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'1 he President Ivfts Uniod the following : !..¦. I he Presiden oï the United States of America- I ProctanAflbn. The oottpleted oyóle of anmmer ana winter, poort meara barveat, lia brought uw to the accustonietl i u ;a vlnch religioua people celébrale witli V'.1;. -o ml th&nksgiving tuo enduring moïcy of AIy God. Tlüs d.'vout and nubiiu eonfcBsion of mlant dependenco of man itpon llie Piviuo Fatbcr for a'l uood gifte of Jifo and lirsltii aml peace and happinoíifi, so early in our UIstory ruade the habit of our people, ñudo iu tlie tmrvey tf üñ jvit year nou tronada for Hs joyfnl and gratof ui ínatufeetation. la 11 thc blosoinu w'uieh depend upon benign boiiüous this haa Indeed baan a memorulilo yoar. Ortr Uiowidc territoryof ottí oountry, iía Ul it - rernt7Oi Boiland litiuteand prodhcteyt has sicl.lod a Iiminlil'al rotuin t.i tli Itbor of thc bnsbandmsB. Thc healtbot UÜ peoplc ha boen l ip!iit..i :¦.. noprevalcntdrwide-spreaddiseaí . N tere of !ii_nvrock npou our ooasts or to onr c "tWliiy apas l'avn broucht lo8 aud lirb BVM' ' or marinoi-s, and cIouiímI t!ic KwyjLne-of thT.'umnini'y wHna7mpatheticadrro%. ín all ihat concerns our streagtb nd pence ud gicutn(i88 as u uation, iu all thal touches the peimanence and Becurity of our Oovernmcilt and the bc neticent imtituliona oo wliich it rcsls, in all tliat affect the ;.;r;i. tor anti di) ípítlnns of onr people and test i iiKuity lo en.loy aml Dpnold the equal and tree tynow pornianeüt and universal throughout lbo land, the experience of the last ycar ii couST'lcuously niarked by the protocting provi1 ure of God, and in f uil of premin and hope for (Timing Ronorationa. Uudcr a srnse of these Infinite obügations to the Great Ruler of timón and soasons and events, let ns hiDnbly ascribr it to our own fault aud frailtloB if in any dogree that perfect coucord and happineim, pcace and nattM, whioh such great lneroloa shonld diffuse thl'ongli Iho hcar'.-i autl liws of our people, do not altogetliet and alwara nnï ptCTail. Lot us witl oiio K]i;rit and otto voioo lift vp our praisc and tuanisHivinj; to God for Hi nianifold goodnoss te. our land, and HU knanifeet raro for our nation. OW, tlirrofnre, I, ltuthcrford 13. Hayes, Presi Ueut -;' ho l'uited Statea, do appoint Thureday the aatli day of November noit. as a day of nationa tlnuKivluK and prayer, aud I eurnistly recoin lueiiitthit. wiüidrawing themselves from sécula caí BS aud labor, the peoplc of the United States d ineet togother on that day in their respective place of worahip. thero to give thanks and praiseto Al ïuignty Ood for Hi.s mfrcie?, and to devoutly bt ¦ficemi their c. iitinuiTii In wltneee whireof, I have herennto set my hand :n.l c.iiascdthe seal of the United States to be tifDone at the city of Washington tliis 20:U day of Octuber. In tho ycar of our Lord onc tboiusand ei;;! hundred and Beventy-seven, and of the indopendcnc of the Unitod States the o'-c hundreu nnd eecontl. rt-. J R. B. Ha yes. By the President : Wii.liam M. Kvahts, Soltptary ut State. INDIAN INSOLKNCE. SirnNO Buus Aksweb to the Peacf. ComMisbiox : ". Go Back Home, and Take It Easï Gettino Back"- Tuf. Wilï Chief Elects tp Remain on British Soil. A commi .ion of civiliaus and military men, organized upou a scale comnieusuratc with the euurt of n Empcror, has ;been traveling sevtral tlioutiand miles to interview an unbrcecht d Indian who han been robbing, plundering and mimlering at bis oto sweet will for two or threc years past. A great deal of time and money has beeu wasted, and all to no purpose. The curamission met Mr. SittinR Buil, oflicially K)t down on its knees to the doughty chief tain while he sqnatted upon liis ham and wnoked his pipe, and thon read an addre? to him, mucn in the nianner a burgomaster would read an address to a King. Tney sentimentnlized oü tli!j blessingaof peaoe, expressed a íirm coaviotion that the Great Father didn't