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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of The County Of Washtenaw For The Year 1877

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of The County Of Washtenaw For The Year 1877 image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of The County Of Washtenaw For The Year 1877 image
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Tuesday, Oetober 16, 1S77. Boa ni met pursuant lo adjom nniont. Called to order hy the f'liair man. Roll called. Qnórnm present. Jon mal of ycsterday read and approved. Me Oleott froni tlie Committee on Criminal Claims repórted ihc fi1]owin bilis and reconiniended their allowanco at sums stated : ('laimcd. AHowcd Goorge W. Brown tg s:i $18 K Frank Whiting 2 85 2 ;'.. Jumos Iliirtlcr 05 07 2;! 0' A. ,T. McHahoo no SO lo 2; Joseph S. Vreeland 13 4 j Franklin 8. Cummlngs :;o 13 og j oso 34 51 .,, fl. E.W. Wallaco 108 28 15S OC N. ■ CMO Gl 15 59 15 John Gregg 86 16 27 H Voiiu-yH. Totlcr 28 75 28 70 Smlth Wilbur, juror j pp 1 qo Fred. Wm'ster, juror ] pp 1 pj J. C'. Uurkhardt, juror , pp 1 oo Ooorgc Clarken, juror , 1 00 1 00 Peter Snuiters, juror „, 1 00 1 00 Edward Bycraft, jiuor 1 00 1 00 A. Hawklna ! 00 itn W.Thomas ! 00 1 00 John Keenan 1 pp j pp Jasper Imus, juror 1 pu j qq D. ,T. Loomis, jnror j pp j pp 8. Sondhciin, juror 1 pp j pp J.F. Avery, juror 1 pp lm J. Donnelly, juror y ofl 1 00 .t. Volland, juror 1 00 1 00 li. F. Colé, juror ] pp j pg Petcr Dignan, Juror 1 pp 1 po .loliu roorc, juvor 1 pp 1 po .1. O. Smilh, juror pp j- John Glnncy. Juroï - 1 00 1 00 Wra. Olark, jtfror 1 pp 1 pp Warren Tremainc, juror ] po 1 00 L. S. Lcroh, juror 1 00 1 00 0. F. Stíirr, juror j p0 1 pp John Tice, juror 1 qq 1 op Mfttthew Daltou, Juror 1 00 pp ] PeForest, juror , j pp 1 00 John Ciancjr, juror , 1 pn 1 pp John A. Nichols, juror 1 pp 1 pp John llow, juror 1 po 1 00 G. F. Mann, juror 1 00 1 00 P. M. Campbell, juror 1 00 1 00 A. W. Button, juror 1 00 1 00 Ilugh McCall, juror 1 00 1 00 Thomas Hoyd, juror 1 00 1 00 Knoch Terhune, juror 1 po 1 00 Randall Schuyler, juror 1 00 1 00 WiUiRin Porter, juror 1 00 1 00 Philip AVinegar, juror 1 00 1 00 G. V. R. Davis, juror 1 00 1 00 Roswell Waterman, juror 1 00 1 C0 Moeet Rogers, juror 8ó 50 E. LcSeur, juror 50 00 J. Kccnan, juror 50 50 F. Wmster, juror ro 50 Kelson Suthcrland. juror ,",0 50 mith Wilbur, juror M Ú0 J. F. Avery ;0 5y A. L. Noble, juror ,"() á A. Ciwinner, juror 50 50 D. Rinsey, juror SO 50 Smith Wilbur, juror f,o M John W. Maroney, juror r0 50 J. Peek „ go 50 N. A. Drake, juror -0 -,p B. J. Billiugs, juror so 50 E. Duft'y, juror SO 50 W. Lewis, juror ,-) -,o J. F. Avery, juror ,,0 50 Matthew Alber, juror 511 50 Seymour Goodyear, juror 50 50 B. F. Tuttle, juror 00 50 saBlaekney, juror 59 50 idward McNamaia, juror Btl 50 Eldad Spencer, juror ;o 50 James 1'. Wood, juror 1 00 1 00 1. F. Tuttle, juror 1 00 1 00 Wm. Knapp, juror 3 00 1 (X) 'Mtt-ard Munroc, juror 1 00 1 00 Tamos Richards, juror 1 00 1 00 Tacob Stnffan, juror ] 00 1 po Vm. Knapp, jnror 5p 50 ames Gilbert, juror 5P 5p acob Van Husen, juror 50 DO .oren Babcock, juror 50 50 K. C. Fuller, juror 50 50 tugh Sherry, Juror 50 50 Vm. Coleson, witness 1 45 1 15 Ieury Colcson, witness 1 15 ] 43 Myron W. Pratt, witness 05 95 Milo Hunter, witness 95 95 donzo Furgerson. witness 1 l' I 15 olm McLaren, witness 1 55 1 55 íavidHom.wltnesa 1 55 1 55 ibner Beach, witness 1 15 1 15 David Dixon. witness 1 15 1 15 amos McLaren, wituess ] 55 1 55 avid Wobb, witness 77 77 Vallace Furgerson, witness 77 77 Charles Oonklin, witness J 15 I 15 'red. Apple, wltnesa 1 ir, 1 15 ohnMinnls, witness 1 15 1 15 ohn Hathaway, witness 1 15 1 15 Eugcne Evans, witness 1 15 1 15 a rali Evans, juror 1 ]5 1 15 íary 'Warner, witness ] 15 1 15 Villie Drake, witness 1 15 1 15 liiiMmn Forner, witness 1 15 1 15 Mfred Warner, juror 1 15 1 13 Inry West, witness 1 15 I 15 Vilsnn West, witness 1 15 1 15 ustin Parker, witness 1 15 1 15 leoigc S. Hunt, witness 1 15 1 15 O. A. Boyd, witness 1 15 ] 15 Villiam Hoppc, witness 1 35 1 ;:5 lary Hoppe, witness 1 85 1 S5 osephine noppe, witness 1 35 1 35 rillie Holden, witness 75 75 ames Van Husen, witness 75 75 harles Van Orden, witness 75 75 vhvin Gorton, witness 75 75 eorge Whlttlngton, witness 7S 7S Mr. Tíurch moved that the bilí of .T. S. Vreeland be roferred back o tbe Committee. Carried. U: Krapf moved tliattlie report of the Committee be accepted and dopted, except the bilí of J. S. Vreeland. Carried. Mr. Caso from tho Committec on Civil Claims reported (lio follow ing bilis and recommended their allowanoe at auins stated. ('lnimed. Allcuvwl II. A. Tremaine s::i; 60 $30 5 E. B. Tond ge K 3C 0 David Wilscy 70 00 72 o E. A. Bcal 81 50 81 s Wincsit Worden 15 mi i.-, o Pouglas & tío go G Mack itSchmid g 50 (; 5 K. A. Bcal .M -i, 04 5 R. A. Boal 9 00 y o K. A. Bcal 23 (10 23 (u R. A. Beal , .,.