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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ÜOTION. The sulKcrrhrr wi]l si'H at public auction ín the t-it y of Aun Arlnir. on Saturday, November in, tí two o'cloi'k p. in., the followlng Droperty . THKEE SI'AX OK LABQE WEL&-BEOKÉ YOUNU MULES. Tormg- Nine monttu credit on good indorsed noti's with Interest at t8D per. ceut.,or three iMT cent. oti' fer cash. NATIIAN BOTTON. C. BOYLAN, Anctionccr. irr,u A NNUAL MEETING. Tlie annuiil nieetiug of the Germán Fariuern Fire Insurance Company of Wanhteniiw Couuty will b-ï held it the School House, opposite the Germán Lutheran Church in Scio, on Monday, December 3d, IS;", at 10 o'clock x. m.. for the purpose of electiuK otücers, and tor the trantiaction uf such other busl&Ota U nniy legally come before said meeting. A general attondance of the memben is electcd. Scio, Noy. '2d, 1877. WM. 1'. BUSS, 8ecretiry. IGl'Jtil "DRICF OF LIME EEDUCED. Ohio linie will hcreafter be old ut whulesalc ut niy linie room, in tuis city, ut 8." CL'nts, nnd Monroe limo at ÍÍU cents per bushel. Ann Albor, October 30, 18J7. "Wood Wanted ! IN EXCHANGE F()H Saddlcs, Harncss, Trunks, Travelins Bas;s, Robes, lilankets, etc. J. VOLIiAND. " I iiiiiistíoliiilil ) tbc ImsI MlKlaiiii'd work of tlio kiud in llio World. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATKD. Pólices of the Prt&s. The vetcran Magarinc, "which long ago oatgrew its original title of the New JHonthty Magttrin? t hiif not iu the least abfttfed he populanty ït wou at the outset, but has added to ït ín many ways, nud lias kept tuirly abreast of the times, thanka to the unterprise of the publishers imd the tact and wisdom of its editora For whatever is best and most rendable in the literature of travel, iscovrry and tiction, the average reader of to-day looks to Horfxzr's Magazine, just as expectantly asdid the reader ot a quarter of a century ago; there is the Hume admirable varicty of eontents and the ame frcshness Mini suggeativeueMfl ia ite editorial dopurtments now as then - Boston Jouraal. TERMS . Posingc Pwo 1 all Subscribas Iti Iba VnitiMl States, lÍAitPKit'á Magazine, one yi'iir, - $i 00 $4 00 includesprepaynunt of U. S. poetare by the publishers. Subscriptions (o HaSPXB9 Magazine, Wkkiíi.y, and Bazaie, to one addrexs for one year, $10 00 ; ort two of llarper's I'en'odical-, to on f mldrr&s for one year $7 00 ; postage f ree. An txira copy of tither tht Magazink, Wkk.klv, or Bazar wilt bc supptted gratitfw etxry Cfatb qfFiVE SvBScniBKitH, at $4 00 tavh,paid for by one remitt-dncf., or, Sj; Cofies tcur, without t.rtra '■"), for fi 00. Back numbLTs can be supplit-d at any time. The volumes of the MtMKrfftu commence with the nuiubers for June and lx-eeinher of each ycar. When no timo is speciüed, it wül he undtrstood thut the Bubscribcr wiahtü to bejiiQ with the curren t Number. A complete set of Dakphu's Maoazixk, now comprisinp -5 Volumes, in heat ólotfa binding, wil! be sent by express, freJffLt fit expense ot purchaaer, for $2 2ö per volume. Single volumes by mail, postpaid, $3 OU. Cloth rases, for i indin, 58 cents, by mail, poetpaicl. A complete anuljtical index to the iirst tifty volumea of JlAiirKR's Hagabixxs has beeu published, renderinr avnilable for rcference the vatt and v;iried wealth of inSoriuation whicfa coustitutcs this periodicai a pericct illiisirated cyclupedia. 