want to H;,'ht him any more, offered not to punish him for any of his past atrocities if he wonld gire himself np and go on a roMrvatlön, and snggee-ted they might liill a fatted ralf. put a ring on his finger, and array him in purple and line linen when that interesting ¦ 'ook pïace. Af tor the address was read U him, the stenographers sharpencd tbeir pcncils ia readinos to report a beautiful flow df Indian oratory, and the Commission prepared itsclf to receive tlie Prodigal Son with open iirnis. There was no flow of orator.', howevcr. Sitting Bull's reply was as terso, sententious, rml almost as brief aa Cambronne's reply to the Engü.sh at Watorloo. Between the wliiffs of hi pipe, he quietly remarked that the Commission that had come to interview him might uo to heil. He did not waste any word about his (hult Futher, the Grea't Spirit, the whispering %vinds, tho red deer, the pale floweiK. or indulge in any other Indian tropes and pbois. ld' JU.-.É expressed himself 1 riefiy and-emphatically, and, having done so. went mi smoking liis pipo as nnconcerned as if the wbole commission had gone to the undesirable place he indicated. It evidcntly struck the comniission liku a bombshell, exploding with such effect that it even cut the dispatches sltort off in tho middle. Tite followmg is Sittiug Bull's apeech in reply to Gen. Terry's invocaHoti to go back to United States soil, surrender l)is mms, accept a reservation aud a kerd of stooK, and live in peaoe aud amity with the lüilefaces : " l'nr sixty-four years yon liavc kcpt me and my people, and treated lis bad. Whathavo w; done that you should want 3? We have done nothiiig. It in all the people of jour sicic thal havo flartud ns tg do all these flpnreirWmn; ivtr-'.rtii iivJL o anywriere eTse, o we tyok reftiKe in this eonntry Of the British. It was on this li'ic oí ihc country that we karned to xhnut, umi that is tlio reason I came back to il aeain. Why do you come here ? In tho firsi plaie I did not give yon (he country; but you foll wed mo from one place to anothsr; so 1 had to leave and come over to tbis fcöuntry. 1 tiid not givc you any conntry, but yon to'ok il away from us. I was boni and raised in tbis country, witli the lied river half-breeds, and J intend to btop witli them. Iwr.sraised hand in hand with the lied river half-breodp, and we are frdinft over to that part of the country, au: that is the rerison wliy I have come over here.' iahakiiif; hands wlth the British officers, he proceeded : " This in the way 1 waa in the Iiands of (hese people, and that is the wuy I intend to be Witfa them. You have got ears' t( bew, :md you havo got eyes to pee, and you !(¦¦ how I üve with these people. You seo mo. Héro I am. If yoa think I am a fooi, you aro : Ligger i"ool than I am. This house is Hnedicine house. You come hsre to teil us lies, but wc dou't want to liear tl'em. I don't wish auy iJanguage ned to me, that is to ttll m"e such lies in my great mother's home. Don't you say two words more. Co back home where yon cune from. This country is mine, and I Uitend to stay here and to raise this country rail of grown people. See, these pcoplo horë wereraiied with them," again shaking hands wiih tue oliioers. "That ia cnough. öee me shake hands with these people. The part of the country yon gave me you run mo out of. I have now como hero to etay with these people, and I intend to ttay heïe. I wi.