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- (Joutractor Svveet has commenced dump„saud iu tho square: on that?840 contract. - Architect Buuting and Contractor Mojrmick ware in consultatiou over the Court lijuse work on Weduesday. - ïhc forenoon mail going east now closes it 10:4ó o'clock- ló minutes later thau uuder ,l,e oíd time tablo. No otlior changos. -On aud alter Monday, Xoveinber 10, and jor the winter, postofliee hours will be from ■;]0 a. M. to 7:30 p. at. Money ordor hours ,ra S A. M. to 7 P. M. - Miss Bmmi Baker, who lolt a position in out High Scliool to take a larger salary in the High School oí Detroit, is now precepire3s of the Kalamazoo High School. - Ex-Marshall Herrón, now a farmer iu Vaü Buren Connty, was iu town on Mondav, .kiiig after the interests of the new Eveniny fdegraph' Ilehasn't grown thïn any since ; e went " West." -The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company t received a patent on the Advance Plow ; regard of the hard study of Frank How...1 iur tlio past year. We gladly cliroaicle ■;is destrved success. _J. Lowry and Dwight Huut, of th:s city uve been awarded a patent for wind IflUi' IVo know au editor or two- saying nothiug ot .siorcor so of lawyors - who eau beat thom ;!,e wind mili line. - In the Circuit Couit on Monday, on apiicaticu of counsel for Dr. Douglas, supportiJby aiiidavits showing cause, tho slander uil of Dr. Rose agaiust Dr. Donglas was :..;::eiTed to the Calhouu circuit. - The Aeoü.5 readers at Ypsilanti shouldn't lia seeing the Buuyan Tableaus, now on exjbllioa :it Light Guard Hall. They are realvi series of beautiful paintings. Tho lundsape scènes cou ld havJly be excolled. -Iu the Superior Court of Detroit, on Taesday, the case of Georgo Satton et al vs. Reorge V. Hays, E. A. Bea!, and J. A. Polk-mus (the Farmers' store suit) waa stricken irom the tlocket on inotion of defendants' attr.mfiV. - Prof. LoJcman, oï the State Norma: Sihool, Ypsllantl, is advertising a European tour for 1878, the party to sail Juno 27 and iake in London, Paria, the Ehiiio, Switzerlnnd, Itily, and Germany. Expen?e3 from Y04-) to 1525, gold. - Some two dozen niüiubers of the Bar of thil city - Judgo Huatiugton aud lleporter Daciels bein among the guesta - were entertained at tho hospitablo resideuca of Judge Cooleyon Friday eresing laat, aud had a good time of it. - The foüowi.'ig aro the newly elected officers ot the Ann Arbor Mamnerchor : Presidaat John G. Grossinan ; Vice-President, Cbristiau Schinid ; Secretary, Geo. B. Schwab ; Vnuacar, John (1. Kosh ; Color Bearer, 'iiorge Weisert ; Sceward, Martin Binder. - Company A propose to try their fortunes ;ain on Tuesday evening next. This time ittfc Joaquín Miller's " Danites," and with ilcKeo Bankin as Sandy McCïee. This play !:iibeea running at Whitney's Opera House, Detroit, the present weel:, with great success. - The l'ire departinent want a new conslitution and by-iaws, and tho following comnittee has been appöinted to report on the subject : 'i'heodoide Taylor, Protectlon No. 1; August (iraf, N'igilant No. -! ; J. r. Johuston, Huron Jio. :! ; and Frank Sibley, Hook and Ladder No. 1. -Itmiglitbe ivail lor suponutendunt ot tontractor or somebody in authoritv to requiie toamstera and uthers hanilling the cut stone for the Court lfousj to usa a little more care. Too mttuy braken eoinete;ad somc of !lie:,i in places not tobt; easil}, permaxicntly, ,r üoautifully patched with cement. -Prof. Adams will give the tlurd of lus pirlor leetures on American Colonial Ilistory Toesday cvening next. it tiie residenee f Prof. Tylor on North Ingalls strect. The Lidies' Library Asscciation, for.whoaB benefit the leetures are givon, extend a general Oïitation to the public. Admission 2.3 cents. - Compauy A did n't get lich out of the ferformanco of " Xita " by Zoé and troupe on Moiulay evening. ïheir share of the proeecds(SCi) scarcely more thiin paid for tho Opera House aud advertising expenses. And jet the boys propose to try it agaiu next l'uesday evening,- with JIcKee Kankiu and He Dauites. - The Manchester Enterprise says: "We !amthat Jacob Hutze!, of Lodi, was thrown tatthis wagou, on the comer of Jefferson and inu Arbor streets, in this village, last even% and had one or two ribs and üngers bro'fii, also receiving severe bruise3 about the IÜ3 wouuds were dressod by Dr. tonklin, atter which ho was taken homo. - A nuisance : so many boya and young "o hanging arouud the doors of the churches -apeciatly the Methodist and Presbyterian- 'uring Suiulay evening service, blouking up 'tasklewalks and even filliug the vestibules. J'sif you want to " see the girls home " you oald go to church with them like gentlemen, ' you only wish to gratify au idle curios ïty "& take your flll in staring at the congregarlas it disperses you shouid be suppresed tytbe pólice- liko the Growler carriers. - The friends of Congressman Willits livln!m this vicinity - both personal nnd politi""l-will be pleased to learn that he is well nrJed at Washington and likely to be kept t of mischief duriug hia leisure hours: proteicd against the whus ot female lobbyists and iry clerka. At least the " Dfrectory " han boardilla t 211 East Capitol street, -nway off froin that trea?ury building in are employed so maay attractive ladies, -and bosidea accompauied by his wife, daughler, and olhcr ladies. The secoud entertainment to be given un' the auspice3 of Compauy A is to ba held "ttt Tuosday evohiug, Kov. 20th, with MoKeo l!lnkiu as leadiug star- supported by Kittie Blnchard, Dora üoldthwaite, Louis Aldrich, "il severa! othors. ïhe play is callecl the "Daniies," and is the most popular play that "teigperformod at the present time. It has "o played in tho Enstern sities to crowded ''ouaes, and is boing produced in Detroit tho Present week. The Detroit papers speak ot it ■ e liighest ternis. We bespeak for the 'í5 a ci-cnvde.l Iiouíú. Kejerved seats ;it "oi'iW Si Co.'s. - tí wu only had t!n: smal! smu of Sló 'to coiild'ut we make somebody liappy 'ü'von't name her lor fear of our botter '"). and. that iinmediately. This is how we '""Wdoit: by sending the aforesaid $l")to "'glit entorprisiiif! "nd generous üroadway '"" wlio adviso us tbat " We are now prepar'J to offer to the publiic, and our numerous ■"stomers, a very iine and elegautly engraved lllW Qold Hunting Case Watch, ' warrant for?l",, iu appearance and as a time eeP!r, it is equal to auy mauufactured that 'ald coat ($50) iifty dollars." It is too bad st our flnancial conilition prohibits our em"acing auch a ?oW-en opportunityr


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Michigan Argus