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- George H. Harrowar, D. K. E., has beei elected a Chrömcte editor, mei S. D. Wallin? resigned. - Barnabeo and his goodly coraiauy o siugers are billoil fur this evening in Univer sity Hall. Tho audience is sure to be a large one. - Othcr pressiug duties have compollei Judge Cooley to decliue an engagement for a second courso of lecturas at John Hopkins University, Baltimore. - The University printing - catalogue, medical announcements and Regenta' proceedings- has been let to E. Schober of Detroit, tlie lowost of seven bidders. - Judge Coolfiy, ot the Law depattnient, has just put to press the fourth 'edition of his popular work on " Constitutional Limitations." It will contain about 15 pages of new matter. - The Junior Lyceum of the Medical department ia officored as follows: President, F. L. Bardeen ; Vice-President, A. J. Thompson ; Secretary, M. V. Taylor: Treasurer, S. Eaky. - Prof. Tyler will gi?e his next lecture on American Literatura uext Tuesday, at 4 p. m. These Iectures are resumed by desire of members of the senior class, and will bo continued til 1 the end of tho present semester. - The Chronicla aaya : " 15ob Iugorsoll is not coming. Tho ' ampio propositiou that hope made has failed in its promised largeuess,' and the pagan eloment in tho Univerity will again have to ' possess its soul in paicuce.' " - Thos. VV. Higginson, oL Massachusetts, veil kiiown botli as a writer and lecturer, will ell what ho knows about " The l'Iace of Litrature in a Republic " next Friday evening, iov. 23, in University Hall. Mr. Higginsou ever fails to illuminato any subject he disusses. - Senator Lámar writes to the oflicers of he Lecture Assooiation, thanking them for an nvitation to appear in their oourse, and sayng : " At thi3 early day J. am not able to say ositively whother I can do so or not, but if reumsUuices favor it I will be glad to accept uur invitation." - The studeuls talk ot a rifle club and tcret practico. The Chronicle thinks that such clubmay afforj the means of " temporary iversion," but claims that nothing ' can enjoy nolongod popularity here," and adds iu a soit f Artemus Ward " sarkasura," " It has been sserted on good autliority that studying even ccasioually falls into disfavor with a considíviblí! number oi students."


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