8vo, CÍotb,98 00? half ('uil, ■■} 2". Seut pstae prepaid. Swbsciiptions rcoéivcd for Qurpeia l'erioLlic.-ilö ouly. Hfovtspaptri art netto CQpg Uu's adpertücêietU loitheut the eoi'i'ess order of Haki-kk & Hküthehs. Addrcra HARPBRA BHOTHKUS, Xew Yk. f680 A ll.pusi ior of lasliion, Fleilsiirt', and insi i tn -iMiiu'? Harper's Baxar. ILL.ISTRATKI). motfociofike Pre. The Hozar is the oigan of the fashioiutble world, and the expounder of tliat world's laws; and it is aurhurity in all matter of manutrs, etiquette, coatume, and social habiía. - Botton Travtller. The linxar commenda itself to every member of the household- to the children by droll and pretty pictureB, to the yount; ladies by iU fashion plaU'8 in endless varitty, to the provident matron by ita patterus for the childrenM clothee, to paterfbmÜtos by its tasteful deij?us for embroidered slippers, aud luxurious dressing-gowns. But the rt'adinmatter of the Hazar is uuiformly of great excelleuco. The paper hna aerjuired a wide ppul:irity for the flroBide enjoy ment it attords, and has become nu entnbliphetl uuthority with tiie ladies of Ameiica. - N. J'. JCveninr Vo;t. TERMS : Poslago Frec to all Subscriber in the Uuifctl Slalcs. Haiu'Eu'h Bazak, one year, - - $4.00 $4 00 includea prepuyment of U. S. postage by the publitihers. SiebscriUtofís to Hahi'eu's lA(iAZiHKt Wkekly, and Bazar, to one addrtss for one year, 410.00; orf two of flarjxr't lriotlicols to om: addeess fw one ear,1 Oö; posUigtfree. An extra aopy of tittcr the Maoazixk, Wkkkly, or wilt be supplitd gratis for ever; Club of FÍTE St'nsi-itiHEita e $4 00 taoh, paul for by one, remiUnnce . r, nx copies one year, loilhouí extra cfy, for S20.00. l'.ark numbers can be ttuppHed ut any time. The Volumes of the Basar oom menee with the year. When no time la mentionad, it will beUBderatood ihat the subacriber wishes to commence with the Number next after thu receipt of his order. The Annuitl volumes of Harpku's Ba.ah, in neat cloth bindinij, will be sent by expresa, free of expenso, provided the freight doeH aot exceed one dollar, foi $7 00 encli. A complete Set, coinprising Ten VolniAPSt ent on rèoelpt of cusli at the rute of $3 'lï jier volume, lïeiht ut the expense of purchaser. ('loth Cnaes for each volume, Miitable for binding, will besent by mail, postpaid, on rtceipt of$l 00 each. Index e to encli volume sent gratis on recelptof stamp. Bubscriptions ntoivtd for Hatptr'd periodicals only. fewtpqper are not to rof Uu's adeerltttmtnt ivilhout Uu ejrprtxs order Hakpxs & BnoxHKita. Address HAIïPKR & BROT1IEIÏS, New Vuik. PRICE, 35 CE3STT8. Johnston, Holloway & Co., Spociai Aííoati, Philad'a. AA V lireat chance to make mouey. If LTl J IJ you oanft güt 8la ou cau et m VaHHarnbacku. Wu nced a pprson in every lown to take subscriptions for the ]argest,cheapcst and best illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a succeasful agent. Tho aiost elegant works of art giveu freo to subacriberB, The price ig so low that almoat everyb dv subscribes. One aent reporta making over $150 in a week. A lady agvat reporta takin over ■UK) subsciibera in ten ihiys. AU who engage make money iast. You cau devote uil your time to tho business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as wel] as others. Kuil particular?, directions Midierais free. Elcgnnt and expensive outfit free. If you wan t proíltable work seud us your addreas at once, it eosts nothing t try the busineuu. No oue who enguges fuils to make great pay. AddrusH, " The People'a Journal," Portland, Maine. 