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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Thorough - Bred Pigs _A_T Ük-Lï1 PRICE ! K. 15. HAI.L havlng assumcd tlio interc-sts in th' plgger; Intended for liis hrothers in B6bool( wants a partner, or wlll reduce bis stock, ly selUag for a few weeks, the fi nest ttralna úf Kssex, Suffblk, l'olaud China, and Berkahlre jills and sows just betDg bred lor onu lialt' the pncfifl of other goxl oreeden. Fint tiinc jrou ui; in town come to Woüdsidf- lïulitwiii - íunii, examino tho stock nd '"Wm ArlHir, Nov. 1, is::. 1669w6 A NNUAL MEETING. The aimunl meeting uf the Germán Fiirnier Firo Insurance Company of Washtenaw ('uunty trillbe held at the School Houae, opposltc the Qerman Lutheran Church in Seio, on Mondaj, December 3d, 187", at 10 o'clock A. M„ for the purpose of electinR oliicers, and for the transaction of such othcr business as may legally conie beforc Baid mooting, A general attendancfl of the niembers is expeeted. Scio, Xov.2d, 1STT. 1VJI. P. BU.S3, Seeretary. ïerotd "OTICE OF DIVIDEND. Tho uiuleruined has dechired and wilt py iour per cent dividöodfls of September 1, 1Ü77, yppn the claims which Jjavo been pyesented nnd proved ugninst August Wideniftann. Pnyuble at in y oílico in the city of Ann Arbor. Duted, October Tt 1877, l2lwa JAMES R. GOTT, Asaigneeof A. Widenmui.'# IF yon auk tii;i:i) OF Big Gas Bills ! GET OXE OP OUE XATIONAL UAS WORKS AND MAKK YOUR OWN GAS FOR 75cts PER 1,000 ft. K you liavi use for a Large Amoimt of Gas, write ot us for the particulars of llic way in whieh yon can have a GAS WORKS FOR NOTHINQ ! Xationnl (as Works Eroclon (!., Datroit. 5( k 68 IJatoj St. H. l'KANK, Supeiintenient. 1CÏ9 insurance mm Capital, - - $3000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losscs Piiid in Q5 Yoars, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including ]to-Iusuranoo lieservo, $4,735,092.86. Nut Surplus over Liabilities, including lie Insuranco and Capital Stoclj, $1,735,092.86. (J. MACK, Ayrcnt, Aun Arixir. . - ' Sl ■'-■ (BB This is the fincst Ziniment in the world, fd will posilivchj cure in almost evcry case. Frica $1.00 per bottle. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & C0.f SrUCIAT. AOENTS, TMladelphia, PBICE, 35 CENTS. Joimston, Holloway & Co., Special Agonts, Fhilad'a. EOTQSPOED'S Oswego Starch I Ia the Hr.STan.l IHOST ECONOIW Ical in the World. Ioperfeetly PIJKK- free from iioids an othor foreigD aubstances that injuro Linen. Is H'f'IIOXKKK thiin un y othci- rjuiring ráuchless quiintity in ui];;i. Is stiffeiiH ut] Bniabea vork nlwn ya the same. Kingsford's Oswego Oom Starch Is the most düHoioas of all propurution f or PDDDINUS, BLANK'HANeEi CAKK&o 1846 VTEW TEA STORE. Japan 'I' l ut 3Oc, 40-, :ml 80 iHT Ib u 1 tlio vciv in'M importe ulTUcpcrlb. Gunpowder Tea at COc and 80c perlb., an.l [licvei l.'.-t mporl.'il at 81,00 il pound. V. ui i..; Hyaon al -IDc, 5ttc and 50o, and the b ported at 80c pex n. Oolong Ta at 35c, 60c, 60, and 70c per ll Imperia] Tea at 80e, 40c, :m'l 58c per Ib Twaakey Tea at 2üc, 25c, nnd 3Uc per Ib. COFFEES AD SPICES, of onr own ruasüug and grinding, :ii ereatlyrt duced prlces. ;ivo u a Cali and be Conviucctl. .1. W. UANGSTERFEE & CO., 30& 32SonthItIain at., Ann Arbor. Ii-3ill5 A BANKRUPT STOCK OF HARDWARE ! WILT, BE BOM) Without Regard toCost At the oíd stand of L. C RÏSDOÏT, ). :!1 Soiitli Main 8t.j Aini Arbor. NOW 18 THE TIME POE CASH BUYERS To lay !i their Winter Bupply of STOVES And Hardware of every Deseription. ALL TUO3E INTENDING Tu BüILD AXOTHEll. YEAU, CAN NOW BUY ÏHEIR DOOIt TRIMilINGS AND OTUKi; hajU)wa!;e on ka i' : 1662m8 This is probahly the strongest, 'pur est tnd. best preparalionof Jron ' One' trial tvill' convince Pricc, 51100 jjcrbotlle. ,' JOHNSTON,7flÖIiL;dj7lYT& CO. SpeclafAccnts', JPkilctdelphia. " mr. JIILWAIKBK MEDICAL & SÜRGICAL INSTITÜTE. Ertnbliihcd 18C7 and Chartored by the State Leg i slatu retor the iinprovüdtrcatmcnt oí all Private and Chronio Diacasca mcutioned in this card. Just published, jeffiaTtom " THE SILENT FRIEND! MMffifjBí. A conüdvutial Adviser for thcyounganA fjfmtjmr uitcMlo agcd [of both 8eses;on all DiatousTTB a ut it Privato Naturo, arisiriKfrom ■■M Early Abuses oriniection, Scmiual Vo;ikncs!, nnd lo$s ui Manhood, and tho best ntcans of euro; wtth valuiihli' ftdvicc to tho Marricd and those cun tem plat i n T HaiTlin ; inrliidiiiR a tmtJM üu Femalo DiscaHCa. and Clirunic Atti-utionit of the Thront, Lungs nnd Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Uupturc, Pilo,Fitiila,t]ic Oj1uni Habit &c. It coiitains ït3Olari epates and muuvrvus enyravin-j, )n:ii!c(l undorcoftl on rccviit ot'ÓUotB. A CLINICAL LECTITKE 011 the above clisnM, and pniu'ipli-s ui' medical pructice in tlieir trtatmcu! Priec lOctí. Addrcsí.AttciKÜiiKPhvsirisiu M.&S. irJSTITUTE, No 438 Water st.. MIIiWA'OKEË.WiB. 1 E011GE W. CROPSEY, . Late of tho Arm of Clark & Ceopsky, and A. Ki:akm;y, Late f, undei the Krin name oí KEABNEY & CKOPSEY, I ht v mtabUsUed thoiniolvea t Ko. 33 Soiitli .Tlitiit St., Aiiu Arbor, and piopose to do general Crocerv Business They will also kccn CHOCKERY, GLA8S and WOÖDEN WARE. and a l'ull lino of DOMESTIC and FOEEIGN FB0IT8. ïhey Iiave fittcd and furni.shed A First-class Eating Department, W'Iut" Moals c;n be liad at all kours, or board by tlit' weck. :isli paia (v lluttcr, i:ïi;, and all tJountry prortiice. (.ionls pvomptly dolivered in any part uf the city. Remeinber the place. 33 South Main Street. KEA.KSÍEY &CBOPSEY Ann Arbor, April 2G.I87C. 10SO T70H EENT. Two Stores, Luw Offiues, :mJ upper Iltvll in tb e MoMabon Blook. l-'or terina apply to Koot & "WilcoxHon.'ntflce in the ?rttne buifuinp. L6ÍG JERUSEA. 1'. NOBLE


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