-ih yon to go back and to take it caiv gfctting back.' OFFICIAT. UEI0KT OF TUK rOMMISSIONEHS. Camp os tqe Milk Eivek, M. T., ) Oct. 20, 1H77. f T. tlie Hon. Secrotary of War and tho Hon. Sceretnry of the Intorior, Washington: The commission met Sitting Buil and hin fs at Fort Wulsh on the 17th inst. The iostrnotiona wcre cirried out literally. Sitting Buil and his ehiofs declined the "propos:ils. The address of the comnüstiou and 1 1 swers of tho chiefs liave been teJeraphci to tlie New York Ilerald, and it is rtwimnrï uui;ocessary to repeat them in thie telegram. After the conference wa over, the Canadian authorlties h;id a conference with the same mdi-. idaali. In rtply to a vequest of the commiseion to kimw what transpired in the conference, Col. UcLood, Ooffltnissioner of the Northwest Terïitury, addressed to us the rbllowlag letter : Gentlemen : In auewer to your note T W !avr to iiiforui you that, after the interview of the Com"ii lionecswitfa the Indi&ns, I hudatalk with the laltcr. I endeavored to iuipresB upon thom the iinpoitauce of the answer they had juut made; that, although sonie of the (speaker to tho U mnresionerH hal claiiued to be British Imlinus, we denif il tho i::iiu, and that the Queen's Government looked upon thím as American Indians who had takr-n ToS iy?o iu our country from their cnemirs. I polntcd out ti Utam thattbcirouly hopa ma tiie baftalo; tbat it ould not be. many years before that Kource of BUpply would cease, and Ihat they coutd expect iiothiug whatever from tho Queen's Government exoei)t protcrlion so Jdiik hh they behaved theriselvos. 1 warned thei:i ihnt their decisión not only att'ected IhcmserroBj but iheir childrcn, rad that they slin'.iU -hink wo!l over it before it mi ''f-. I to-d them Ihej mn4 not crojB llie line with a hoetile Intent; that il the; ilil they would not only hayo the Americaus fortn bntatootbe pólice and the Uritinh (overnment. aad urRed upou them to carry my words to their eamps, to toll 11 their youug men i had aid anl waru tlioni of the conseiMicuece of ditobtdience, pointing out lo them that s few youDg warriors might Inrolve tlieiu all in truublf. ïhey unanimoHKly adhered to tho nuver thry liad Riveii tlic ConiiniHHioners, and pronÜBèd to observe : -11 1(i:it I had told them. I do not think tliere need i tb leMtADXll tyaboul auy of these Inuians cny;:i' : at i'ny rate, not for some time b In hafttft most reepcotfull; jmirs, James J'. MoLeod, 1 Colonel GoiumaiKlinK N. W. M. P. AI.Fi:ki H. Iiki: , A. G. Lawbence, Commiüsioncrs. THE RAST.. 7'Iaini: lias r.ow but one "State" bank, the ai-tan of Bangor. All the rest have been hanged into national banks A Boston di.spaich annonncoR the failure of the Bay State Iren Companv, with liabilitios of KOO.OOO and aapproximating il. '250, 000 The fast of lbo Pittttbargfa riot oases waa brted in tfae Criminal Court dl'lluit city last week. A. Murray, iiji'-il )ü oönv'eted'of baring stolen property, öroarmfl nul ummunition in his jiossí ssion, rfas sentencdd to tbc peniti i:!i:.rv for thrco yeais. Torn Gallaglur. anothfr of the noten, was i reeelving stolen oods. and plealwl guiity to the charge of laroeny. Scntenced to fine of -tl, 000 and six years iu the peniteatiary. The mnnner in which Senator Blaine's dauf liter nut with a serióos accident (brief menticn of uhicli was naaide in a te'eraphic dipatch) is thus relatul in a letter fri m Angtutt, Jic. : "Talk'ng with a gentleman in the parloroi lier fathtr'u h(tm, siio tüyed and played with a tiiiv PiStol t.tiat pelonged toherbrothi r. The vit'r úogged her to put it away, althougli it was unload(:df and spoko gravely of using cveii cnipt y pistola as playthings. When ho aroso to ro away, sho laiigbiugly ran up stairs to Ikt brother's room, got a cartridgo and put it iu the cylinder, and camo bounding down, calliiíK to lier friend, who WU PUcáng Ottt of the front !U'd, to Itor shoot DUt, bufore fhc had rvelcd tho weftiwn, in hor gloefnl hnrrv slle pfnsseil the (rÍKger, and the lllstruckbetwoen ht-r evos, passing upward. Jflss Ülaiiu-claaped hor head with lier hand, and crying ' Oh ! Inin hot !' feil to Ole Úoor. Sorgeona havo probad or tho ball, but cannot liiid it. The child l&bre terriblj'. InHammation of tho brain i fearedj but the surgeon gívo thefaaiilyhope." A wiiiB Bteet creatod an extraordinary sensatiou ín tlio streets of New York the othcr day. Tho animal ran a remarkable raco through t):o bnsy thoronghfareg before he ronlil bo killed, Quito