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NEW ADVERTISEMÉÑTS Atlantic Monthly FOR 1878. The managers of the Atlantic, while kceping this magazine first in American periodical llteratnre, as repards the quality of its contributious aud the distinction of its writers, will especially aimdorlog the coming 'ear to treat Qukstio.nï, of Puhlic Interest, as they arise, ia a thorough anti impartial manDer. It is not only their purpooG to makc the Atlantic acceptatie to lovers o: belles lettres, hut to make it indispensable to al wlio value the best thought in the country Ou Finalice, matters of Government Iteform, and al! Sihil l'roblems. In the highest elass o!' Anierlcan Fiction It will be particnlarly full, and willcontaiu a serial story (" Detmold ; A Romance ") in rivo paris, by Willium II. Ifinliup; anothcr("The Eurepcans") in four parts, by Hcnry Jaiiici, .Ir.; and a tliird, in five i six parts, by AV. D. Sliort Storii-s. Will be contributed by T. B. Aldrick. Hoso 'i'rrrf Cooke, Coiistancc l'euimorc Wuulxon, H. E. Sc ui 1.1 ir, JT. V. !.- Forcst4 and other old and new writens tbr tho Atlantic, iucluding the author of "ThoCAiHdol tlie State." Sketches and i;ssu s. By Mark Twain and Chaulfs Duijlev WarHBS will constantly appear. Descripttons of loreiyn IAfc and Travel By W. W. Stouy ("Studies oX Artistic and Social Ij fe in Konie,") T. B. Aldrich, (" Krom Tonkapog to resth,"), ano Charles E. Nokton (" Eways on Italian (,'athedrals") are promisecl. Studies from French, Germán, and Etifflish Jiooks. Not casily accessible to the general reader, and iharacteri.ed encli by some peculiar claim apon lus interest, will be a usefvil and pleasant feature for the new year. T. S. Pbrrv, II. E. ScimuKi:, Hexeiy James, Je., Richard Gkant Wimtk, . U. HOWELI.S, IfAKItlKT W. 1'ItKSTOX, lltld others, will iontributo these studies. lnteresting contritjuions may aiso be expected from Edmund C Stkdmv.s.iK.Mi O. Jewett (author of " Eeephaven sketches "), and others, inchtding some curious 'Kcminiscencesof Jirook I'arm," by a inemberof the Association. JMattei'8 of Artistic and Musical Interest, Will n tteated in frequent artlcles, and tha lltorary will bfl aa ever, full, varicd, aud impartiiil. The Contributort? Club. To whioh bo niMiiy readen airead? turn the ftrsfc thinpr, will ie enlarged and rcodeicd oomtantlj more attsacUve, In Voet' ff The Atlantk: will continue to exeel. Xho otder contributors, identiüed for twenty reuu with it.s fame and prosncrity,- Mit. LOKOrtlLLOW, I)R. U. W. Hnl.MKS, Mk, WlïITTIKR, MK. hOWEI.L, U Uil ethers. - wiil ippcar as heretoioro,und tho Atlantic, whicli has ntroduced Ut the public tb lieat amonour youngcr writers, will be the avenue of wbatrvi-ris ]ii.,-:t priiiiisin-: and ckaractcriütir in new talent, 'l'o The Atlantic rortvaits Of Iïkyant and Longfeluv, rcmarkable for their iidelity aspörtralta and thcirrarc artistic excellence, the PuSUshera have now ndded a ncw life sie iortrait of New England's favorita poet, John Greenleaf Whittier. ThMopottraltjare carefully iraapped on rollen, mul can beaeottoany part of the country y mail without injury. Ti-iims ok tuk Atlantic.- Si lijf Ic or BpeeliDSn iiiiiLiluTs, 3 5 cents Yearly sabscripUoD, ft'l:OO9 postagt fret, with llio-si.e portrall ui" VVhittler, Bryant, or LonrpUow. SS.UO ; willi two poríralú, S;.oo; wiih all tbivc portralts, $7.OO. 8P1XIAL OFFEK.