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Variety: Preserving Currants

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M. S. Wilson. of the Bcikshirc Coflee Monse, Lonox, writes ns follows to the editor of the Massnchusetts Ploughman : For the last ton or twelvoyenrs, I have been in the hnbil of preserving reen currants in considerable qunnlities, for domeslic use, find ihem nol only a luxury. but a great convenience. My mode o preserving ihcm is simpily ihis: I gather the cjirants while green or belbre they turn red, put ihem into dry glass botile, cork and seal tlieni in the cellar, in éuch ít posilion ns is most convenient. ín llus manner green currnnts have been preserve in my cellar for years. 1 have also preserved goosberries in the same manner, and with equal success. I have green etinant pios on my table at all sensons of the yetfr, Vhen other green fruit cannot be readily optained. And if you, orany of your friendo, will cali at my house, 1 shall be happy la wait upon, nnd furnish you with green currant pies, at anyseason of the year. Snrur Tkkk. - Providènce has r.ot only been bountiful in a supply of food out even of raimeut. In tlio forest óf Oionoko (South AmericaJ there i's n tree Vhich oficn at'tains tho heighi of fi'fiy feel. The nntives mttko shirts of the bark of this tree, wfrich' requires only to' bo stripóö off, und to 6e derived óf iis fibroüs purts. The nativas wear these shirts in rainy seasons, which, according to Humboid, ure equai to any of our Muckmloshcs to keep out thoFins ij Roxbury Mass. - On Sunday morning Ifnf, boiweon lvi and 1 u'clock, stable on Roxbury Hill, was discovered lo bo on fire, and was soon destruyod with most of its contení, hay, harnesses &c Twelvc horses pcrislied. Nnu of them bclonged to Mr. Ilorace King. proprieior ofu Imo of Boston and Roxbury Omnibuscs, nn-i two beloiiged loa Mr. Dunbar. Somc small buildings occupied by Irish families alsp took fire, and onc of ihem was destroyed. Convictio-n op Mail Robbtbks. - Al lbo assizos of the U. S. Court. beid last week at Cunandnigun. JurJfïH Non presiding, Jamex Logan and Jltil Thotn).. sou, c!i:rred with rubbiog the Gféa! Mail from BulFalo to Kria, Pa., via WosllieM, in April last, were indicted and convicted nf thut ofTencc, nnd sentencej lo States P rison - Logan for four yoars,nnd Tliomjson for six. Wak at tiíe Cate of Good Hoib. - Tho N. V. Ilorald lias r.ews frotn llio C:po of Good Hope to the 29. h of April. Tho CáflVü tribes have commRiiccd hoátilitios gninst llie Burghcr inhubitasils of ihccjlony. Col. Hare. Lt. Guv. oftlu; Eastorn District of thecolony, by proclamation. has declufed tiic colouy under martial law. The Herald gives the delaüsof tne various skirmishi's o( the Uurgner iuhaditants nf'rho Cape assistdd by the Hritish troops and natives. The vessrl brings the prinled despatcli es of Cul, Somefiscf, nd ofliceis, conimandinj ttie Iroops in CiifFrdaiul. W'hnnevcr the recular iroops could Ijring ihe CaÜ'iCs to the field, thi-y were checkcil or rpulsed ; bul by dnecting tlnir rnovfiiients to tho piost-cution oio tlesultory warfare, the Call'ies are harrassing tho Biitish '.roops - cttting uil' ibeir supplies, &c. In ihe several skirmishes, ihe Bntish are said to lmve lost two captains, onc sub altern, and 19 rank and filo, killec' and wounded.Tuk Chinksk kansom. - Anoiher instnlment of the Cliin.-ce ratisom. or rathér the expenses which íhe celestial empire uireed to pay on account of tho laus w, , bas arrivrd at tho royal mint. U carne in iiine wagons, cacli druwn by tb reo horses, and o cart drawn by two hor sos. The t re asure was (Tèpösttéff ín boxes, nnd consialcd of fil'ty-six lons of gold and .zilver which will undfigo iho sniclting proces pievious to its covurtion uito coin ol the realm. Thè'völoö is upwatds of half a million storling. Tlie Ireasuie was escorted f rom Purisniouth, via Southamplon Railwny to London. by a dcinclnnenl of ilie military. The last instalmeiit of the ransom is expected h a few week.s. - [London )apt;r. OC13' A fond Li'rl in order to prevent her lover fioni goingto the wai.threvv a basin of hot water or; bis foot the dav bcfore bis company (the Cincinnati Grays) was to mareb. But he bound up bis walker, and marched wiih the rest, the poer fjirl do claiing tlh'U s!io "mennt il all in kindness." head is tbru-t (liroVigh one end, and ibe latern holes are cut to admit ihe arms. The dvvélling houso of Mr. John Cilley, in London, Monroe county, wus consümed by firo on the 9th instant, with all its contents.The Peucissiün Lock. - Our readers are already ware of iho decided ailvatilagc our Aiiiilery had in rapi tily of service over tliat of' ihe Moxicaus, nhhotigh vcry ar inferior in ncutiher fo fie l.iticrBesidii the omlciful pitrh of pcrleclion (o which tliat arrn of o:ir military power is now carr'wd, : great deal of ihe cicdit mus! be yiveu io the exccllenl invention of lïiè percussiofi lock. and wafer priner. It ' )oars we have had the advantapo of two inventions l'ut years and yot, iicrt-lilile ns ii may nppi-ar, Shaw ihu iuvenlor has nut yt-t received auy rciujnicraliuu althouijh the failb of our ovei ntnenl .;tands pledgcd to do hint jusiice. He reet ived a very serious injnry by ft percusson cap expludmg' in his hand whil Cönducui)}: the exporimonU oidertd hy ihe War Dejartinfnt. Two cominïuees of the House of Repieseutalives reponed in liiá favor, also a bilí passed ihe Senate iur hi-3 relief hul did not come befoie the House. L(ï. us h'o; G tiiattho recent tri iimphs wc in o moasure owé te him, will eause his just claim to meet attenlion.