-, ,, o, E. B. Pond 50 o,-, 50 2 R. A. Bcal ;., 7,-, 13 - On motion the report was acceptéd and adoptad. The CommiHee of Supervisors of the severa! townships and dis triets, who wero appointed a Committee to investígate theamount "o fine mónéys collected by tlie séyeral .rústicos of the Peace in said townships and distriets, made a report wbirli was. on motion, acceptéd On motion Messrs. (ïregory and Burch werc allowed fnrther time to report. The Committee appointed al a i-itrens' meeting to take steps in regard to the marnier, etc, of laying the corner stone of the new Court House, bei ng present, reported that the corner stone could bc laid within a short time, and rcqnesfed the co-operation of a ('oinmitteo of this Board. Mr. Krapf moved that a Committee of tivc be appointed to confei with said Committee in reference to tbc laying of the corner stone o the new Court House. On motion Messrs. "YV'heelcr, Tlatch, Yost, Burch and Yonng were appointed as sueh Committee, to meet at 11:30 this morning. Mr. Shurtlcff moved that tho subject of boarding prisoners al tin connty jail be taken from the table. Carricd. Mr. Sutton's motion of yesterday, that the amount allowed Ihe Sheriff, per day. for boarding prisoners be fixed at 66 cents, was declared lost. Mr. Ball moved that it be lixed at (9 cents per day. Carried. Mr. Case moved that in oases before Justices of the Peace, wherein the fine was remitted, or sentence suspended, that no cosí be allowed said Justicc of the Peace. Mr. Yeckley moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried. Mr. Yeckley moved that a Committee of three be appointed to investígate the whole subject in regard to fines and eosts, in Justiee'sCourts, and report the same to this Board. Carried. The Chairman appointed as such Committee Messrs. Yeckley Krapf and Whitaker. Mr. Olcott moved that Mr. Yeckley be excused from acting on the Committee. Lost. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 o'clock P. m. . I J'TKIl.XO QN SESSIOK. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Gregory from the Committec on fine moncys reported as to Justicc McMnhon, and reporta that he iinds no fine moneys in bis hands. Mr. Webb from the same Committee asked for further time to report; which, 011 motion, was granted. The Judge of Probate made the following report in regard to the insane from Washtenaw County sent by him to the Insano Asvlum at Kalamazoo. To the Honorable thcJBoard of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: I herewith have the honor to make my annual report to the Board of the number of persons sent to the Insáne Asylum by me since the lirst day of Jannary last, as follows : First, Ellen Carroll, sent on the liHh day of February, from the township of Ann Arbor. Physicians examinïng her case, Drs. Donald Maclean and George E. Frothingham, Her husband, Thomas Carroll, has three cbildren and 110 property. The entire expenses of supporting Mrs. Carroll at the Asylum, if 'she is kept there, must be borne by the County. Second. Sarah Axtell, sent on the 5th day of April, from tbc Sixth Ward of the city of Ann Arbor. Physicians, Drs. Smith and Morton, Mr. Axtell is himself insane or demented, has no property, and is supported by his son. Mrs. Axtell will havo to be a County charge. Third. Israel Estey, sent on the 13th day of April, from the township of Lodi._ Physicians, Drs. Maclean & Frothingham. Mr. Estey owns about eighty acres of land. He has no personal property, and ís in debt about twelvc hundred dollars. He has a wie and three cbildren, all girls. His guardián, Mr. Edward Moore, has given a bond to pay one hundred and twenty-iive dollars per year towards bis expenses at the Asylum, the remaining expenso will be a County charge. Fourth. John Whitlark, sent April 18th, from Ann Arbor town. Physicians, Drs. "Wells and Frothingham. Mr. Whitlark bas property sufficient for his present support, and his friends have given a bond to hold the County barmless on his account. Fifth. Araos Lazell, sent July 18th, from the township of Brid;-ewater. Physicians, Drs. Lynch and Wells. The proof shows bun worth about eight hundred dollars. He has a wife and two small ehildren, and is unable to pay any part of bis expenses at tbc Asylum. Sixth. Andrew Shuda, sent September 19th from the township of Ypsilanti. Physicians, Drs. Owen and Batwell. He is worth about five hundred dollars. lic bas a wife and four ehildren. He will have to be a County charge. In regard to the present condition of these several patiënte at the Asylum, I submit herewith a communication from the Assistant Medical Superintendent of the Asyluinand beg leave to make the same a part of this report. The number of persons sent to the Asylum since January last may seem large; but it is the díctate of humanity as well as of êxperience and science, that patients of tbis kind, if cure is attempted or desired, should be sent at once to some institution whero they can receive proper medical treatment and care, and I trust that yöur Honorable Board will not besitate to act gonerously towards this "important olass of your fellow-citizens, afflictcd as thoy are by the most terrible of all alainities, the loss of reason. Respectfiilly submitted, WILTJAM D. HAREIMAN, Judge of Probate. Michigan Asylitm kor the Insane, ) Kalamazoo, Oetober 3, 1877-, j IIox. VV. D. Habkiman, Probate Office, etc: DkakSie: - Your letter of the lst inst,, is received. In reply we would say that - Ellen 'Carroll bas made