-Tlie November and December numbers of the Atlantic, cootalntog poems by Whittier and Longfellow, and thti commcnccnient of Ir. Blshop's new serial story, " Detmold," will be niailed freo to all new Btibserilters to the Atlantic for 1S78 who remit their subBCtlptlODB to the publishers beforc December l-. Remittances by mail sliould be sent by a moneyorder, draft on New York or BottOB, or regUtered letter, to 11. O. IIüuüiiton (t Co., Hiverside Press, ("anibridge, Uatt. ltitV-' H. 0. HOUGHTON & CO., Boston ; H17RI) & HOIJGHTOX, Xew Vork. ËsUto uï Klisha Kldridge. TATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw r kb. At a fteasion of the Probate Court for the county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Orüce in the oity oi Ann Arbor, on Friday, the aixteenth day of November, in the yenr one thouaand eight hundred and aeyenty-Beven. Present, William D.Hnrnmfln, Judgeof Probate. In the fruit '.'i f, f i li" estáte of Elisha Kldndye, deoéMdf On reaaiDg and lili;; the petil ton, duly rerlfied, of l'hini'.t.i I,. Page, prayinu that acertuiu inntriiment now on ñlo in Ibis coiirt, purporting to be the Ust will and testament of n;iid tleceaned, may bc admitted to probute, and thut lie may be nppointed executor the reo f. Thereupon it is onlered, that Monday, the mveuteenthday of J)ecember ucxt,Rtt(tnn'clockin the forenoon, be nsained for t)ie hearing of sm petitiou, and that the dcvisec?, legatees, and heirs at law ot said deceased, and all other persons intereHted in said catate, are required to appear at n nvsaion of aaid Court, then to be holden at the 1 'róbate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if an therr bc, why the prayer of the petitioue nhould not bc grantcd: And it ia f urther orderec that said p"i i tumor ive notice to the persons in tereated in eald catate, of thu pendency of aal potition, and the hearing thereof, by cautiing copy of this ordox to be published in the Miei iffan Argnst i newspaper printed and circulated it said county, three siioocHflive weeksprevious to aait day of hearing. WILLIAM I. HAURIMAN, fA true copy.i Jadgre of Probate. Wm. G. Ooty, Pruliate UegUier. 1662td Estáte ot' Gcorge Vetter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washt naw, ao. At a wshíoii of tbc Probate Cour lor the Comity of Wahteuaw, holden at the Pro bntc Offlco, Ín the city of Anu Arbor, on Moudaj the ninetéeulh day f November, in the yea ouc thousand eiht liuudrctl and seventy-seveu. Present, William I. Uarrlman, Judge of Probat In the matter ut tlie catate of Gcorge Vette deccased. Cathorlna D. Vetter, admiuistnUrii ufi-aid cstat Comea Into court aud represents that i is ito prppared to rènder her liual account au such Rdmli ïstratrix. Thereupon it s Oldeicd, that Tuoaday, the 181 day of December next, alten o'clock in tho fore uoon, be asignel lor examiniug and allowiu üuc account, and that the heirs at. law of said deoduet and all other persons interostel Ín suid estáte, ar reu ui red to appear at a senioB oC said Court, the to be holden at tho Probate Office in the city o Aun Arbor, in said couuty, and show cause it' au therc be, why the said account should not be a lowed : And it is further ordcred that said adtuii istratrii j;ive notice to tho Kirsona interested i said estáte, of the pendency of said account am the hearing thereof hy causinff a copy of this orde to be published in the Michigan Aikíus, a uews paper printed and circulntingiii said county, thrt SHccessivc weeks prcvioiis to said dav nf heariiiL WILLIAM I). ÏÏAIIKIMAN (A true OOpy.) Jude v( Probat Wm. (ï. Doty, Probate Elegíate r. 1662tó Estáte of Moaes C. Edwards. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washteriaw sa. At a scssion of the Probate Court for 1 1 Couuty of Washteuaw, holden at tüe Probate Ottie in the city of Aan Arbor, ou Wednesday, the twei ly-lirt Uay of November, iu tbc year one thousam trigbt hundred and seveuty-seveu. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate BIn the matter of the estáte Of Dioses C. Kdward deceased. On reading a ml filingthe petition, duly verinc Of Sarles C. Edwards, admin..strator, praylng tha he may be Hceiiücd to scll llic real estáte wliereo aaid deceased died seized. ThcrcuponitisorderedtthalSaturday, tjiï22d da of December next, at ten o'clockin theforenoon,l Hstgnod for tho hearingofsaid petition, and that th lieirsatlttw ofsaiddeeeased.audallother persons ii terested in said estáte, iru remiired to appear at session of said court, tlien to bc holden at the Pr bate üttice In the city of Aun Arbor, and sho cause, if any there bo, wliy the prayer (f the pel tioner .should uot be iranled: And it ís furthe ordered, that said petftioner jlre nntice to the per ,vm- i u terested iu said estáte, of the neudeix y said petition and tlu; hearing tbrreni', by OftmiDg copy of this order to bc published in the Michüjat Argus, a newspapor priuled aud circulated in ai couuty, four succesivy weeks prcviou.s t said da oí hearing. WILLIAM HARRIMAN, (A tnieropy.) Jiuigc of Probatt Wm. ü. Doty, Probate Eegister. K663 Kstalo of Johu J. Uowner. UTATË OF MICHKÍAN, County of Washtcna ÍJ as. At a session of tlif Frobat Court for th Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate O fice, iu the city of Anu Arbor, ou Monday, th iiiii'-t'-mith day of November, ín the yearoue thout and eight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. Ilarriman, Judge f Probate In the matter of the estáte of John J. liowne deceaaed. Frcemau P, tialpin, admiuiütrator of said ea tate, como i uto court and representa that he I now prepared to reuder his final accouut aa BUG adininistrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Ttiesday, the 18t day of December next, at ten o'clock ia th forcuoon, bc assisued for cxauiiniDfr and allowin such account, and that the heirs atlaw of saidde ceased, and all other pernons intcrested in saii rstutu, nrc required to appear ata session of sait court, tlien tu bu holden at the Probate Office in th city nf Ann Arlmr, in said county, and show cause if any títere he, why the said accouut should uo be allowed : And it i.s further orderid that sai( ■dmibistrator givc uotice to the persous in terca te in said estatv, of the pendency of said account, an the heariDg tluTt-oi', Uy eaustiig a copy of thi order to bs published in the Michigan Argus, uewspaper pnnted mul clrctllstlug in said count] tiiroc Bacoesslve weeks previou.s to said dav o hearing. WILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN. (A fcruo copy.) Judgc of Probate. U'.m. ;. Doty, Proboto Register. liW'i Estáte of Thomas Martyn. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlvuaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court for th County of Waahten&w, holden at the Probnto Offic in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenti eth dy of November, in theycaronuthotipandeigb hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William 1. Ilarriman, Judgeof Proba t. Ia the matter öf the estáte of Thomas Martyn decéafeed. On BMding and filfng the petition, duly rerifíexj of Mary Maityn, prayiug that acertaiu inatruuieu now on tilo in this court, jmrporting to he the lus will and testament of said aeceased, may be ad mitted to probate, and that John 8. Nowlaud uva; be appointod adininistrator with the wlll annexct Of üitid est:tt'. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the scv entöenth day oflieceuibcr next, at ten oVlock ii the foicnoon, bc asslgned for tbc hearing o said petitiou, and that the devisees, legateei aud huir at law of said deceascd, aud al other persons interested ia said estáte, are re quired to appear at a session of said court, then to he holden at the Probate Otlicc in the city of Ani Arbor, and show cause, if nuy the re bo, wh; the prayer of the peti tioner should uot In granted: And it is further ordered that said pe titioner give notice to the persona interested ii said estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou an the hearing thereor, by causing a copy of this or der to be publifibed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatcd in said couuty tbrce Bucoessive weeks previous to said day of heai ing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN, (A true copy) Judgu of Probate. Wm. G. Dotv, Probate Register. 