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Senator Voorhees, Of Indiana

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Morton's successor, took his seat on Monday. Senator Sbarpn, of Nevada, ia still uu absonteo. The Army appropriation bilí has passed the IIouso and that body is now wrestlng with the Resumption ropeal bill. The Senato is at work on tho Army bil], and its proper comniittoo on the Silver bill. A CAUCUS appointed Senato coniniittee has visited tho President and instructed him fully in his duties to the party. He assured thetn that he is a Republican, mid now vo shall seo what we shall see. The Jackson Citizen says that Congress ought to proinptly pass the bill of Senator Phillips, of Kansas, establishing government or postal savings banks. The editor of the Citizen is a postmaster and aspires also to bo a government baiikcr. Would n't he liko to havo tho Government also take chargo of tho printing business at Jackson '1 The Graugers of Calhoun County have entered a protost againat tho paynient of that oxtra $000 to Judgo Van Zile, and by resolution called upon the Board of Supervisors to convone in spocial session and roscind the rcsolulion muking the appropriation. If this is not dono legal moasures aro to bo taken to"stop payment " of the subaidy. Wexdell PniLLirs is ovidently of the opinión that Ilamilton Fish,ex-Secretary of State, is a believcr in the old diplomatic maxim that words are made to couceal ideas, whon he says : " He (Fish) never assigns tho truc reasons fat his actions ; tberefore, his words aro of no weiglit." The " silver tongued orator " has shottod his battery with a grosser if not a heavier metal. AVjlliam F. Cooi.cauoh, President of tho Uuion National Bank of Chicago, and one of Chicago's most prominent and public spiritcd citizens, comniitted suicido at an early hour on Wednesdny jnorning, on the sttps of tho Douglas monument, - shooting himself with a revolver. The bank is repoited all right and his own financial condition sound. m -t ■ -e -ï ■ ►■ ■■■ The Allegan Journal inclines to the opinión that ono of the causes of tho recent Republican defeat in l'enusylvania may bo found in tho fact that " tho loading Republicans of the State were most grossly insulted by tho President himself in the matter of tho English mission appointment." A patriotic set those Pennsylvania Kepublicans : give the State into the hands of tho euomy becauso the Cameron Ring had boen rightfully snubbed. Hodert Smalls, of South Carolina, a member of the Forty-fourth Congress and rc-electcd to tho Forty-fifth Congress, had a verdict of "guilty" reudered against him on tho llth iustThe chargo was bribeiy - tukiug $5,000 foi' his vote and influonco while a membèr of the State Senate in January, 1S7;J. Tho jury was composed of bíx nogroea and six whitcs. Smalls will bo remembered as the colored man wlio ran tho steamer "Planter" over Charleston bur in May, 1862, dolivering it to the Commander of the United States Blocüadirjg Squadron. One old proverb has it tb at " Necessity is the inother of iuveuiion," and another that " Ntceíisífy knoivs ho luw,1' aud thé ueenssiti s of tlio siuull Repnblic;iu niujórity in lité Onited b latee Senato are such that ihey piopcee to ndinit Kollogg juat lo increase their margin : knowing lliat ba wos nover regularly and lcgully êltcted, and tliat in equity hu Iins no claiiu d; tho Reat. To furtner increase tho margin it is not impoggiblo tliat iliii long and patiei.t waiting Pinchbaok inay bo resurrecttd ainl givon a sent. To Iiaï a convent ion is to bo beid at Allegan for th". purpóse of noeinorializing Congress to niake an appropriation ut' $15,000 for tho survey of a ship canal across Michigan;. As tho canal would bo closed by ico at the same time navigation by tho lakes is suspended, and as canal navigation would inevitably bo dearer than lake navigatinn, we are at a loss to teil what is to bo gaiued by constructing the proposed canal. But, perhaps, Mr. Willis and Bro. Ilenderson contémplate filling tho canal in winter with hot water. ■- ■ i - i ■■■ - 1!;;ijjiesextative Ewixo, of Ohiu tho special champion of the anti-resumptionists in tho House, says thai resumption will bring on " a general destruction of business." Ewing is evidently a financiul homeopathist, a full believer in thü maxim similia similibus cilrantur. Inflation having incited speculatiOn and finally destroyed all lcgitimato