markcd improvement, both physically and nentally, since she camc to the Asylum. She now controls herself very well, and is slowly gaining mental strength. She will undoubtodly receivc further benefit from the treatment. "Sarah Axtell was one of those unfortunate cases where treatment was delayed until fixod delusions had developed themselvcs, which mfortunately were of such a characteras tointerfere with the comfort md safety of all about her. These are gradually becoming modificd indor Asylum treatment, and she is mnch less irritable and excitable, f removed at present she would probably grow worse again. She )ids fair eyentually to regain a comfortable degree of health. It vould be difficult to care for her at home or in the County Asylum. Israel Estoy sufters from a monomanía of jealousy. Which rendcred it unsafe for him longer to remain at home. Although he has een here only a few months, he bas made gratifying improvement. Ie is in excellent bodily health. John W. Whitlark's case was originally one of ncute maniacal excitement, In consequence of previous attacks, which reduced his ïervc tone, and established a tendency to periodicity in his disease, ïis excitement was followed by depression. He is now constant ly inder the influence of depressing delusions, and quite suicida!. He s in fair bodily healtb. Amos B. Lazell, suffers from melancholy, and is actively disturbed nost of the time. He is very suicidal, and takes food reluctantly. lis bodily health is delicate, and he requires careful nursing to mainain bis strength. Neither he nor Mr. Whitlark could be removed 'rom the Asylum with safely. Andrew Slmda, has hardly been here long cnough (o permit an opinión to be formed as to his prospecte of restoration. lio lias periods of excitement, and his mind seems much impaired. All of the abovc will probably receive futther benefit from a Ionger residence here, and two of them at least, would not be safe elsewhere. Yery Ivuly yonrs, (IX) ROK C. PALMEE, AsSistant Medical Superintendent. On niotion of Mr. Yecklev, t he report was aceepted and ordered placed on the journal. Mr. Burch moved that the Board resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, and hear the report of the Committee on its visit In tli e County Poor House. Catried. Mr. Webb, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole on its visit to the County Poor House, made the following report : Mr. Chaihman - The Board of Supervisors, who resolved themselves into a Committee of the Whole to visit the County Poor House, would beg leave to reijort that they have visitcd that institution, and examined its yariouB departments, and found each department in excellent condition, showing skill and good management. ïherefore, in view of the same, I would, in behalf of the Committee, move that the thanks of this Board be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Van Ryper for the able marnier in which they have discharged the duties entrusted to them. Said Committee would further report that they have examincd the improvements made at the County House, by the Superintendente, and found the necessary improvements made in a good and subtantial manner, and upon examining the report of said Superintendents they found that everything had been done in a fair and honorable manner, and in our opinión, Washtenaw County is fortúnate in seeuring the services of men who will look so well to her interests. Therefore, boit Siesolved, That the thaxiks of this Board be tenderedto the Board of Superintendent for the fatthful and business-Ifke mannes in which they have discharged the dutu entrusted to their cate. M. AVebb, Chairman. Mi-, Yeckley moved that the report be aceepted and placed on the journal. Carried. Mr. Shurtleff moved that the report of the .Superintendents of the Poor be aceepted. Carried. Mr. Yeckley moved that the report of the Superintendents of the Poor be referred to the committee to settle with the said Superintendents. Carried. On motion the Board adjournrd untirto-lnorrow morning at half past nine o'clock. GEORGE S. WIIEELEli, Chairman, Wedxesdav, Oetober 17, 1877. Board met pursuatit to adjniirnineiit. Called to order by this Chairman. Koll called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Olcott from the Committee on Criminal Claims, reported the following bilis, and reeommended their allowance at sums stated : Clairned. Allowcd. Ambrosc All'ord, wltness $1 15 SI 13 Owcn Alford, witness 1 15 1 15 Irwln Alford, witness 1 15 1 15 Thomas Clarken, witaess 10 20 lo 20 C. Newell, constable Si) Ct M OC James M. Forsyth, D. S 123 G7 122 92 James M. Porsyth , 05 85 35 85 James 51. Forsyth, constable , ICO 07 98 4: James 51. Forsyth 108 CO 100 04 EliS. Manly , 30 Of. 45 91 L. O, Overshire, justicc " !7 3 97 Isaac Crane, wltness 2 S0 2 50 Wm. G. Shipman, juror..., 1 HO 1 08 BayerH.Ellis, juror 2 00 2 00 Baycrll. Ellis, juror 1 58 1 50 S. II. Ostrandcr, juroïuu 2 50 2 60 Wm. II. Yost, juror , 1 00 1 01! Wm. I). Martin, juror ■ 1 00 1 00 George D. Thaycr, juror ; 1 00 1 OU Kevilo Ackley, juror , .,, 1 00 1 00 Thomas Busby, juror 1 00. l 00 Henry Bishop, juror 1 00 1 00 Simeón G. Rowley, juror , - 00 2 00 Isaac Crane, juror 1 Ö0 1 Uu Charles C. Collins, juror 1 00 1 00 J. Eemington, juror 1 00 1 00 Thomas Martin, juror 1 00 1 00 Wright Spencer, juror , .,., 1 00 1 00 Aaron P. Bucklin, juror .. , 1 00 1 OU AlonzoM. Noble; juror 1 00 1 08 Judson E. Post, juror 1 00 1 00 James F. Seeley, juror 1 00 1 00 Silas S. Clark, juror 1 00 1 00 A. Jones, juror 50 Ml Wm, King, juror BO 60 Richard Spaflbnl, juror , , 6 50 C. Anderson, juror , „,.. 