a iiumbcv of iierBnns were run down, Kored and trampled upou by the iüfmifttod 6cbíU AitEAT oxcitcmont has bcencau.ned in Clarion county, Pa., by the ütriking of a 400-barrel oil woll The Secretary of a Newark (N. J.) swings bank has been indicted far pcrjury Ín certifying to false reporta of the bank' condition. A PiíiLADELrniA dispntch announcea tho deatli of lídwin Adama, Uic wull-known tragrdían, in the 44th year of his agf. Hls diseíse waí cDiisuinntioiK THK 1VKST. Chicago eleva tors, as per official rcturna, con;ain 596,580 bushelsof wheat; 649,089 bushels of corn; 192,010 buxhels of oats; 90,842 bushols of rye, and 548,883 bushe'a of tyarlcy, making a grand totil of 2,070,510 btishels, against S,108.;58 buahelfl at this period last year A Pire in Chicago, last week, burned Wood's Museum, and damaged Chapia & Gore's l'imor etebüslimcnt to the oxtent of several thousaud dollain. Total los about $50,000. St. Louis Ib waging a relentlesa war ngainst the gamblera. . . .The wife o J. M. Berry, the Union PacUic railway robber, who waakilled by Sheriff Glascock, of F:yetto county. Mo., has brought suit against the -Sheriff for $2D,0OU damagep. A DisrATCH from Fort Walfli, British lerritory, SEys : "To-inorrow night Sitting Bull'o forcé sets out for their oíd camp on Wood monntain, but it is probable that a fettli-im ut will bt' fonnd them on Smuis ijver in the Dirt Hills región. The Canadian Indians, who hnog anmnd the fort during the conference, aro deiighted with the way Bitttng Üiül tulki.d back at tbo Couimissioners, and express gieat conIdence in hini. He told me an hour ngo tliat he would Uvo. quietly on Canadian soil, and would, on no conüideration, viólate Canadian neutrality, and before he died he hoped to ' make the Amcricans cry.' The Nez Perces are cattered all over, and are inclined to rest. Walsh says there will bo no more Irouble nntil the Indians foei themelvcs trong encugh to begin a.iother campaipn, (robably in the spring. The pólice regrot the ailure of the Comniirtüion, but aro '.fied tbat they can make amieable arrangements with Sit ing Buil.". . . .Disputadles f rora the lied Oloud Agency describe the breaking of : he Indian camp there. 'l'hcro were (i,000 or 7,000 of the Sicnix at tliat poiut, all of whom have started quiotly on tho loug tramp of somc 200 milos to their new homes at the conlluence of the White and Missouri rivera. Mb. T. 3J. MetcItlt, Miunesota's Comniissioner of Statistics, estímate that tho wheat erop cf that State this ycar will reacli the enormous aniount of -10,000,000 busheK notwitlistanding the ravages of the grasshoppers. Edward S. McYey and his wife Ann, aged respeetivcly 77 and 72 ycars, wero brutaüy raurdered in their home. r.ear Chillicothe, Ohio, onc niglit last week. The object of the murderefs, who are supposed to be trarups, was robberv. . . . .Lewis llejers, Trcasurer, and J. S. Smitii, Auditor, of Auglaize couuty, Ohio, were tried the other day on a charge of cmbezzliiig 547,000 in county funds. Meyers pleadtstl guilty and was sentenced to three yenrs in the pcnittnliary. Sinith was coramitted to jail in default of 810,000 bail. The receiver of the Fidolity Savings Bank, of Chicago, reports thnt t!io totsl liabilities of tho concern araonnt to .1, 315,054; while the assets are placed at $915,537. GENKRAL. Business failures: Tlie Bank of Bunker HUI, 111., liabilities Í6.C00 ; The Carroll Carriago Blanufacturing Conrpany, of San Francisco, Cal., liabilities $50.000, assets nominally 680.000 ; Bi-adford, McCoy & Co., lumber dealers, Quiney, IU., liabilitiea $100,000 to f150.000 ; the Manchester Savings Bank, of Pittsburgh, Pa. There was a great running race at Baltimorc last week between Ten Broeck, Torn Ochiltree and Parole. Thousands of people witnessed the contest, and teim of thousands of dollars Ch&JÊTÊd llfl.nrl bil tho viiuulf Ton l'w.w jt. ilio Rentncky horno, was tho favorite in tho pools at largo odds, hut contrary to general calculation Parole, the New York flyer, came in several lengthH ahoad of hh competitors. 