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Hon. John Gruesel Has Been

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for Mayor of Detroit, by the Eepublicans, tice Thompson, declincd. " A mrokisn' protniáe" : that is whut tho Camoron ltopnblicans say tho appointment of Welsh ineans. Thanksgivisg : it is to bo celebrated November 29. President Hayes has so proclaimed. Turkeys and cbickons will take notice. Next Tuesday cloctions taKo place in Massachusotts, New Jersey.New York' Pennsylvania, fttid Wisconsin. Look out for thunder all along the line. TltE Doraocratio Senators have designated Messrs. Bayard, Thurman, and otorgan as their members of the special Committee on Election of President and Vice-Presideut. The Missouri Supremo Court has dccided the cöntested Congressional election case by ordering a ccrtiíicato issued to Metcalfe, Kepublioan. This throws tho burden of contest upon Frost. One of tho best and óhiefest recommendations of John Welsh, appointed Minister to England, is : " He has never been identified witl tho Camoron división in tho management of State affttirs." Tue registration of voters in New York City falls 39,689 below that of 1870, an indication that tho political campaign of this year is not a very active one. "The President cornos to terms witn tho Senate " is the happy wuy the Post and Tribune puts what it regards as the surronder of tho President to Conkling & Co. The surronder of the offieos, we mean. Monday was " Bill day " in the House, and the members unburdened themselves of 850 bilis: bilis public, bilis private, bilis of general interest, bilis of no interest, bilis oíd, bilis now, bilis to fleoco the treasury, but very few bilis to protect it. In THE House on Monday, bfll day, tho Michigan members unloaded thcm selves of 39 bilis, as follows : Mr. Williams, 12; Mr. Conger, 10 ; Mr. Keightley, G ; Mr. Stone, 3 ; Mr. Willits, 3 ; Mr. Hubbell, 3 ; Mr. Ellsworth, 1 ; and Mr. McGowan, 1. He has his reward : E. W. Stoughton is the man. Hu went to New Orleaus to 8tiffen the back bones of Wells, Andorson & Co., of the returning board, and afier that was one of the Republican counsel before the Electoral Commission. And now ho has beeu nominated as Minister to Eussia. The Eepublicaus of Detroit met in delegated city conventie on Saturday last and nominateii Hon. Win. G. Thompson for Mayor. Thompson had given them notice that he would n't accept the position of leader in this campaign, and on Monday advised the coinmitty orally and by letter that he would n't run. He bas evidently had enough of that sort of business. - ■ ■ - - - i ■ The seeond biennial conference of the United States Evangelical Alliance is now in session in Detroit, the opening sessiou having been held on Tuesday evcning. President Angelí read a paper yesterday forenoon (if there was no slip in carrying out the program me) on " The Relations of our Institutions of Learning to the Christianity of our Country. Jon.v Welsii, of Philadelphia, iinaneial manager of the Centennial Exhibition, a man of great wealth and high sociul stauding, hus beun uoininatcd as Minister to England, and the Caiueron crew have boen snubbud. Mr. Welsh is 72 years old : uot the activo youug man tho country bas been looking to sce turn up. BÈNATOR ÜHIUSTIANCY Ims introduoed a bilí wltich, it it shall bccome a l.iw, will i'inpty the treasury into t'ue c:ipiu: ious laps of rapaeious Soutbero clwiuaiits, uuless thero is more of stern virttfe in tRo C;urt of Clttima tlian the "public has n right to expeot. Was it introduced, hko tii i " galoid " b'itl of Suirntor TCallace, ",by requesl ?' lï 80 tbc Senator shouid hfeltutfter turn ti deaf e:ir to suclí ruquests If his own measure hu shuntil luako Insto to revise the chaiu of reasoning which produced if. AND xow wlio will sny that E. W. Slongiiton isn't entitled to tiio English mission or some other lat borth ;- He ]aid his ovn expenses at Now Orleans whilu aiding and :ibettin-j that returning board in defrauding the Deuiocracy o ut of the State, and also at Washington while dancing Uendance upon the Electoral Commission, and in addition contributed $j,000 to the Rspublican campaign fund. Stanley ilatthows i'ails to discloso so clear a record. SrEAKixo of the Consolidated Post and Tribune the Allegan Journal says : "Th new paper pavtakes of all the L'ood features of each