business, resultins in the crash of 1873 (boforo tho passage of tlio Eesumption act), and in itsoontiuuauco, ho proposes to rostoro financial prosperity and stimulato business by another 'lose of inflation, - a doublo doso, silver and greunbacks. Ewiug evidontly bas no old Democratie notions to act as a regulator. No Titi;i:it or moro pregnant words wero over utterod than thoso by exSecretary McCulloch : " Apt as the Democratie party has been in blundering since tlio repeal of tho Missouri Compromise, it will excel itself in this diroction if it takes upon itself tho responsibility of ropealing tho Resumption act, and relieving its author (for which relief he would doubtless bo profoundly grateful) from the responsibility he has assumed.'1 The Democracy eau only win success by deserviug it, and can only desorvo success by standing firmly by the doctrines of the fathers, by thois teaching on this question of monoy and currency. And tho fathen nover dreamed of makiug paper money, or paper promisos to pay, mere ctidences of' debt, a legal tender. The thing is too absurd to bo perpetuated infinitely. Wb ik."'' kuow wlio h litluir the putativo or roal father of Act Nu. 70 of the session laws ot' 1877, being " Au act to regúlate and govern tho ütate House of Correction and líeíormatory at lonia," but wo inclino to the opinión that he was certainly an admircr of red tape and forniality. Witnass Iho follmving section : Sec. 67. The oourt imposing siiuh aeiitence shall in each case furnish to the sherifl or othor proper oHicer a copy ot' the compluiut, toformatiou or indictmeiit upon which ttio conviutiou is had, a statement of the deieudant'e plea, tlio nanioá :utd residences of tlm witnesses awQrn in tho caso, au abstraot or copy, of tho tostimony given, tlio Keiit.ynco roinlerod, and tho date thereof ; whicli copy, utatenient, ;unl tbstiact, signcd by tho cloik ot lbo court, sluill bu dclivered witli tito dofondaut to bc conveycd to the said House ot Correotiou, and such copy, statement, and abstract, üfflied by the cierk oí tho :ourt, shall b&primtt furie ovïdenco againsi the convictod peraon ui all prooi edinjis for tlic release ot said [ierou by a wtit oiohabcas mrjjiis or otherwiso. If anyone can point out the neecssity for imposing such n labor cither upou the court or any clerk of au y oourt, the protection it will promiso to the individual prisoner, or the value the itaposiug record will be to the institution or to the public, we should like to have it done, lt is wcll that the section finds a place under the heading " aiding prisoners to escape," that is if a failure to cotnply with oach or every provisión will facilitutc discharge on a writ of mJniis corpus. Plainly speakiug, the section seetus to us wholly unnccessary: tho conoeption of some mere gianny of a law-tiuker. WE don't take a gioat amount of stock in tho dotnagogical anpoala ot' tho anti-resumpüonists in or out of Congress ; nevortheless if tho Hon. Mr. Cox of ühio, represents tho resuuiptionists or the Administration wo shall stiiko banda with the othyr fellows. Messrs. Ewing fc Co. propose sitnply to repoal the Kesumptiou act of 1875 and let the greenbacks have a new and vigorous lease of life at par and as a legal tender, - gteenbacks beiug the m&noy of the realm and gold only a commodity. This is taking tho buil fairly by tho horns. This both dignifies and deifies tho giecnback. Tliia makes it pass current for a a dollar whether it bnys S'O or 97 cents worth of that lilthy lucro, gold, or uny othor truck. Uut tho Cox plan provides that after the first of January next tho 'f roasury departmunt shall buy up the greenbnek-the Goverument's solemn promiso to pay a dollar, and by courtesy called a dollar -at !7 cents, after July firat at 97 1-2, and increaso one-half cent each halt' yiar until par is reached. This is rodemption with a vengeance. It has been disgraceful enough to havo brokers and monc-y shavers discounting the " legal tender " of the land, - it will be more so tor the Government to engago in a picayuno shaving operation. Givo us Ewing rither than Cox. Tnu immense ie tail store of Field, Lei ter & Co., Chicago, was burned on Wudnesday eveniug. Loss on store, $500,000 ; on goods, uearly 1,000,000. Over 00 persons are throsvn out of einployment, including 150 women - dressmakers and fitters. Sevoial persons weie killed or scverely injured.


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