1)íhtancc, 2y, miles ; time, 4:37%. Ex-Gov. S. J. TiluïNj haa returned homo from his European tour. We have news of tho loss of severa] whaling vegselg, witli tlicir crews, in the Arctic ocean. A Philadelphia grand jury has indicted John S. Morton and othei s for conspiracy to defraud the Market Street rsilway out of $2,000,000 Boston telegram: Two i-teameiv. to-dav, for Liverpool, tako 125,000 bushels of wheat. nhipped by Chicago partios on athrough bill of lading. Engagements are already made for all tho grain tonnagi-room of the November steamers. WASHINGIO-V. The President bas appointed Ilugh Campbell, of New Orleans, United States District Attorney for the Territory of Dakota Eienor Mata, theMexicau Minister sent to Washington by Diaz, has abandoned all hope of the recognition of tho Diaz Govcnimeut l,y the United States, and lias left for homo in di-gust. Marepchal. ttie oíd Lerdo Minister, who has heen at all times recognized as t!ie represontative of Mexico, remains at'liis post of 'duty. Theue is an anituated contostover the vacant United States Judgeship for the Western District of 'Wiscoufiii, recently heil by Judge Hopkins Apotitionof 400 ex-strikers of Plttsburgli has been presented to Congres bv Itepreseutative Errett, of Peunsylvanla, asking for an appropriation to transport them to tho üovernment's f ree lnnds of tie West, where they tnay tottlo down to farmüig. Fbom the official report of the Patent Office of the fire which destroyed two wings of tho model-room it appear6 tbat the total loss was $1,500,000, including the smounts necessary to restore models, drawings, etc, and to put the building m a fire-proof conciilion. The intcrnal-reveuue receipts for the Q$cal year ending June 30 were : Total, $21,520,732; for IUinois, Chicago district, ij,500,000 ; Indiana, $C.O37,21'J ; Iowa, $810,402. The President has appointed E. W. Btcughton, of New Yorls, Minister to Itunsia; John Baxter, of Tennessee, United States Judge for the Sixth circuit, vico Judge Emmons, deceased; Theodoro Kooevelt, Collector of the Port of New York: E. A. Merritt, Ku-veyor of the Port of New York; aud Bradford I'rince Naval Officer at New York. THE SOUTH. The Chicago and Alton and Iron Mountain roads have effected a combination to establish a short thrjugh line to Texas via St. Louis, to be known as tho Chicago and St. Louis Short Luie. Tho route is 136 miles shorter than via Hannibal and Cairo and the other two routes. It is repnrted that a syndicate, oomposed of prominent New York banking Brmaj luis Ij yn formed for the purposc of fuuding tho Southern bonds. 8ince the beginnipg of the war no mierest has been paid upon the Southern State, county or mnnici,. al iudebtedness. Theáe bonds aggregato $500, 00. 1,000. The proposed syndicale han iutitind a plan which, by the Legirtlatures of the several States, wiil sescuro the funding of the debt and tho payment of interest. Gen. N. B. Forhest, tho well-known ex-Confedcrate cavaky officer, died last weck at the rcMileiice of his brother in Memphis, Tenn. . . . A dinpatch from Columbia, S. C., says "tho Giaml Jury has returned a truc bill agajnst L. Cass Cupenter, lato Itevemio Collector for the Distriotof South Carolina, tot forgery in two instances, and raistng, alteriog and prinUng warrnnts upon the Treasurer. A trae t.ill was a'so fonnd again-'t Bobert Small8 (cciloreii). C ngressman from the Fifth diBtricr, for acoepullg a bribc of $5,000 to vote as State Senator for the passage of a fraudulcnt printing appropriation " FOLITJCAL. The Cineinnnti Jínquin r classifies the Ohio Legilatnre as foliows: Senate- Democrats, 25 ; Kepublicans, 10. Houiio- Dernocrats, 71 ; liopublieans, 3I ; Iudependcnts, 2. Democratie mnjonty on joint ballot, 58. Kank, Domocrat, has been eketed Mayor of Baltimorc over Thompson, Workingmon's candiddte, by 