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Lieut. llomeyn, of tlio Fifth Infantry, formerly of Tecuniseh. wliere liis parents live, was biuily wounded by a bullet tlirougli bis right lung in ene of the fights with tho Ne, l'erces Indiana, and will come home as soon as ho can travel. The Grand Traverse Herald says that Messrs. Hannah, Lay & Co., of that place, have cut during tho past season, 15,000,000 toet of pine and 1,000,000 of mapln. The planing-niill has mado a run of about 8,000,000 feet and is still at worlc, turning out about 100,000 feet daily. Ilannnh, Lay & Co. have decided to put ia about ono-third their usual supply of logs the coming winter. At Eaton Rapids, Nov. 2, the brick block owned by J. W. Toles and occ.upiod by James Bailey as a feed store, burned. The building was valued at $5,000, and thoro was no insurance. The stock was insured in the Home, of New York, for $2,000. Some of the business ruen of St. Joseph have organized an association for tho purposo of oncouraging manufacturers to lócate there by donations of land and in other ways. W. II. Fairchild has what the Globe calis tho premium farm in Geneseo Couuty. lt consista ot HO acres, and from it he raised this season (00 bushels of wheat, 278 of barley, 425 of oats, 1,000 of corn, 100 of potatoes and 1 tons of hay. Ho keeps 1 horses, 10 cattle, 17 hogs, and 60 sheop. A company ha3 boen organized aud buildings are to be erected for the manufacture of acetic acids trom the smoke ot' the coal kilns at the Bangor furnaco in VanBuren County. The neoessary niachinery will cost about f40,000. The Rev. Dr. C. B. Smitb, formerly editor of the Grand Rapids Democrat, and lately pastor of the Baptist Church at Richinond, Indiana, has resigned his pastorate and returned to Grand Rapids. At the 13astern Iusane Asylum at Pontiac, the new well, 66 feet deep and 12 feet acrosü, with 10 to 12 feet of water, of excellent quality in it, and inexhaustible, is supplemented by the artesian woll, which will produce about 28,000 gallons per day, and these, together with sis immense cisterna, inake it reasonably certuiu the institution will not go dry. During tho past eighteen months the Congregational Church, of Pontiac, bas paid out in the neighborhood of $6,000, which sum includes $2,000 standing in shapo of a mortgage on the edifiee. Justly plensed with the extinguishment of its indebtedness, and recoguizing thu energy and labors of its pastor during the past eighteen mouths named, the socioty adoptod a resol ution of conftratulation, and re-engaged the Rev. W. II. Utloy for another yoar at a salary of $2,000. fit. Mary's Lake, four miles north of Battle Creek, has fallen six feet in the past live years. Some yeats ago it was stocked with cols, and shortly afterwards eels were found in the Battle Creek Rivor, four miles distant from tho lake, which has no outlet. It is supposed there is an underground connection between the lake and river and that the former will bo drained entirely in the course of a few years. The regular program me of commencement exercises at tbo Agricultural College bas just been issued. The annual examinations will take placo Noy. 15, 1G, 17, and 19. Tho baccalaureate sermon by President Abbot will be preached on Sunday, Nov. 18, at 3 o'clock p.ra.; class-day exercises on Monday at 7 p. in.; regular commencement exercises on Tuesday at 10 a. in.; and the president's reception at 7 p. m. of the latter day. Public conveyances will leave the Lmsing House one hour previous to each exercise. - Liinxing liepublkan. At Allegan over 500 signatures have been obtained to the petition for an appropriation for a preliminary survey of the Michigan ship canal, and a meeting was called for Monday evening, November 5th, for tho purpose of forming a local committee to iurther the project and to hold correspondence with the friends of tne canal throughout the State. The complimentary meeting tendered Dr. Reynolds at Adrián on Tuesday evening, was a groat success. The Opera House was filled. Delegations were present from all parts of the county, Tecumseh sending a procossion of a dozen well filled vehicles and a band. After a temperanco love-feast, with extempore remarks by Dr. Re}fnolds and adherents, the Adrián club presented him with a purso containing nearly $100. The register of attendance at the Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and tho Blind, Flint, shows a total of 211 pupila in the various departuients, an increaso of 12 over that of any previous year. The total shipments of iron ore trom the Marquetto district for the season up to October 51, wero 907,931 tona, being an increase over the corresponding poriod last year of 36,228 tons.


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