of tho old papers, and is a newsy, neatly printed and well odited sheet, Hepublicau to the core." Ast thu two papers weio the antipodos ot' each other politically we can scarcoly seo how the uow paper can rotain " all the good features " of tho two nierged onoa. And, besides, we miss Bro. Bakor'a religious column. lx the House on Wednesday, Mr. Evving. from tho Committoe on Banking and Currency reported a bilí repealing the third section of the Resutnption aot of 1873, but failed of tho necessary two-thirds voto to put it through. A test voto on a. motion to table a niotiou to reconsidur a voto to recommit, was, yeas, 116; nays, 138, which is n't full of prouiiso for the auti-resumptionista, as the friends of tho bill havo too small a majority to forco action as speedily as they hoped. With gold so noar par the anti-resumptionists show a good deal of cheek and pure cussednoss in attempting to logislate in the interest of the obstructionists and green; bïckers. WlLLIAM LLOVÍ) GARRISON üvidcnlly isn't an admirer of oither President Hayos or his Southern policy. In a rocent lottor to a friend he said : " Without iiupugning tlio motives of tho Prosideiit - nay, according to him the bost intcntions - I rogard his policy as a ilagraut botrayal of tho trust so confidingly couimitted to his hands ; as in violation of his pledges to seo full protection sccurcd to all classes at the South, without rogard to complexión or distinction, and as fraught with incalculablo mischief, rejoicing as it does tho hearts, strengthoning the hand, and facilitating tho plans of tho Southorri conspirators against law and order, liberty and equal rights." And "iurther, " It indicates a childish credulity, a blindness of visión, un imbocility of judgment cqually surprisiug and deplorable, and tho Republiean party ennnot sanction it without impeaching its entiro courso from the opening ot the robellion to tho close of President Graut's Adruinistration." And, worso than uil this, " Tho Democratie party justly claims it as its own, and isjubilant accordingly." As Garrison is a ehrome fault-íindor and scold, a conteinnor of every measuro calculated to restoro peaco and harmony to the country, the President ought to feel flattered by his bitter words of criticism and censure. To bo opposod by such as Garrison is an evidenco that he is on tho right track. Speakeh Bandall announced the standing committees on Monday. Of somo of the more important committees the chairinen are : Elections, Mr. Harris, of Va.; Ways and Means, "Wood, of New York ; Appropriations, Atkins, of Tenn.; Banking and Currency, Buckner, of Ho.; Paciüc Railroads, Potter, of N, Y.; Claims, Bright, of Tenn.; Commerce, Reagan, of Texas; Postoffice and Post-roads, Waddell, of North Carolina ; Public Lands, Morrisou, of 111.; Judiciary, Knott, of Kentucky ; District of Columbia, Williams, of Michigan ; War Claims, Eden, of 111 ; Indian Affairs, Sales, of North Carolina ; Military Affairs, Banning, of Ohio; Naval Affairs, Wbitthorne, of Tenn. ; Foreign Affairs, Swann, of Maryland ; Kailways and Canals, Schleicher, of Toxas ; Education and Labor, Goode, of Virginia ; Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Stophens, of Georgia ; Keform in tho Civil Service, Harrison, of Illinois ; Revisión of tho Laws Regulatiug the Counting of the Electoral Votes, Southaid, of Ohio. The Michigan members oi tho House have boen placed on committees as follows: Mr. Brewer on the Committeo on Coinage, Weights and Measures ; Mr. Congeron the Judiciary Committee, and on the Committeo on Expenditures in the Department of Justico ; Mr. Ellsworth on tho Committeo on Claims Mr. Hubbell on the Committees on Cornmerco and Expenditures in the Navy Department ; Mr. Keightloy on tho Committoe on Public Expenditures ; Mr. MeGowan an the Committee on Privato Land Claims ; Mr. Stono on tbo Committee on Mines und Mining; Mr. Williams on the Committee on the District of Columbia (chairman), and on Committee on Expeuditures of the Postoffico Department ; and Mr. Willits on tho Committees on Patenta and Expenditures in tho Intorior Department. Isr his corner-stone oration last week our friend Judge Joslin spoko of the jury as a great edueator in human nature, law, government, etc, and said that the offico of juryman was the one office which every citizeu might aspiro to and which ho advised