15,000 mujority The Democrats of Detroit have nominatcd Gcorge C!. Laugdon for Mayor. Attv. Gen. Devens, writing from Wahing. ton, excuüing himself from active participation in the Maisaobuetitts campaign, says ¦ 1 toara wii'i Hurprisf, aud rogre( (hat m&uy llepubliean ftioiftls hexitate whethor to npcak or vote, ilegiflg as a reasoa the President' recent civilaervice order. In distinct torms that order ntatos that the right of officials to veto and expresa their vieng on pubie questions, either oraüy or tlirpii(;h tbo pross, is not clcnicn, pvodoa it oo not lüterfeïa wit! tlve disfihargo of thcir llicial dutioR. tf srtoh gentlemen choose not to votr ir not to expresa and enforce their 1 vii'.vs m support of tlie principies of the publican parWi either crally or ítherwiae they at least Bttould not glve a röason for sucli a conree which is not rastifled by the order ref encd to, and which is trimply a perversión of it." TUK TURKO-RUSSIAN WAK. HrssiA has ordercd tilo mobillBation of all the Cossaeka uot yet in activo service. Theao will amount to ninety-onc regitnonts. Disimtciiks from Erzcroum stato that "military operations in Armeuia aro bciug rapidly pushcd fonvard. Gou. TergukasoLf in in pursuit of Ismail Paaha, who is endcavoi'iug to ofiYct a juuctiou with the Tnrkish f orces at Zcviip. A linsBiau attack ouafortbeforeKars, on tho l'Jth, was repulsed." Oen. GoL'rko, the dashing caválqr offlcerwlio penotratcd the Balkan line and ci'entüd a panic In Constahtiiloplc, has been affordcd an opportunity to diüüuguish himself in counection vith tlie operatiouB íibout I'levna. lío tuniuu up HiHxjiccteclly to the encniy on the Sofia road, ard after a. iglit of ten houre captured a stroDg postUon, and with it secured a fooVhola vhioli will seriously iuterfere with tlie provitioning of I' 'i -vi;:i. Among his prisonera were Achmet Ewsi I'asha aud hia clnef-of-.staff , a large nuinber oí oflicera, 3,000 infantry, an entire regiment of cavalry, four cannon, and a quaiitity of rifles and ammunition. It is announccd that tho üuswanB, deeraing ;he wintering of the army in Bulgaria imprac;icable on acccunt of the rains, will mako desperalo efforts to defeat the forcea of Ruleinian Pasha and also for the reductiou of Plvna previeras to withdrawing the bulk of thcir troop into Koumania. A JiuciiAUEsT diispateh saya "a body of lïussians carried the Turkish positien of Teliache, west of I'levna. Ouo Pasha, several oflicern, and seven companies of Turkish troopa were taken priaonarg. Throe cannon wore captured,' It is announced thst "Kara ia complctely invested, and that its fall ia ouly a question ol timo." B.NKKAL FOKEIGN NKWS. Aii iiie provir.ces ef the republic of San Domingo are in insurrection, though two of them have been reoccupied by the Governmem troops A Havana dispatch tates that "a Spauish column uear Holquin, commanded by Co!. Mozoviejo, ba captured the President (;f the Cuban repnblie, ThoniaB Entrada, Secretary of the Cubnn Chambers, and several other members of that body." Ex-Pkesident Grant bade adieu to England, and arrived in Paris on the 2Ath of October. authorities have oflicially taken possossion of the railway betwoen Woomiug and Shanghai, and stoppcd nll traflic thereon The American blone-mafcons who lately landed in London have joined the strikara The account of the capture of the President of the revolutionary Cuban republic, Thomas Estrada, and the Secretary of the revolntionavy Chamber, by a Spiiuish column under Col. Mazoviojo, near Holgiiin, ia oflicially confirmcd, with the uldilioual iuformation that sevcral members of tho Cliamber were included in the captine. Tlie loss will probably not appall the patriots, but rather lend new bitterncss to the spirit of the insuirection. A Londos dispatch statcs that "completo accesB han been obtaintd to both pits of the High Blantyre collicry, and it has been ascertaincd that 250 persons perished."


Old News
Michigan Argus