1663td Estáte of Ernest Hiñes. STATE OV MICHIGAN, í'mnity of WashU-naw 83. At a scssion of the Probate Court for the Con ut y of Washtunaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tucsday, the twentieth duy of XovenibtT.iu the yearone thousand eight hundred and scventy-sfiven. Present, Vi!li;im í). llarriniau, Judjíe of Probate. lu the uiattter uf tlie estáte of Ernest Hincs deceased. Henry Hiñes, admimatrator oí" said eístatc, comes ioto court and represents that he is now prepared to reuder his ün;il account as such adminlstrator. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Wednesday, tlic mueteeuth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examiniug nud allowing fliicli account, and that the heir at luw of said decea3ed, and all otlicr persons interested In s;iid i'stíiti-, are requlred to appear at a sessíuti of said court, then to bc holden at ttie Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor in laid county, and show cause, ifany there bc, why the said account should not be allowed. And it Ís further ordered that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendeney of said account and the hQftrfng thenoft by causint; a eopy of this order to bc published In the Michigan Argu$,& newspaper prtnted and circulating in said county, tliree succe8i?e wceka previous to said day of hcariog. WILIJAM I. HAKRTMAX, f A truc copy.) Judcof Probate. Wm. (i, Dotv, Probate UcgUtor. ííh2k1 Estáte ot' Charlottes Neuuiann. ÜTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, as, At a sesaioH of the Probate ('ourt for the County of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, uu Tucsday, the t went iet h day of November, in theycarone thousand oight humlred and sevcuty-sevcn. Preseut, Wil i ia in I). Harrinmi, Judjje f ProbatOi In the matter oi' thc estáte oí' Charlotte NttQniann, deceased. On reading and fiting thft putitiou, 4uly vcriticd, of FredericK Pislorhu, executor, prayins for tho assigmuont of the residuo of tlie estáte oí Batd deceased to tho devispes. Thereupon it isordercd, that nim - toenth day of December Dext, at ten o'tlock in the forenoOD, bc assiguod for thc hearingof mürt petition, and that the devíseos, legateteb, UM holw at law of said dt'eeascd, anti all other perohs interest - erl in said estáte, are rcijuired to appear at a seasion of said court, then to be holden at the 1'robate Oflict, in tho city of Ann Arbor, and show causu, if any there be, why he prayer of the petltloner shoiild nut bc ranted : And it in furthcr ordcred, that said wtitioner gire notieo to the persons interested ti said estáte, of thc pendeney ot said petition and be heuiog thereof, 1 csOBtns a copy of this rdcr to be published in the Michigan Aryutt a ïewspaper piinted and circulated in said county, hrce successive weeks previoun to said day of hcarng. WlIiLIAM I. HAUKIMAN, [A truc copy.] Judce of Probate, Vm. ;. Dotv, Probato Register. löGtitd THE MIIVAiiiHi; MEDICAL & SÜRGICAL INSTITÜTE. EiUbilihcd 1867 nd Cliartcrcd by the 8titeLc?Ultturo for thc improvcd treatment ot all Frivto and Chrouio Dlaeases uicntioDed in thia crd. Juat publlihed, -fïYm- "THE 8ILENT FRIEND! #7& f'Oniidi'iitia) Adviser fortheyounganl JÊJSSMW Ulilii'c ■2.pJ ol' both ■ ;ou all 1íbvkim et of ft Private N aturo, uriiing IVora Early Abuses orlnfoctlon, Seminal Weakncsi, and Loif oí Manhood, and