50 59 Allen Pierce, juror 50 150 David Roderick, juror 50 60 James McKinstry, juror ö' 80 Orson Cody, juror W 50 David A.Wise, juror 1 BO 1 50 Levi Tcnny, juror 1 00 1 0(1 J. Newell, juror 1 50 1 50 Austin Guild, juror 3 00 :1 00 Ashlcy Miner, juror ,"0 50 John Cody, juror 60 59 Judson A. YVilson, juror ."( 59 Oliver A. Ainsworth, juror DO 5i) Kclson K. Van Tuyl, juror 1 00 1 06 William II. Guild, juror 2 I) 2 00 lí. D. Iïoys, juror 1 00 1 00 AVm. B. CHark, juror _ 1 00 1 00 Edward L. Crane, juror 1 00 1 00 O. G. LaRue, juror ] 00 1 00 Charles D. Bassett, juror ,,........ 50 50 David J. Tyler, juror 50 50 Solomon C. Hamlin, juror 50 50 II. Goodspeed, juror 1 00 1 00 Lewis H. 'Weir, juror 2 00 2 IN Georgc Kissler, juror i Cd ] 00 Vndrcw Martin, juror , 1 00 1 i hi Alonzo II. Smith, juror 1 00 1 06 Ilcnry D. Martin, juror ] On 1 00 ornelius Harris, juror .,,,. 1 (H) 1 (KI Isaac B. Harris, juror ] 00 1 00 Ilcndricks juror 50 50 S. II. Ostrander, juror 1 (KI 1 00 David J. Tylerjuror ] 08 1 Ou David B. Ellis. juror 1 (KI 1 on finm 1'. Bucklin, juror 1 00 1 68 .ustin Guild, juror „ 1 00 1 00 Wm. G. Shipman, juror 1 00 1 00 On motion the report was aceepted and adopted. Mr. Le Baron from the Cammittee on Civil Claims reported tkd following bilis and reeommended their allowance at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed. J. S. Case, sheriff. 81,251 00 fl,251 GO 51. Fleming 112 35 1,112 :;:, Vm. H, Mclntyre 5 70 5 711 M. Fleming 37 (1 37 Qg Vm. II. Mclntyre :u r,u 94 ru On motion the report was aceepted and adopted. Mr. Krapf moved that the Prosecnting Attorney be requested to come before this Board and give his opinión in referencc to the law relating to fees in Justice's Courts. Carried. The Building Committee of the. ncw Court House belng present, wcre invited to make a report. Hou. E. Lawrence, Chairman of said Committee, made the fbHpWm report, which on motion of Mr. Le Baron was aecepted. To the Ttonrd of SupfiTViSOXS "f Washteiinw ('omiiy. The Court House Building Committee beg leave to tfeport - Thai Bftid Committee organized on tho 21st day of April, a. D. JN77. ny appointing 10. Lawrence Chairman and Secretary of said Committoe. At said moeting a resolution was adopted anthorizing a notico tobe given tbr plana and speciflcations for i Court House to be published two weeks in the newspapers of tho city 1' A mi Arbor, and six consecutivo days in the Detroit Fret' Press and the Detroit Post. The ïmtice adopted and publishüd for that parpóse, was as follows: NonCE. - Plans and Bpöciflcations for a Conrt House :it. Ann Arbor, will be received by the undersigned uut il the i"th day of May next, at 12 o"clock m. Tlie said building to contain the usual connty offices, fonrofwnich to be iire-proof, or contain flre-proof vaults, and that tho oost of said Ymrt House is not to exeeed the suin of sixty thonsrtnd dollars. None 11 be aid fot unless adopted. Ann Arbor, April '_'lst. 1S77. IS. 1,AU HKXl T.. li. C. VVabneh, J.C. Mkai, r. Kisiii-Mi.n. M..I. NoYEB, Building ( Jommittee. The aliove iiotioc was duly ptiblished, and on tho 15tli day of May, the ('oinniittee met, and alter giving a careful oxatnination and eonsideration to the various plans presen tod, on tho 23d day of.May, iinaniniously adopted the folio wing resplution : ,■ tolvcd, Tlnu the Couri House plan prescntctl to thls oimpiltóc )' . W. Bnnting, u [ttdlanapolw, Indiana, bc adopta) by (hls Committee us n plan ti be mibmitted litho itoard ot Snpervlson t'"r thcir oon9ldcration, pn ivldcd that wiid . VV. Ituuttng cru ■- . Ita assunmrox ihnt a Court XÏOUSG Imilt nfW suid jilnn shnll tiöl CfW1 I" PXCOOd tl ir mhu ut1 sixty tiiousunii dolían. And the said BlWting hflVing Jiiade in writing and doli"Ored to the Committee the following statement, to-wit : "Axx Aiiiioi;, Michigan, May -Isi. l77. Guxn.i:.ii: or tui; 1!i -ti. dim; CoMMiïrr.i-:: The plan for a building 1 siibmit for your eonsideration is under contract at the present time at Washington, Indiana, for the sum of severitV-foui thonsand thrëe hundred and sixty-six dollars ($74,366), whieh was nof the lowesi lesponsible bid. The lowest responsible bid was Beveaty-ohe thousand dollars (871,000), luit the ■omniissioners saw proper to gifé the parties whieh they contracted with the prefcrenee of threo thousand tliree hundred and sixty-six dollars ($3,366). I w i 1 1 base my estímate on the sum as seventv-two thousand dollars ($72,000), the following items oxcepted, which does not shietly belofig to the building proper : Kstbnated eoetof Building S79.00P Kcduction ïVom above estímate- Bteam Heatlng Apparatus (6,600 Plumbing 3,600 Fnmltttre 2,000 Clockand Heli 1,600 Diffrence between rainal and plncinsidc finish 2,100 Foïr t-Miios at 2 cneli 1,000 611,790 