1C48 lT OTICE OF DIVIDEND. The DndtlligDed has declaud and will pay lour per cent dividend as of September 1, 1S77, upon the claims which have been presented nud proved against August Wideumann. I'ayuble ut my otüce the city of Anu Arbor. Bated, October 2a, 1877. 1629w3 JAMES B. O0TTt Assignee of A. Widenmunn, ■VTEW TEA STORE. Jupuii 'I' a at 3()c, 40c, óllc nuil 80c prr ll ,ii i I tlie vcry In-si imponed ut Tüc per Ib. GunpowuCT Ten ut Gflc and 80c pcrli)., and the very best importad atSl.OO a pound. Young Hyson at 40c, 50c iumI flOc, and tbo i"is;t imported at 80c per Ib, OoloiK 'fea at :tóc, 50c, CO, and 70c por llj. Imperial Tea at ;f0o, 40c, and 50c per 11. Twankey Toa at 20c, 25c, and :i(lc per Ib. COFFEES AND SPICES, of orir own roasting and grinding, at grcatly reduoed prices. .i ■ a Cali and be Conviuccd. J. W. liAXti.STEKFEK & CO., 30 A. 3 2 South M;in SI., Aun Arbor. lG39lil6 BAANKRTJPT stock ot HARDWARE ! W1I.L UK SOLi0 Without Regard to Cost At the ob stuml of L. C. RISDON, No. 31 Soiitli Main St., Aun Arbor. NOW IS THE TI31E - FOR - CA8H BUYERS To Uy n tbeix Winter uupply of STOVES And Hardware of everj' I)escription. Al.r. TUO3E IXTENDING TO BVIÍ.D ANOTHElt YKAB, CAN' XOW ÜUY THEIR DOOIÍ TRIMMINQS AND ÜTHER HARDWARE CHKAl'! IMÜm", ' ■ -: i V i i I ! I ' =B Tiit ís the finest Liniment in the worltl, mi! 'ií!l posilivdy cure in almost tvery case. Trica $1.00 per bottle, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAT & CO , srvciA n agexts, TlitladelpñlO, THE MILWAVKEE' MEDICAL &SÜR&ICAL INMUTE. Establiíhcd 18fi7 and Chartorcd by thc Stato Loslslature lor theimprovedtreatment oí all Privato and Chrouio Diseases nicutiuued in this card. Just pubüihcd, -==_ "THE SILENT FRIEND! flMIBijfa, AconüdciitialAdviserfürtlicyounganl rjM7] jy 09 ot a rivato Nature, ariiiiifi írom MB Early Abuses or Intection, Seminal Woaknesi, nnd Luís oí Mauhood, and the best meana oJi'utv; with valuable adyiee tq thc Marricd and tUoc contení plating Murrinjre ; indiidin a treatiie on Peínale Diaeaees, and Chromc Atlcctiona of thc Throat, Lunes and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupturc, Piles, Fistuln.thc Opium Habit&c. It containi 2í larscpagcs and numcrouiccgravinjímaílcd under sral on reccipt oiUcti. A CLINICAL LECTTJRE on thc above disoaers, awl Ih principie oí' medical practico in thcir trcatmcut Price lOctj. Addrcss, AttPiHünglMivsiiiuii, M.&S. IfJSTlTUTE, No 435 Water at.. MILWAUKEE.WU. r EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late o the firm of Ct.akk t CR0F8KT, luid A. Kkarnky, lulo ui" XoXAflj ujkUt tho linn iiumc oí KEARNEY & CROPSEY, llave cstablishcd themsclves at No. 33 Soutb 'Iniii M., Aun Arbor, aud to do general Crocerv Business Thev wlll also keep CUOCKKRY, GLASS and WOODEN WAHK, and a fnll linu of DOMEST1C and FOKEIGM FRUITS. Tbcy bayo fitted uud fürnlstasa A First-class Eating Department, WIm -i-i' Mcalscsn be liad at all honra, or Ixiard by thc V6flki sii puld far ituiíir, DiruK, and ni I '.'iililtry produce ÍjOods promptly deliverrd iu any part of the city. Itemomber the place. 33 Soiilli 'Ijiiii S( KEARJÍKY &CHOPSEY Ann Arbor. April 2G, 1870. 