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Red Ribbons

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- Mayor Cramer delivered an address to í largo audienco at Dixboro on Sunday evening last. - the Beform Club it Manchester " has died a natural deuth : " or so the Bnterpriít says. - J. W. Wing, Eiq. of Scio, and others will address the Lo ii Reform Club next Sunday evening. - Hon. Creo. C. Bates spoke at the Lodi I'lains school house ou Sunday evening to a largo audieuce. - Alderman H. E. H. Bower goes to Albion on Sunday next, to address the Iteform Club of that village. - Prof. J, Beal Steere will address the lleform Club on Sunday next, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the Opera House. - Judge Cheever addressed the Saline Club, in Uuion School Hall, on Sunday evening last. The hall was fllled to overflowing. - Alargo audience gathered at the Opera House on Sunday aiternoon to hear Hou. Geo. C. Bates beforo the Keform Club. Iu the course of hia address Mr. Bates referred feelingly to the number of prominent men he had knowu in iormer years who had fallen victims to Kmg Alcohol. Such history so told ought to prove a warning to the young men of to-day. - B. E. Frazer, esq., of this city addressed the ])etroit Iteform Club, at Whitney's Opera House, on Sunday evening last, and had a $G0 house at 5 cents a head and no exclusión for lack of the half dune- a goodly audience. The Free Press prouounces the meeting "a great success," says that hundreds were lurned away trom the doors for want of room, and that " the address was one of the most effective ever delivered before the club, and the music was excellent." - The Dexter leader is quite jubilant over the Red Ribbon re-union held there last week. Three bands (tho Ypsilauti Light Guard, Howell, aud Dexter) discoursed inspiriting music durmg the day ; at 3 o'clock p. m. Costello'a Hall was filled and after musió by the bands and prayer by Rev, J. C. Wortley, brief addresses were delivered by A. 1 Palmer, of Lapeer; Dr. Gates, of Chelsea; Mr. Shields, of Howell ; Mr. Tcrrey, of Ypsilauti ; and Rev. Mr. Wortley, of Dexter. In the evening the Ypsilanti Miustrels performed to a fuil house, and a dance closed the festiviiies of the day. - l'erhaps the good temperance people of Albion may aceomplish something by adoptug and adheriug to this pledge : " Wo, who are here now assembled, do pledge ourselves ;hat we will not in the future employ any person for iny kind of service, who is knowu to spend nny part of his earnings in a drinking saloon in our village ; we believe a rigid adherence to tliis pledge will result disastrously to King Alcohol in our midst ; " but f human nature is the sanie at Albion as elsewhere such a pledge can aceomplish very ittle "ood.


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