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Stoutland's Pigeon-roost

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The most timid and hnrmless animáis becorne formidable and even terrible wben oongregated in grent numbers. They take no notice whatever of m;;n, nnd in their oongregated eapacitybecóme his íoe. A herd of buftaloes on the plaios 8 a terror ia ita ïrmrch; a drove of rats in NortÜerh Euöpe attaets all liyiug things tbat como in its way, and even a floot oí pigeons, if big enottgh, oeeoines a great rmisance if not a danger. A pigeon-roost is a big thing, and tliey have a big roost on the Auglaize river, nen; . oamivground, C:nxdeacotuïty, Mo. It ia nn amraal roost, and disturbs tbe qniet oi' the people of tho section. The newspaper man iinds it dilhcult to cdit. and print his papc-r in a pigeon-roost. Millioiis of pigeona cover the trees, and sometimes breuk tliem down. ïhero is a frightf ui confusion of noiïes in tjis pigoon pandemonium - the crnsbip.n' of limbs, the roaring of multitudinoüa pigeons, and tho cracking of shot-guus i-wöopiiig the bieds down hy luindrels mvX thoucsands all night long. Uobody eau sleep in snob, au Uproar auy more thau thev c juld mnid the thunders of a ragiug battle. Besides this, tJiero is a darkening of the air by the birds in their flight, which mákes conlinual cloudy weather. But the people of t.his pigeou-roost aro makingthe bestof thesituation. Thepigoon has become aleading url iele of commerce in the country. .Last year over 100,000 poumls of pigiOBS wcre shippècl trom ïitoutland, and thepip;eou yieid tkisjear promises to be as good. liut everythiug else stops in the pigioa-roostiug season eicept tho newspuprr.--.S7. Louis liepubïican.


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Michigan Argus