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Proceedings Of Congress

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Tuehdat, Oct. 23. - Sécate. - Bills were introduccd and referred : By Mr. Coke (Texas), amending Hifi Uevised Statutca of the United States iu regard to the milititi ; itiuaU-s an annual appropriation of $1.000,000 for the purpose of proviuiug anus nnd oqnipments for the whole body of inililia, either by purehaee or manufacture. By Mr. Ingailp, to enable Indiana to bccome citizens of tho l'niii. tl States, lïy Mr. Wallacö. to provirie a lawf ui note and coin currency for tho united States, and a bfll to authorize a long bond for the inveatment of Bavings ; ibis bilí dircctn the Secretar; of tho Treasnry to issue ín Heu of an equal amount of 4 per cent. 1 iirafl authorixed by the act of July 11, 18T0. a Biim not execeding $100,ÜOO,(HJO of United KtateR coupon bonds in denominations of $25, $50, and $100, in CQual tennis, each dunommatiou rcdepuiabli'. in coin of the preeent standard valué after eixty y pars f rom the date of thoir issue, and bcaring iupayablo somi-annually in tnich coin at the of 3.65 per cent. per annum, theee bonds to be exempt f rom all taxatiou. By Mr. Iugall?, to equalize the bounties of soldier who served in the late war for the Union. sotara. - ííot in session. Wednespay. Oct. 24. - Sbnate. - Not iu sèsKÍOT1. Hoube. - Contideratiou of the Colorado caee was resïirticd, and Mr. Harrieon made an atïdress advoeating FaUcrsou's right to aecat. Mr. Garfield eupportid Beïford as ha ving thfi prima facie right, . . . Mr. Bivnta-no introduced a petition of the central body of traden tinions of Chicago, which was atoo signed by 10,101) persons in dilï'oïent Western State?, aak ing for an amendment to the HomeRtead iaw, iu order that the poorest people may botter enjoy its advantages. One of the rpquesis of the petition fe that the United States Khall gire the actual eettlera email Btims of money at low rates of interest for ten ycare, until the land is improved. Thürsday, Oct. 25. - Senate. - Mr. Conkling prosented the petition of citizenfl of New York ogalupt the repeal of the Bankrupt law, and prayIng that it te anu'iided Mr. Mitcholl Bubmitted a resolution authoriziug the Committee on Privileges and ElectiouB, iu the cases of Messrs. Kellogg and Spofford, claiminga ecat Irom Iouisiana, tosrnd for pertrons aud papers and administc); oaths, that iho cominittee inay decide unon tlio meritsof tho titleof each contestant. .. .Bills were introducid aud referred : By Mr. Garland, authorizing the Secretary of tbe Trcasury to adiust and tettie the debt due the United BtatOB by the Shit--1 oï Arkansas, By Mr. Beek, for the rel?ef of diattllers of spirits by the1 refunding umi repuymont of nioneys expended or pjiid and deposited by them for Tice meters. By Mr. Kernau, re-esUblishmg the Court of Comniissionrrs of Alabama Claims, and lor a red fitributiün of the xinapprouriated OtoneTB., .Adjourncd until Monday, Oct. 29. House.