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A Lesson Learned

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Wlien I desnondeiit sank beneath tlio jross Of care aml toil, Her lova and liopcfulness Cheered and sustained ; bilt more slie loved lior Lcrd, That cullcd her spirit to a higher sphere, Leavuig me louoly and bareaved here : " liereavtíd ! " " bereaved ! " how hard it was to loa rn lts donth of me&ning wliicli I now discern ! Striokon of (lod; bilt not disconsolalo ; Lone and cast down bul stiil not desolate ! Wliile tbaa we moUrn sliall we not auderstemd The lesson oï our Teacher wlien Hls liand Takes eartlily joys iiway f Joys only leut To uheer our smrita in their banishment : Takes them away that we may learn to love Eirtli's good tilines I03S ; but more tho things above. SitlSJS, Micll. KEAL ESTÁTE SALIOS. Since our last report decds llave been pul 011 record in the Rcgister's office ahowing sales as t'ollows : Margurot Wollwood to Marvin A. Cooley, JO acres off section 34, Manchoster. $2,600. Oliver Nichols to Mafgant VVelhvood, 1-38 1-2 acres off section 32, Mauchester. $4,710. Benj. tí. Miller to John E. Ellswortli, 138 acres otf section 18, Ypsilaati. $10,100. John E. Ellswortli to Benj. S. Miller, 210 acres off section (i, l'ittslield. $13,000 Jas. Maybee to Jothro Maybee, lot on Wall street, adjoining Hurón river, Ann Arbor. Adelbert IsT. McAlister to Uottlieb ügele, 120 acres off section 18, Lodi. Í4.000. Soplironia A. Randall to Geoige N. Hotchkin, lot 11 in Jarvis' addition to Ypsilanti. 2,000. Luther Beckwith to Amarilla II. Beckwith, imdivided one-thiril interest in land on sectioiis 11 and 14, Sylvau. $1,700. Harnet Barker to John McElroy, 15 acres off section 3(i, Northtield. $Ü2O. Wm. Eeyer to Jacob Heintztnauu, part of lot 15 iu block 3 soutli range 2 east, Anu Arbor. f600. Irvin Gotts to William Gotts, undivided half of 20 acres off sectiou 34, Superior. ? 1,000. Nancy Felch to Clara N. Crouch, 12 acres on Dixboro load, Fiíth vvard, Ann Arbor. $1 and love and affection. 1'hilena W. Capwell to Margaret S. Doláon, lot o Adams street, Ypsilanti. il. 200. Ckawoi o? ïeain Time.- A uovv time table will go iuto operation on Sunciay nest. Trains will Icavu the station in tliia city as follows : uoixu west. No. 4, Mail, 8.30 a. m. No. G, Day Express, I0..M a. m. No. lü, triand Rapids Express, 4.31 p. m. No. 14, Jackson Express, 6.30 p. m, No. 8, Erening Express, 8 10 p. m. No. 2, Pacitic Expresa, 1121 p. m. GOIXG EAST. No. 1, Atlautic Express, 2.10 a. m. No. 7, Night Express, 6 :iS a. m. No. 13, Jackson Express, 0 55 a. ra. No. !), G-rand llapids Express, 1 1.35 a. m. No. ;', Day Express, 5.10 p. m. No. 3, Mail, D.20 p. m.


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Michigan Argus