1.180 T?01t SALE. FOUK VEHY FINE Thoroughbred Suffolk Boars, S1X MONTIIS OI.D. Dclhi Mills, Oct. 10, 1877. I658w3 Wíl. W. TUBBS. II1 YOU AT? E TIBHD 1Big Gas Bills ! (KV ONE OF OUK NATIOXai, UAS WORKS AND MAKE YOU li OWX GAS FOR 75cta PER 1,000 ft. If y ou liaivc use fop a Largo Amouiit of Gas, writo ot us for the parflculars of the wy in which yon can have a CAS WORKS FOR NOTHIIMG ! Niitionnl (as Works Ercction Co„ Uetroii, 50 & 58 Batea St. II. l'RANK, Superintendent, in 1 1N8URANGB WAM Capital, - - $3,000,00(1, Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilitios, ncluduj Ko-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilitios, incluiling Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Aun Albor. THE HEALTH LIFT. A THOKOUUll ÜYMXASTTC SYSTEM FOI r.ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I.N" TEN MINUTES ONCE A 1)AY. The Health Uit la ■ Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Furthu attuinmeut unJ presarvation yt lleulih. I : is the bi-st mettns ot PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DE VELOPMENT. IT IS THE ÖlilTtEST, SAFEST AN'U MUS'I KFPICIENT 511)1)1! OF TAKIKfl ALL NEEDKD EXECISK. In the brief space of ten minutos all thewuclea ure gradually, thoroujrhly, and symmetrie brought into nction. Concentruted exerc1 1 the busy and sedt-nturj. ARBOR OFFIOE AND l'ARLOES, 1 1 Eaat Hurou S South of Coui t Hou A DOLLAR SAVE IS A DDLLAK KAHNE1) ! NEW GOODS: And piices LO'Vi:il TIIAN KVEÜ. I have pnrehused in Xew York. for cash, j I am now djiily receivins one of the largest most select stocks of Oroccric in WoshU" t County, oousiütiD!,' of a tull and wcll selectcd LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - inoluding Cu il pow ilrs. lutpoi i:ils, oiiiis"' sous, II) suus. Japaui, lolous) F"' monas, üiisrous, .Souclioiig'i ttI Tivunkiiys, Toetlier wiUl a full line of COFFEKS, con!' inK of the following branda: MOCHA, W GOV'T JAVA, MAUACAIBO, LArAVIU:,"lv TOSnndRIO, botn roasted and i?round ; '"- and well aelected .stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Toüethcr with everythin? in the line LÍ Spices, Ciinncd fruits. and Vegetables, wem" ; lull and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIso, a ohoice nasortment of Ll and Qentlenien'a L'nderwear. Cali and exaru. Oowls nnd Priw iiud we will insure 8atúfctR EDWARD DUFFÏ. " Maynard'B lilock,' cor. Main and Ann l'! Ann Arbor. MkBarHit'hest cash price paid for U '" produce,"! il) nflA1'"'1 ! every K'! ''f'l V I I liuonth Id thc badoea wa furnlAJ íll T T Mtlnise willing to workean luf"',. lijVJÜ U .tollara a day in there on lol"L, lluv.: no room to cxplain here. líusino- I 'L. :- :.nd honorable. Woiuen, and boys and K'! well B8 men. Wc will furnish you a coiiiiWe' v frec. TUie business pays bettex than auyt"1 '}h' We will biar expenso f KtarUng yon. Part,Di free. Writ aml see. l'ariners and row joi their sous and dauhters, and :.ll irlussi-s "' "' (I, payiag woxk :tt bonie, shoul.l write to lls :J tintall'about the wnrk at once. Now ia ''e_,([(. Don't delay. Address, Tki'e & ('o-. "& Maine. , 4 BSTRACTS OF T1TLES. J , The undersigned, Regi.-ler of Deeds. will P1" ly and caret'ully make Abstracts of titlís, Fr om the Original Record For Attoroey-, Agenta, Owners, or PttT5j5uí No pains will be spared to give a complete , title, íiud show iili encuiubrances. CüargL CHA9.H. MAM;,. Anu Altor, January 10,1877.


Old News
Michigan Argus