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- " Tho Apostle Paul " is tho subject of a lecture to be given on Sunday evening next, in the Unitarian Church, by Itev. J. II. Allen. - A fair is to le held next week in the i ooms oL the Reform Club by tho ladies of the (Bethol) Luthcran Church, for the benefit of the organ tund. The object is a good one and worthy of general patronage. - Kot. Wyllys Hall, ot St. Andrevv's Church, wül attend the twenty-second semiaunual missionary meeting of the diocese of Michigan, to commence its session in Kt. John's Church, Detroit, on Wednesday next, and will preach the missionary sermón on AVediusday evening. -The Youug Ladies' Society of St. Andrew's Church will give an entertainment, consisting of recitatious and nmsic, at the resideuce of Mis. Hennques, corner of División and Bowery streets, on Monday evening, November, 1Í), eommencsng :it 7 1-2 o'clock. Admission, '2.3 cents. - The Union Bible meeting held at tlio l'resbyteriau Church on Sunday eveniug last was largely attended. Kev. H. L. Hubbell, Vice-rresident of the Couuty Bible Society, presided, and brief and appropriate addresses were made by Eev. Mr. TutlHll, of Kulamazoo, Rev. W. II, ltyder. md tfcy 'l. B. l'ope. The collectiou taken up at tila cí.jmj of the eiercises amounted to somethmg like Ï52. - Kev. H, L. Hubbell, late pastor of the Congregational Church, vho has been in Kansas and Colorado during the last year, lias been spending a fewdays among his old friends and pirisliioners in this city. He preached in the C. C. on Sunday forenoon last, and on Tuesday evening an informal but exrceüingly pleasant reception was given to himself and Mrs. H. in the parlor of the church. Air. Hubbell goes to Amherst, Mass., :o spend the coming winter. We were glad to see him Inoking in such improved health. sAI.IMO S&Iïta - A meeting of the Red Ribbon Club will je held at tfniön Sehooï IIaII, Sunday evening, Xov. IS, to Ie addrëssed by home speakers. - On the evening of November 7 as Mr. Anson Harnion, pjoprietör of the Saline exchaílgtí, was driving inte Ann Arbor, lus horse jecame frightaned, broke lcose from tlie buggy, ran iuto a doublé team, torced the po'.e iuto her breast, and on Thnrsday mght died from the injuries. - Newton Chrisher, the man who rode off the horse of John Burg, as noticed last week, returned on the evening of the 7th in.t., by rail, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Whiting. tle expressed a trunk from Saline to Grand Rapids, the day before he stole the horse, and was arrested on a telegram when he claimed it. The horse was found at Eaton Rapds.


Old News
Michigan Argus