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The House Is Wrestling With The Bill

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repealing tho Resumption net of 187."). A voto is to bo taken noxt Tuesday. The voto taking the bill out of tho "uiorning hour" whero it was doomcd to indefinito delay--was, yeas, ltí nays, 48. Gov. Williams, of Indiana, has appointed Hon. Daniel W. Vooihecs, of Torre Haute, " tho tall sycamoro of tho Wabash," to succeed Senator Morton. Mr. Voorhoes is ono of the ablest of Indiana's inany able Demócrata, and if ho will put a brake on souio of his ultraistus will tako a leading position in tho Seuate at an oarly day. In the House on Monday Mr. PM1lips, of Kansas, introduced a bill to establish postal savings banks. And now won't Bro. Willits or some other Michigan member inake a strike for fame and a postal grocery, a postal notion store, a postal barber shop, or a postal anything else, it raatters not much what? Wbat is tho uso of having a postal department if it can't take all the business of the country in charge ? Accordixg to tho very positivo statement of a correspondent of tho Mason Neic tho financial condition of the Capitol city is anything but flattering. Ho says : " I say without fear of contradiction that the bonded debt of Lansing, together with tho amount of mortgages that are held on the real estáte of the city, and the taxes to be raised this present year, is more than the entire assessed valuatiou of the whole city." All of which is respectfully submitted to our statistical friend of tho Lansiug Iiepublican. lx the death of Hon. üliver P. Morton, which uccurred at 5:30 p. m., Nov. 1, the Senate of the United States lost one of its oldest and most inüuential niembers, - we cannot say ablest in the sonso of real statesmanship, and tho Kepublicans of Indiana and the nation a leader who had no superior, and whose place in the party cannot bo exactly filled. In other columns of this sheet will be found a brief biographical sketch with some personal reminisceuces. The funeral of the dead Senator took place at Indianapolis on Monday, and the ceremonies were impressive and iinposing. When Solomon wrote " Wine is a inocker, strong drink is raging," did he conceivo the idea that after some thousands of years "strong drink" would be deified and prayer offered to it in the very temple dedicated to the worship of the living God ? If ho did not his spirit has doubtless ere this exelaiined, "There is toinething new under the sun," for in this year of grace 1877, in one of tho most fashionablo churches of the great metropolis of this Christian land (Brooklyn being only an " annex " to New York) this is the prayer offered up by a popular minister of a leading denominatiou : Great ís the bottle. Ob, rum jug, we bow before thee to worship. We pruy that thou will destroy all those that do not bow before theo aud put them out of office. And thi3 we nsk in the uame of Schiedam sclmapps and lager beer nnd old ryo whiskey. Amen aud amen. [Laughter.] Tho minister offering this prayer was the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. It may be said that it was only a burlesquo ; but is the church the placo for burlesque, or prayer the fit subject ? These are pertinent questions to be answered. The opponents of rosumption and tho advocates of u greenback currency uuliniitod and a choap silver currency - the " dollar of the daddies," socalled - won a victory in tho House on Monday, by tho passage of tho Bland Silver bilí by a vote of 1G3 to 34, - a bill which passing tho Senato, receiving the signature of tho President, and becoming a law is designed to flood the niarket with depreciated coin, with coin worth but 92 cents on the dollar, in gold, while greenbacks are worth, and wfire worth on the day the House did its sharo toward fastoning a gigantic swindle upon the people, a fraction over 97 cents in gold. It is cheap money, not good monoy, these financiers seem determined to give the country: In their cry for "more money" thoy resemble tho husband-seeking old maid of the fable, who responded, in her prayer, to the owl's "to who!" "to who!" "anybody, good Lord." The agents of productive silver minos and the demagogues aro certainly in the ascondant in the House. Of the 34 members who had tho good sense and courage to vote against tho bill, 11 were Democrats and 23 Republicans. Of the Michigan members six - Messrs. Conger, Ellsworth, Hubbell, Keightley, Stone, and Willits - voted for tho bill, and two - Messrs. Brewer tind McGowan - against it. Gen. Williams - tho only Democratie member - didn't vote either way. Was he paired or on the fence? We have no objoction to tho use of silver as money, but if silver co;n is to be issued in unlimited quantities and on privato account, and made a legal tender for all debts contractcd beforo such law shall bo euacted, the silver coin the act shall próvido for ought to bo worth as much in tho open market as the groenback or even the gold dollar it willsupplant. Worth less it will be a lie and a delusion. And the silvor dollar tho bill provides for - 412 1-2 grains troy weight, standard silver - is not likely, unless some unforeseen monetary or mining convulsión shall take placo, to be worth what tho Bland bill coinpols tho capitalist and tho laborer alike to receive it at. And tho laborer whoso dollar is not worth a dollar will be the great loser in the long run. Tho capitalist - cali him banker or bondholdor, or whatover name you ploaso - will find a way to protect himself, - tho laborer will bo powerless to do so. Tho Jonose8 and Sharons and Floods of California and Nevada will reap the fir3t and largest profits of this legislation, the brokers and money shavers the next, while the masses can only loso. We hope that the bill will founder on a snag in the Senate.


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