- The Colorado case was diapoaed of by referriog the papers to the Committee on Klections. This was carríed by a strict party vote - 137 to 130. . . .Mr. Garfield presented a petítion of 210 colorcd men, asking aesistauctj f rom Cangreea t enable them to go to Liberia. ït Bete forth the diüiuulty under which tlic colored people labor in euRiainiug families in the face of competition from white labor, and asks thatrt:iaitowance pf, (IQOeadtl ho made to eroiñrants to LiberU under tho auspicefi of tho Colonización Sodety. Mr. Cox t heren pon presentid a petition of white ïücclmnics and laborrrs protPHting ainnt the unj'ist discriuiination made in üxing by Iaw tho coiiippiipation of Government clcrks, and le&vlog that of niecbailios and laborers to be cstabliflhed at lbo ttÜim of individuuN. Beferrod. Mr. Wright prcpeutod a pctiliou of 21,000 workingnicn of the Twelfth Conijressional Diatrict uf Fönnsylvania for a Governnicnt loan to aid B6ttlérs on tlir public domaiu. K?f(-rrfd. Mr. Kolley - I desire to present the petition of a citizeu of tho Dnited States asking CongrcsB to so ohange the fmaucial syatem of the country [intcrruptiouR by Uughter] as tbat laboring people Bhall not appeal to the Gov' riLiütnt for moans of expntriating tliemselveB and tbe Ir poBterity, and that they may continuo to live in homos of thcir choicc and pursue th-1 caIIÍuk to whi-jh they have been traincd. [Lanjihter.] 'I te lïoierml t) tin Committee on EdScaüOD ánd Labor. [Lauhter.] Monday, Oct. 29. - Senate. - The followiiig biils were introduced aud referred: By Mr, Matthowa, toa:nond the Bankrupt act. By Mr. Ingalls, to ftx the date ot thé mbetSng of the firet regular bcssíou of Mie Forty-tifth Congreti on Nov. 1. ByMr. Hatbford, provrateg for the cornudo of silvor dollars and for makintf the same a legal tender. By Mr. Sauuders, to estublish the Terriiory of Incoln, and to proide a temporary Govornmont therein. By .Mr. liooth, to authorize the Seoreiary of thñ In terior to declare the f orf c. ' tu ro of railroad grants in c rtain caf e. By Chaffe; to créate a cuntomn collection diffcrlot in the State of Colorado and Territonea of Wyomingi T'tah and New Mexico. Hy Rlr. Garland, to ainend eo much of the Sundry Civil Apprnjiii.ation bill for the present fiscal nu provides for ftaylng mail oontractors in the Southern S'ates before the robellion. . . .The President sent to the Scnate a tarO numbrrof nominations, inostly of the persons nomiuated during the recesa of Coiigrefs. Among the nonniiations werc IS. W. Sinughton, to bc Miuishr fco Etnsla Theodore KooHevelt, Collecter, E. A. Morritt, Surveyor, and Hradford Princo, Xaai Olncer, at ihe port of New York ; John D. Defreeu, to be Pabilo Printer j William Henry Smith. CollectOT at Chicago; Jöwett Palmer', Collector óí Intíriiai Krvenne iü the Tifteenth Ohio District; John Baxter, of TenneMsep, United Status Circuit Judge for the x-th cirruit : lioinauzo Buuu, District Jndge for thfi Vi Vst' ru District Of WintioiiHin. . . .The tíenate, Lu KeonUve seasion, confirmed a nuniber of nomination for small oinceH, but took no action on thoCM lor important places. Housk. - Tlio House was flooded by a perfect avalanche of billa. Thcre wcre introducod, placad iijinn ihe records, and to be printed, the cnormous number of 84 bilis, an average oí' almost thrco to eacli mcmlicr. Tlio foüowlng aro iho titleB of a few of them : I'rovidiiig for uniform certiftcates of tho oleotion of memberB of Cougross; reiiucing tho postage on letters; to ropeal ihe Iaw taïing depoHitn in savings inslitutlonn ; for tlic romoval of allpOHUcal disabilities ; declariug the Departís ui f AL'iciilture one of the BxeouHvc Departmenis; for ibe