them to seek. But inasinuch as thelaws of tho State requiro the returning officers to list such citizons being duly qualified " as have not, and in whose behalf ihere has nut beun made any upplicatiou to be selected and returned as jurors," how is a law rospeuting, juror aapiring citizen to seuk understandingly the covoted place? Th;it is the question. WK uru inclined to thiuk that tho Boston Travelier more than hints at a solumii trutli wheu it says : " Tlio titue nis tumc for doiiuing Republicatfisni distinctly. It tho President is right in lis COMBO, then tha Ropublio:in party ouglit to huvü died years ago, mul Gov. Sayes ought not to have been electud." Gov. H-tyrs was nul electud, but President Huyes is, neverthek'ss, "right in ïis cojirse," - tlmt is in liis Southern jolicy. And thiit " the Be] Ublican ftrty ought to liave diod yu;its ajro'1 s ii pateut truth. It has oniy gucvivqd on its past record, ind luis no connec:ioii with thü vital intorests of tha country. Wliy should n't it die and be juried out of sightV TllK nomination of Gen. Hurlan to ju mi Associatu-Justicc of the Supieme Dourt still lmngs fire in the Hen ato. üharges are made tlnit hc opposed the eiuancipation proclauiation of Abraham Lincoln, tUíit ho did n't tako kindly to he thirteenth md fourteenth constitu. tiomil amciulinents, and, the ' last hair hat breaks tho camel's back," that durng his mission to New Orleans at tho request of President Hayes, he advised a Biomber of the Puckard LegisUiture o secode und join tho Nioholls' body, - ust to mako surc of his pay, you kuow. Chis last sin is not to be forgivou, - that s if the Republican leaders can havo their way. Eleven Michigan 1'osi.mastera wore confirmcd by tbe Sonate on Wodnesday : among tho nuinbers, Fee at Adrián, Kelley at Alpena, Piorco at Grand Rapids, Sinith at Grand Haven, and Hamilton at Eaton Rápida. President Hayes visited the Virginia Stato Fair at Richmond on Wednesday, and met an entuusiastic reception. Ho was accompanied by Secretarios Evarts, Sherman, Thompson, and Attornoy-Gonerol Devens. Senatohs Edmunds, Conkling, Howe, McMillan, and Teller aro tho Republican members of tho special eommitteo to considor tho subject of ascertaiuing and declaring tho vote for President and Vice -President. Senator Davis is sandwiched in betweenjthe Ropublican and Democratie members. A LETTER writteu by Justice Htrong, of tbo Eloctorul Comuiission, to Hum. Georgo W. Jones, oí' Tennesseo, datud Fob. '20, 1877 (tho Commission being then in sossion), has i'uuiul ita way into the New York Bun. In tliia lottcr tho writor disavowa a belief that "Congress has any conatitutional right to inquire into State olections for State elector?," but not satisfied with this simple ivowtil adds : "Congress has of lato yoars interfored quito too much with tho States. The Electoral Coimnissioii lias no morí! power than Congress has, and I think it would bc a most dangerous usurpation were it to do what the States ulone have a right t , even to cure wluit Ifcur icas a (rent wrong of the Louitiana licturninij Board" Without stopping to discuss this uonl'nssion of fraud on the part of tho Louiaiana Keturning Bosrd, this acknowledginent that fouisiiina voted for Tildón not Hayos, and that, therofore, Tilden not Huyes was elected Presidunt, for that is tho real meaning of Mr. Justico Strong's language, we only désiro to ask, Is it possible that any singlo Stato inay, by open and confessed fraud, fraud known toall tho world, tnay cheat tho natiou out of a legally oleotod President, and that thore is uo power in Congress or elsewhero to protect the nation and the people aguinst sucli frandsr1 Wo do not bolieve it. In a recent lecture delivered in Ghickoring Hall, New York, Mr. Frederick Vors, of the finn of Tifïany & Co. (an oducated Fronchuian), his therao or toxt beiug " Luxury iudicates oivilization," defincd the now comuion word or phrase bric-a-brac as " an ibbreviation of the old Frenoh exprossiou de brie et de brac - raeaning froai hore and iroui ihore." Our curious readers who havo in vain searchod dictionaries and cyclopedias for tho word will feel grateful to Mr. Vors for the timely infonnation. Gov. Tilden arrived home from Europe last week, was sereuaded on Friday ovening, and made apointed speech. See fourth page. m ■ mm i + mm


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