1 will guarantee the building vill be let with llcretofoi'C mentioncd Items excepted, to goqd and responsible parties for tlie sum of sixty thousand dollars (160,000), including architect' connnission. All of whieh is respecttully submitted. i. W. T!l NT1N( ." The said Committee aubinitfcod the said plan to the Supervisors of snid C'ounty, by whom t was adopted on tlie 24th day of May, A. n. 1S77. And tho Committee haying advortised for bids for the building of said Court House, accordinj; to the plans, specifieations and detail dravings, furnished the said Committee by U. W. Bunting, in tho newspapei-s of the city of Ann Arbor, and the Detroit Free l'ress and Detroit Tribune, met on the 28th day of .lune, a. d. 1877, and received and opened the following sealcd proposals, lor the building Óf said lonrt House, to-wit : Kamea of Contrnctors. Attumiit nf JiUls. McCormick & Swceney JB8.900 C. 3. HodRson & HamoRf .rr!,S75 rnubnin Bros c !,:: A. G. CumpfieUl 01,000 W. II. Mycrs OT.000 Cobb, Wallaea & La .wo IComshaw & Oobel MiBJB pHzlcyliros ■ 78,100 Mortinicr& Topper 05,000 CofttS & ïopplng 03,180 The Committee adopted the bid of MeCormick & Wweency, although not the lowest by twenty-one dollars, on account of representations as to their respoiisibility 'nnd character as builders. And on the second day of July the Committeo presented to the lïoard of Supervisors ihe choice made of the bids oüered. On the lOth of July, the contractors, MeCormick & Swecney, not bcing able to procure sureties, who were residents of this State, for tbc faithful performance of their contract, the Committoe authorized [r. Noyes to go to Columbus, Indiana, the residenee of said contractors, to ascertain their character and respoiisibility, and that of the sureties they oft'ered. Tho contract for tlie building was drawn up and executed by the Cóunty of Wathtenaw, wliich was taken to ('ulumbus, and then sfglfé'd by tlie rontractoin and sureties, and on the l!Hh day of July, the contract was submitted to and approved by said Board of Supervisors. The Committee have been thua minute as to these preliminarv proceodinus as they thought it might be desirable to liavc. and perhaps preserve a Bliccinct history of their dpipg?, On the 19th of July, E. I.awrence was by said Committee apppinted local Superintendent of tbc erection of the building until the ïlst day of July, when he was elected Superintendent, the Committee fising his compensation at ?2.50 per day. Your Committee would further report that various delays océasioned by unavoidable ovents have, to soine extent. hindered the projfress of tho work on the building, lint thé same is being eiceted withorrt intentional neglect or delay. On account of the descent and dopression of tln surfaco of the jinblic square, the side-walk on the sout h-cast corner being föur feet and cight-tenths of a foot liigher than the north-west ('enner, and the walk at the lowest point heing between two and three feet above the lowest surfaee of the grounds, and the east end of the SUi'face of the round, caused by the building being more than three feet bigher than the west end, it became a matter of impörtancc, and of no enviable responsibility, to estabÜBh the grade Imo of the buiding, so as not to mar its permanent beauty, on one hand, and not to incréase unreasonablv the expense on the other. 'Ihe Committee, after fully cohsidering tho subject, and in aecordanee with tho advice of the architect, and nunierous citizone of the county, Vïhose judgment and voices were thought worthy of eonsideration and respeet,. consented to the establishment of the grade linos at six inches above the most elevated part of the sidewalE. This grade, on account of tbc uneven surfaee of the ground, presents on one end of the building a scarcoly percej)tible descent, to tho sidewalk and road adjoinmg, wliile in other parts the descent is scveral feet. At the grade tíred, the foundation of the building will be three feet and six inches at the squth-east end, above the surfaeo of the ground, and about twice that distance at the north-west corner. To accomplish this grade line, the (bot ing or foundation of the building, being by the plan only three feet, bas to bc increased about six feet, making the grade line iiinc feet above the bpttpm of the footing instead of three. In order to obtain a uniform soil for the footings of the building the trèncli on the west end had to be about three feet deep, and on account of the nnèvenncss ot' the surfaee of the ground, the level made the tronch (11 the oast end of the building nearly six feet in depth. This incréase of tho foundation will nol only augment the eost of tho building, bot will require :i considerable oiithiy to tiii up the grounds from the erade line of the building to the sidewalk. The Committee in establishing the grade line of the building at the present height, while desiiing to prevent additional expense, were not unconscious of the liability to censuro and condeinnation, if the grade were placed too low. The members of theCoinmiltee, therefore, knowing that they could not perform mposaibilities, by making uneven surfaces level, without expense, took the