirecting the Secretary of the yinvy to report to tho Hoüso wliat action had beeu taken, if any, in the navy-yardö of the United States in regulatliitf the hours of labor, and whether such action hos been In derogation of or In coiuplmnce with Beo. 8,788, ReVlsed Statutes, whi-'h rcquircü that " eigüt hours shall constitute n day 8 work for all laboro1, workïncn and mechanics who may bc eniployed by or on bchalf of the Öovernment of tho United States.'1 . . , , Mr. Cox preeettted a potition for incroased compoiisatioil to letter-carrier. . , . Adjoumed to Weduesday, Oct. 2Í-.


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