establishment of a Department of Conimerce ; to ri-peal the act for rosumptiou of specie paytnente: for tho restoration of wages in the OoTornmeot PrinüDfl OtBce; to maké United noteB rcccivable for import dutits; alan, to conpoüdfttc the bonded debt and to ro-luce interost ; to abolís) t ihe t;ix on Unnon dteUlleü f rom frnUfl ; l' abollBb the iron-clad Oh ; for niHll BteamBhip itfrMee to Brazil ; r-'ju ;LinK thfi Iaw forblddlDS the ppointment iu the army or navy of jiersonH who havo ser ved in tho army or oavj { hc. Confedérate States ; aiso, ti trannfer the conduct of Indian affalra to tlic War : VjKirtinfiit ; to reform tho Civil Börvtce; BfUb to provlde for connting tho PreetdanUa) voto; in relaUon to ot for PiTsidcntard Memborsof Congrrfif ; ; for the íhríio uf national savins boudb ; for a V - on ai Savings Depoaitory ik a braneh of the I Hico Department ; for the admisnion of Utah as a late; for the aduiiBsion of Dakota as a State; esibliliiiiK :i lanrt district in the Jïlack Hills ; to oranize the Territory of Pembiua .... Speaker Randall iitiouiji-.ii ih Rouge OominltteM, The Ghairman hJpB 4? e'!i'ï Sk ïolloiVö : Elebtiohs. ilarrls, of irrfiuia ; WUyB aüd ïïïwms; Woöd, of :Jscw York : Lpproprialipnn, Atliint, of Tcnucegee ; iiauking anti lurrenoy, Boóknfiv, of SHeaduri ; rabifio PiiJroads; i'otter, of Nt'W Xork ; Claiiu liriHt oí 'Limnescí' ; C-oiuinpW'Oj Itcafi.u, )f jrexaa; Public I;;uh1m, liorflaoii; ol Illinois; PoBtofhcs anrt Ioa,t ltoailB, traadeU, of Nurth Caroliua; liistrlct of Columbio, iViliiamK, of Uiobigan; Judloüiry, Kndtt,of Rennu-liv ; War Claims, Eden, of Iljinoin ; t'nblic Expentlitnrea, Hatcber, of Missouri ; Prívate Laud Claiuis, Ouuter, út Arkanwas ; M;muiartur.. WriKht, of leunHjivaïx:a; AgricultUre, Cutler, of Sew Jeraey; Indian Affairs, Scalce, oNorth Caro ílua; Military AffAitè, Tïthmhc, of fJmó j Militie, Milfl BOM, of Ne-W Voi-Iï; Nuval Affairs, Whitt horno, of Tennessee ; Foroijrn Affaire, öwann, of Maryhind ; ïerrltoriOB, Franklin, of i ; ltovolntionary Pensions and War of 1812, Mackey, of Pennsylvania ; Invalid Pension, Rice, of Oliio ; ltiüwaj'8 aud Canals, Schleicher, of TexflH ; Mines and MJnlng, Beebe, of New York ; Kducation and Labor, Goode, of Virginia ; Revisión of LftweJ Waleh, of Marj'Iund ; Ooinage, Weighis and reanurC3( Stephcne, of Georgia; Patento, Vauco, of North Carolina; Public Buildngs and CTjunf'i. Cook, of (1-orgift; Accounts, Kobertf, of Maryland ; BCfleágej i'.ibb, öf IndJ&na; Expenditurea of the State Department, Springer, of Illinois ; Expenditurea of the Treasury Department, Glovfer, of Minonri; Y.m nditnrea of the War Dopartuient; Blacklmru, of Kentucky; ExxiKÏiturce m Ihc Navy Department, WiUiw, of Nefl Vork ; ExpenditureB in the PoHtoffice Deiarbnent WillianiH, of Alabama, ; Expo&ditürês in the Interioi Department, Sparks, of Illinoin ; Expentliturea 01 Public Buildingti, Lynde, of Wisconsin ; Expendí ■ures in the Department of Justico, lírafíK. f WjonBin ; Reforme in thö Civil Service, Harriwon, ol [llinois ; Miesiasippi Leveep, Robertson, of Lonisiana; Rulen, Stephen, of Georgia; Revisión of tlu Tiiiw Rofíulatiug the Conntiog of tho Jílcctornl Votes etc, Southard, of Ohlo; Printing, Singleton, ol BliBsisppi ; EÓffoUed Bills, JlauiiLton. of Imliaua Library, Cox, of Kew York.


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