responsibility to lix the rade of the building, whcre. they supposed it ofiglit to be, trusting to t lic good sen se of this Board, and the people of the County ('or their approval. The amOunt of carth necessaiy to till tlie public square from tho grade line of the building to the adjoining sidewalk is esfimatcd at about five thousand yards, and the commiitoo would rccomme'nd tho propriety of letting the lilling of the square to the lowest bidder. K is desirablo that the walls of the building should be banked around, and it is thought that the Idhgéï time' givëh t " ► the contractOl', will enable him to do it at a cheaper rato. The interior of the building will havo to be íilled to the grade line, hut it is said that this can be done to botter advantage after the wal Is of the building are completed. According to the specifieations the water from the building is to bc condueted hy a lile drain to the center of tho strect, thcre connecting with tlie main sewcr. But as wo have nosewerage, it becomes a question how to dispose of the water falling on the roof of the building. Therc are cisterns bolonging to tho city of Ann Arbor, situatcd at the south-west and north-east corners' of tho Conrt House square. Tho water from the building could be conyoyed to either or both of said cisterns at little or no expense. Or a cistern nearer tlie building might bc constructed, and used for the wants of the Court House. These are mattere about whieh the ('onimittee would prefer instructions before acting. In order to construct tlie stoj)s to tho pórtico on the north sido of the building, the old Court Ilouso will have to be removed, but it ia under.stood tliat these steps can bo pnt up after the building is conipleted. J t is now thouglit that the building may be completed within v year from the present time, and it will be necessary for the Board of Supervisors at this session, or a special one, to takc somc action as to the modo of hoating and furnishing the building, as well as to making prorieion foi the ï-emoval of the present County buildings. On tlic 31sl day of July the ('mnmittee eiutsed the sutn of fifleen hundred dollars to be paiá to G. W. Bunting, architect, as a part of his commisííonáj and took his receipt thcrofor. On the Mth of September, the first estímate of labor and niaterials amounting to. after tlic deduction of iifteen per cont, the siun of three thousand eignty-five 55-100 dolían ($'4,085.05) was paid to the contractors, by an order on the building fund, and their receipt was taken therefor, and together with the original estímate liled with theCounty Clerk. And on the Iflth of Oetober the seeond estímate, after fiilecn per cent deduction was paid to the contractors, amojantins to $9,435, li.j per cent as commission on amount expended, $14,185.55 being $3o4.03, was paid to G. V. ISunting, architect1, and tliir rereipts taken and iiled with the County Clerk. It has been suggestec! that it would not be impropèr though not eonneeted directly with the ilnties of the Building ('ommittee, to infoi in the Board of Supervisors, that the County bonds can be negotiated to our own eitizens if the rate of interest be reduced to six per cont. And if the proceeds be loaned to the banks at flve and a half percent it follows that the County will be tlie gajner, and nv own citizens will have the privilege of nvestiog their funda in safe and conveniont securities. Tn conclusión, the Conimiltee would say that llie foundation of the building, in their opinión, is perfect, and although soine object to its being of brick, vet from the inforination they have obtained, they are led to the conclusión that its durabillty is unquestiöhable, and that the even and uniform hearing which it present, rendéis it prefefáble io any foundation that could be made of stone found in this vicinity. And they would farther say that as far as is perceptible the coiitráctors are endeavoring to erect, in every respect, a good and substatitial building, according I" the plana and specifientiona of the same, and agreeably In their contrncl with the County. K. Lawbiínck, U. C. Vakni:i'. John C. Mead, Peter Kïhhpai air, M. J. Noyes, Building Conimittee. Mr. Sutiun inovcd that the report he adopled. Carried. Mr. Sutton moved that a eopy of the repoi! of the Iiuilding Coinmitlee of the ni'ff Cóurt House be placed in the corner stone. Carried. Mr. Krapf frblB the ('ommittee appointcd to aseertain and report to thé Board their opinión as to the kind and qttaiity of doek that should he obtained for the ncw Court House, reported that Prof. Watson would like somc speeific time to eome before the Board, and moved that he be invitcd to do on to-inorrow afternoon nt '2 oitflóck. ('arried. Mr. Shurlleff moved that tlie report of the Building Commjttee he referred to the Coinmittcc on Public Buildings, Carried. Mr. Shürtleff moved to inake the election of a Superintendent of the Poor the special order for to-inorrow afternoon at o'clock. Tlie veas and nays being called for, the r'eeült was as follows : Yèat -Messrs. Case. Lc Baron, McGuinness, Shürtleff, Shutts, States, Whitaker,Yeekley,Youngand -10. A'ayg - Messrs. Hall, Blakeslee, Breiniilg, Buren, Coleman, Oalpin. öregory, Hárper, Krapf. Olcott, Sihuyler, Sutton, Webb and Wheeler- 1 . Mr. Bureh moved to inake it l''riday flfternoon nt _' (i'clock. Mr. Slinrtlell' moved to amend and make it Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock . The veas and nays beiijg called for the ainendinent, were as follows: Yras - Messrs. Ball, Kreining, Case, Coleman, (ïalpin, Gregory, llarper, Krapf, i.e Baron, McCininness, Oleott, Bchuyler, Shurtleif, Shutts, Sutton, States, Webb, Wheeler, Young, and Yost - 20. Nain - Messrs. ülakeslee. Burch, Whitaker and Yeckley - 4. Carried. The queetion recurringon Mr. Burch-'s motion as amended, the veas and nays were as follows: Ycuh - Messrs. Bal!, Case, Coleman, Galpin, Gregory, Harpcr, Krapf, Lc Baron, McGuinriess, Olcott, Schyler, Sutton, .shutts, States, Webb, AVheeler, Young, and Yost - IS. Nays - Messrs. Breïning, Burch, Whitaker, and Yeckley - 4. T'arried. On motion tlie Board adjouraed nntil L' o'clock tliis aflernoon. A&TlffiNOQNSESSIONl Board mei ptirsnant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Kuil called. Quorum present, Mr. ('ase from the Coininittce on Civil Claims preaented the following' hills and reconimended their allowance at sums stated : l'laimeti. Aliowort. Dolimy A Ilill 2 2 75 John Moorc 2 50 32 60 JclmO. Crane 18 20 11 B5 E. W. Wallaoe iï go 17 50 Jortin Forbex lö 1" '■ 25 John UcKinnon, .luror 3 00 3 00 .inroU sturm, juror ...,, ,. 8 lh) 3 W Wm. Brainard 8 oo S 00 Albort Jones, jiiror , 1 CIO S 00 rotor Kanonsc, jitror :! 00 S 00 l'otrr Rogpi-s. juror 3 00 S 00 On motion the report was aecepted and adopted. Mr. Galpin from the Committee on firiminal Claims reported the follnwinff bilis and réconYtn'ehded their allowance at sums stated : ClaliucJ. Allowed; Xaspèi Iinus, constable 3liJ 6t I) i 63 Aiulreiv II. Dewitt, wilness 63 1 05 JftCobRohm, witnoss 1 t' 1 05 .liiincs Tiiislinw, wltnes.- 1 65 1 65 Honry Iiiiidor, vitnos.s R5 S5 Hiirliarn .Toilele, witiicss 85 s"' G. Van Rlper, ivltness ' " i "■' J. Qeorge Kim, wilness 85 88 Paültpo Binder, Itnesa 93 SI Mary Bindor, wltncss s", 85 linrbftra Ij. JodclO, wittio.s &5 85 ('nrrio Schalble, wltness 8 i x' John Kettrtcïi wltnesa 85 s" A. UcLcfiJi, witness 83 Kiluanl DulTy, wltnesa 85 83 Caroline Binder, wltness 85 85 E. B. füilley, constable 85 % M 87 Dante! li. Kollcy, constable n 02 6 87 Wm. II. Mclntyrp, constable 98 :'. S9 5!) Joseph Vreeland, oongtable 78 '■'■- 69 W John VoungSj ivitness. ■- i1 2 10 JeasèYoungs, wilness 2 10 2 10 Anna Hun", wltnesa i 03 1 us SlvplK'll Huil', witllCSS 1 (Jj 1 0-" Calvin AsliWy, wltness 17 IT Klla La.sco, witness 17 47 Klizal'cth Lasco, witness 17 47 Émraa Brooks, witness 17 47 Wm. Kobblns, wltness 17 47 Ucrbcrt Sweet, witnes? 47 17 Albcrt Hanson; wltness 2 25 2 25 S. Moore, wilncss 17 47 Osborne Et. Milla1, witness 17 47 lïen Joslin, witness 47 47 Thomas ï-uekings, witness 47 17 Buit Amsden, Witness 47 47 1!. I. Mel'urlin, witness 17 17 Prosper Follington, wltness ] ij i 15 James Augustus, witness '7 17 Henry .lohusou, witness 41 17 RobertJ. King, witness 47 17 A.M. (Jibbs, witness 17 17 John Stone, witness 17 47 Gcorse Schelf, witness 17 17 Murgurol Seheif, witness Só 85 Charles I.yon, vitness 17 47 Isaac C'raue, witness i ', 1 70 F. W. Cleveland, Hltness S ■-; 2 26 CJeorgeC. CoUlne, witness J7 17 Samnei;w,Campboil, wltneaé 01 'M A. D. &, Rlnscley, witness 7 47 S. V. Willenbeck, witness 1 6.3 J Go L. It. Liiwrenee, witness ] f,,") 1 03 Anna I'arks, wltness 1 (i." l 65 l'r. Mevehnnt, witness 17 17 C. L. Yost, witness (7 17 L.Deltois., witness 47 17 Dffvtd Hodetiok, witnoss 47 17 A. Ii, Goodepced, wltnost 47 47 II. McKiüslry, witñcss 17 47 C. Newell, witness , i n i ti 1). W. Thnmpfion, witness M 1 Sdward L. Cranc, wltness...., 47 17 Mía Reynold-, wltness i C" l 05 Saroiii-i .!. 'i. l. v. tin--; 1 OS I 85 Sarah Kilborn, witnesa i 69 1 03 Martha Iüsm.-]]. uituc-s 1 65 1 O." D. Johnson, tritüeñ 47 17 (.'. Uurhan, uilness 17 17 W. i). tnVUblÉ, n Uteks 17 47 C. IIftiiljy, witness '17 17 wm. r. üRVis, wiineas 47 47 Charles Selgmond, witness 17 47 Alva Keynolds, witness Ki s' Jnhn Iiobuck, witness 17 47 F.Hiibeth Vlsk, witness 17 17 Charlea Reinhort, witaesf 47 47 Charlea Viol, wltnem 47 l" Roscttc I. Mills, witness -17 17 John E. Putney, wltnses 4" i" Augustus II. Phclps, wilm-ss 2 M 2 M John I). Oleott. WÜ111-.S 2 (1 2 !K) Thomas c. Howard, wltness 1 05 1 "" Edwin Síindcrson, witness '_' 10 2 10 James H. l.niil, witne- 1 .'.'. 