the beit intans otcure; with valuable adyic to the Marricd and thoio coiittniplatiiig Marriage ; includitij; a treatisr on témalo UiaeaaoB, au4 CJiroqic Afléctiont of thc 'i'hroat, Lunfrn and Skin, Catarrh, L'aoccr, Rupturc, Pilci, Kitula,thc Ojnum Ilablt &c. U contaius 260 ]arjL(i pttRci and nuwcrU Dgnvinm.maikil undor faTon rout OÍÍUoti. A CLINICAL LECTITRB on tho abovo diieafcs, sm4 the principie of modical practice in their treatmeut Fnc 10 ctl. Addrcse, Attcndinf; Fhriician,,. " 'likïi'wi i nsi i in i ion ou tbo Guitar. Misí Mauv LOUISI POHD will ;ie lessuns on ie Uuitar. For terina inquirc at. 5-1 South fcïtate trect. 7VSÊ JOB PRINTING done t thi THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878 Aa the time anproachcs for the renewal ofsubseriptions, TUK SUN wuuld remitid its friends and wen-wisbers everywhere, that it Í again s CHndidatc für their consideration and support. l"](m its rccurd for the past ten ye;irn it relies fnr ;i continuMico of the hearty sympathy and generous oo-operatiou which havo hitherto been extend ed to it from cvery quarter of the Union. The Daily Sun in a four-paí-e sheet of 28 columns, pricc by mail, pOHt-pttid, 55 eeuta a inonth, or $0.50 per year. The N ii iirt ii editioD of The Stn is an eight paiiü sheet of 56 columus. Wliilu giving the uews of tlie day, it alsO cuntuins a large amount of Ulerary aud loittcellaueous ntatter specially prepared forit. Thb SunuaySi-n haa met with grvat succesM. Pust paid % f 5ÍO year. 'Mie Wi.Ulj Sun. Who does not know Tuk Wkkkly Kun .' ItcirculatcB thnughnut the United State, thu CaiUMÜU, undbnyoud. NiiK'tj thouaand families rcet lta Weloome pagts woekly, and regard it ia tho light oi guide, couuselor and frioud. lts news, editorial agricultural and literaiy dtpurtmeuts mnke it csfiiünlly a iöurtiul for the fiimily and thu ñre siile. Terms: OueDollara year, pout paid. This pricc, quality coneidered, makca it the cheapeat nuwspaper publihed. For clubs ol teu, witli flil cash, wo will hcikI fln extm copy free. Addrots PUBLI9HER OF THIÍ SUN, löó'Jwti Xew York City. TUK (JKDAT (Asi; HX7MA1T MISERY. Juut publiehed, in :i scak'd unvelope. Prlce, eix cents. A i.i'ciuri! on tlie Nature, Treutllientf and radical cure of Seminal Weuknees, or Öperniatorrhoea, iuduced by 9elf-Abii8e, Involuntary KmissioiM, Impotency. Nervous Deblility, and Impedimenta lo Ma Tiage genernlly ; Conaumpttun, Epilepay, and Kits; Meutul (ind rhysical Inciipacity, ftc- By ftOBËRT .1 CULVERWEIjL.M. D., author of the t4 Oreen Book," Ac. The wurld-renowned autlior, iu thi udiairablt Ijccturo, clearly pvoves f rom )ia own experienct that tho nwful coneequences of SelfAbuse inay bc effectualiy removed witliout medicine, and without dangeroua surgical opera tionB, bougies, instrumente, rings, or cordiais ; pointingout n mode 01 cure at once certain, and etfectual, by meaue ol which every sufferer, no matter what bis condit)4n may be.niay cure himself cheitply, privately, and radically. #■ yii.v JLecture wül prove a boon lo MtOMAfldf f""' thousands. 8ent under eeal, in a plain envelope, to any addresH, ]ost-paid, oa receipt of ix cents or iwo postale stamps. Address the 1'ubHshers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Aun Street. N. Y. rost Office Box, 4580. l;::Oy 1 ;tn a. MUM COMPANÏ. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assats Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86N(it Surplus ovor Liabilitios, including Ro-Insuranco and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Atrcut, Ami Arlxtr. rINSEY & SJflABOLï'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ANDKLOÜtt 8c FKKI) STORK. We Iceep consttintly on imnd, BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FÜR WHOLESALE and HETAIL TKADE. W#' nhiill alo keep a aupply of DELHI PLOUR, J. M. 8WIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEA1' KI-OUR, BYKFLOUB, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUU, OORN MEAL, FEED, Ac, &0. At whole?nta ;iiiM rctail. A general stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS onstnutlf on IiikI, whih wïll be Bold on us rouontible ternis hh ui uny other houBe in thie city. Canh paid for Butter, Kgs, and Country Ironoe Brenerully. ■íy Oooda delivercd 10 any part uf the city with ut extrti i-h . . Rl'SKV A: s; Aitoi l . A nn Arbor, Jttn. 1, 1876. 15C4 o" AM) .SEE T1IB JACKSON TUUSS U01) WAGON Also. i New Kliclit-Hand Ilurrall Iron Cem Nhellor,at M. ROGERS'. 1311IGF OF LIME REDüCED. Ohiu lime will ln'it'iirii'i' be sold ut who)os;ilu ui my lime room, in thi city, at 85 cents, iiimI Mun oe lime n 30 cents per bushel. Ann Albor, Oclober 30, 187?, Wood Wantod ï IN EXCHANOE TOB Siiddles, Harness, Trunks. rrayellng Bags, Robes, Blankets, etc. .1. YOI.I,VM. Wool Tina.O and üfter Harvest I VS Wool time :tn Horvest have tioth oona ;u.,) goiie, 1 simply :isk each and esvry ona whu wc me Hiiy amonut, gveat oi1 situill, to heur in hul thir long past pronilso, aml walk npllkaa iK-ki-n to tho dough, wlth the cash in thimochea pocket, and pay me-, or I will fi ml out whal rtue there is in a suinmons. If these coUcctionM itft be made wlHIngl? they must bc made forciy. 1 haTfl COIU6 to a íirm resolutlon to citllcct my itatAading debts. Il' you fflvo thi matter your nniieiliïti: ultoution you will save yourarlf costs. ow I want you to believe every word of tin beuise lt Is truc. This thin must bc done. Ann Arbor, July 18, 1ST7. M. HOGERS. ■jEW TEA STOEË. Japan ï" a. at :;.-, 1 , 5O imd HOe, [ii r III ,;i i I tUo vcry best imprted ut 70c per Ib. Gunpowder Tca at GOc and 80c per Ib., and tlic crv best imported at $1,00 a pound. Toang Hyson at 40e, 50c and O')c, and the bost imported at 80c per Ib. OoIouk Tea at 35c, 50c, 60, and 70c per Ib. Imperial Tea at .'JOc, 40c, and .Wc per ll. Tvvankey Tea at 20c, 25c, and 30c per Ib. COFFEES AND SPÏCES, of our ovi-n routing and grtndlsg, at grcatly redttood prices. ivo n u Cali and be Convinced. .1. W. HAGSTERFER & V,0„ 3O 3 2Soiilli iMuiii Nt., Ann Arbor. lG39in6 A BANKRUPT STOCK OF HARDWARE ! WlfcL BK SOI,D Without Regard to Cost At the oíd stand of I.. C. HZSDO1T, X. 31 Noiitli Mal St., Ann Arbor. NOW IS THE TIME l-'OK CASH BUYER8 To la)' u thi'ir Winter supply of STOVES And Haftware of every l)escription. ALL THOSK INTENDING TO BUILD ANOTHEll YEAR, CAN NOW BUY THEIK DOOK TRIMMINQS AND OTHER HAKDWAHE CHKAP! UUmt IF YOU ARE TIRED OF Big Gas Bills ! ÜET ONE OP OUR NATIONAL GAS WOUKS AND MAKE YOUR OWN GAS FOR 7öcts PER 1,000 ft. If you have use for a Large Amoiuit of' Gas, write to us for the par ticulars of the way in which yon can have a CAS WORKS FOR NOTHINC! National (Sas Vorks Krccllon Co.f Iletroit. 56 & 58 Hales St. H. FRANK, Superintendent, 1859 ■"1E0RGE W. CROrSEY, Lato of the flnn of Clark V CiiorsKY, aud A. Kearney, hite of UVx;is, ander the firm name oí KEARNEY & CK0P8EY, Have i'.-i:iKli--h'(i themselvcü at Ko. 33 SoutU fluiti M., Am Arhor, ttfl propose tu do general Crocerv Business They wlll also keep CKOCKEKY, GLASS Rna WOODEN WARE. aod B futí une oí DOMESTFC knd POBEIGN FKUITS. ïhcy have flttcd auii íuniiühed A Flrst-olass Eating Department, Wlu-yc Moals can be hid at allhoura, or bouikl Ky the week. ;in1i i.ii.1 (or Huttor, iIjki., mul ull Cniintry produce, üoods promptly dclivered o any píirt af Iho city. Kemember the place. 33 Sollíli Mu i 11 Sircct. KK.VUSRY & CROPSEV Aun Arbor, April 26. 1870. 1530 ■pOE SALE. FOUR VERY FINE Thoroughbred Suffolk Boars, SIX MONTHR OLD. Delhi iMillv, Oct. JO, 1877. 1638w3 WM. W. TUBES,


Old News
Michigan Argus