1 66 Qeorge Horrl, wlluca 1 73 1 73 Giles Meritt, witness 1 Su I 86 Frederlck Helseman, vttaess 2 03 2 or Hetmán Tedder, witness l 8S 1 85 Andrew Minay. wltness 1 65 1 55 Joel Smilh, wilness 1 55 1 55 Thomas Ryan, witness 1 45 1 45 John Ryan. witness 1 I"' 1 13 Charles Wilsey, witness 47 -17 N. II. Wilsey, 17 17 Addie Elsworth, witness 1 :'.; 1 85 Haggle Sniith, witness 1 83 1 :' Parker White, witness 2 10 2 10 John Kllsworth, witness 1 :Vi 1 35 Edgar Warren, deputy sheriff. w 07 Ifi r,7 ()n motíon the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Shürtleff from the Committee on Civil Claims reported the biU of E. W. Morgan without recomraendation. On niotion of Mr. Statte the bill of E. W. Morman was referred back to the Committeë 011 Civil Claims. Mr. Manly, Register of Dceds, being present, was invited to wake a Btatement in relstion to Act No. "i of tlie Session Lawa of 1877, as to abstracts. Also in regard to copyihg the index to mortgages in bis office. J. Willard Babbitt, Prosecuting Attorney, being by reqiiest before tlic Board, made explanations in regard tothe law relating to Justice's feea. Mr. Krapf moved tliat a Committeë of three with thé Cliairman oi this Board as Cháirinan of sáid Cömmlüee, bë appointëd to examine tho work done 011 copying index inJEtegister's oflice, and report wbat, in their estimation. tlie valne of the labor will bc to romplete. the same. Carried. The Clerk road tho report of the Auditor General as to the amount to be raised by tax this year in Wasbienaw County, for State purposes. Also the account current of AVashtenaw Coarrty with the State. On motion the account cnrrent of Washtenaw County with tlie State was ordered flled, and to be reportcd in the report of the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, luid that the account of the nmount to bc raisefl tot state pnrpáes be placed on the journal. The following is the ceeount current of Waslitenaw Cöttnty with State of Michigan: Aiditou's Office, ) I.ansing, Mich., July Ist, 1S77. 1 Washtenaiv County in Account with the State of Michigan. 1S7i. DEBTOR. g J_ I I, Nov. 29. To taxes.&c., recelveti by CöÜtlfy Treosurer, July, 1S76 11 3 381 70 Aug. " ... 212 77 To redneticins ■■ ■ ■■ " ... 10 16 20 47 79 To taxes. tte., " ■■ " Hept. " ... 293 43 To rednctlons " " " - ■ ... 9 I 28 90 257 06 Totaxes, &e., " " " Oet. " ... 8! 3 04 65 16 To Wd to Stat in Ocl. 1870 ■ 7 11 30 1,087 18 1877 Fel). 1 State tax ofl.S7G 5 1,00122 31,327 37 fftr. SI To rednetions receiverl 1y County Trciisnror. Nov. 1876... 7 2 95 "rl To " '■ " " Iee. " ... C 7 1 205 29 ;To Tftxcs, &e. '■ " - 1-Vb. 1S77.... 192 07 To reductiottó ■ " " ....: 4 1 au 16 ss June :ícj To taxes. te„ '.' " " Mar. ' ...! 213 ,r0 1T0 reiluctions " " " " " _ S :: BI y 70 iTo taxes, &e., " - " April " ..., 21 1 fi: 133 ña To " ■ ' - May " „ 99 94 To rednetions " " " " " „. 1 02 fi 94 To taxes, ki:., " " ' June " " 491 76 To reductions " " ■' ' " .... 55 46 ;To taxes, &c, charged baek 90 72 To interest nn iloe : 1,117 ü . S39.O1S 22 1S77 ; I I " ! ■ 1S7i. CREDIT. ■==;, I 's i ■ I July 1 By balance from old aööötint 12 j 707 10101 Scpt. 80 Bids to State In OctobM, 1876 9i 1115! 212 45 lA'c, 'J7 By cadl Of County Treosurer, taxes &e 6 3 39 14 1,100 00 Peb. :' Byeash of Connty Treasurer, State tax of 1.H76 4 27 285 83 10,000 00 7 By cash of Coimiy Treasurer, State txof 1876 1 23 278 i 10,000 00 13 By cash of County TroaSurer, State tax óï 1876 4 17 1 47 7000 00 Mftr. 15 By ensh of County Tzeasorer, state tax of 1876 :! 15 61 5 3,K)0 00 June "J'.i Bycash of ('uunty Treasurer, State tax of 1S76 OS'.) ;:i 28 ByCash Of ( Dunty Treiisnrer, tases, &C 1 03 1,000 00 80 By returns- Uxes of 1S76 5 I 96 1? ' 3,296 41 By Interest on abovc 15 4; Hy balance to u'w account i,6i3 $ [ 189.048 22 The following is the slateincnt of the variöns aïnóunfs to be raised by tax for State pnrposcs: A.UDITOB Gknküai.'s Office, ) Lausing, Mich., September L'7, 1S77. 1 To the Clerk AfthóBoaidofSupenison Of the County f Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Mich.: 8lR, - You are hereby notiried that a State tax has been apportioned to the several counties of the State aceordingto the last returns of the aggregate valuation of taxable property therein made to this office, and as equalized and determined by the State Board ofEqualization at their session in August, ]87(!. The amount of State Tax apportioned to your County, under various acts of the l.egislature is as follows, to-wit: New State Capítol - Act Xo. 9, IS75 !..$ 2,:'0 93 New State Capítol- Act Xo. 87, 1877 1,190 48 New State Capítol- ACt No. 135, 1877 952 38 New State Capítol- Aet Xo. 11H, IS77 1,785 71 1'niversiiy- Aiil Act Xo. 32, 1873 '. 1,500 00 IHiversity- General Purposes, Act Xo. 1S5, 1S77 ],2Sj 71 Xorraal School- Current Expenses, Act No. 46, 1877 823 81 Normal School- Building, Act No. 110, 1877 1,428 57 Agrienltural College- Aet Xo. 97, 1877 1,754 13 State Public School- Act Xo. 89, 1877 2,400 00 State Reform School- Aet Xo. 79, 1877 1.2C1 90 State House of Correction- Act Xo. 59, 1877 3.393 21 State Prison- Act Xo. 166, 1877 1,500 00 Asylum for Insano- Michigan, Aot Xo. 139, 1877 011 05 Asylum for Insane- Eastcrn, Aet Xo. 167, 1S77 0,1'JO is Institution for D., I). and D- ACt Xo. 192, 1S77 2,26c C7 Military Fund- Act Xo. 2, 1875 1,514 03 Fish Cnmmlssion- Aet Xo. 136, 1877 333 33 General Pnrpows- Act NV. 153, 1S77 21,428 57 ■1,001 01 C.iunly Indebtcdness to BtatO- A Xo. 163, 1371 1,683 59 Aggregate of Tnx and Indebto(lncs to Ik apportioned $52,681 CO Yon will cause the above to be laid before the Board of Supervisors of your County at their session in October next. Picase acknowledge immediatcly the receipt of this n'ötice. Verv respect fnllv, RALPH ÈLYj Auditor General. On niotion the Board adjourned until to-morrow morning at half past nine o'clock. CKOBGE S. WJIKKJJJH, Cliairman,


Old News
Michigan Argus