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And Now The Republicans Of The

And Now The Republicans Of The image
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Seríate are registering auy number of oatlis against that tardy judgo who did n't send I'atterson home to South Carolina to bo tried. Tue soft Bioney men are n't exactly satisfied with the liesutnption repeal bilí passed by the House. It limita the issuo of greenbacks and allowa tho national banks full swing. TriE Michigan mombersof tbe House votod unaniinously against the Resumption ropeal bilí. An unoxpected record consiiioring that half a dozen of theui voted for the Sil ver bilí. Glad theil lunaey was of such short duration. SüAltox is an undoubted and consistent believer in tho " counting out" racthod so popular in Re])uLlican quartors, and so he couuts himself out. The monthly count of his salary - unearned and ill-gotten - is anotber evidence of his faitta. Tjik New York Sun puts it in tbis way : "Tbe impression that William Sharon ropresents Nevada in tho United States Senate, is yielding to the belief that he simply reprosents the United States Senate in the San Francisco Stock Exchange." Jesso .j, 00,000 : that 19 tho amouut the Fishery Commission ducroo that tho United States must puy Great Britain for trespassing upon tho Int lei 's fish preserves. Gold, silver, greonbaeks or in kind (fish), which or what ? That is the question now bofore tho meeting BitoTHER Lewis, of the Saginawian, has a level head. Ho says : " No smart dodge can make 82 cents stand for tho dollar of tho world, whether we coin it of silver or brass, or stamp it with tho Government green aud black." And, of course, the inevitable conclusión is in favor of " a par currency." Sluike. Nov that Congtossman Smalls, of South Carolina, will be necessarily abseut f rom his seat in tho House, - having been sentenced to hard labor in tho penitentiary for three years, - will he draw his pay with tho same regulaiïty as Senator Sharon who stays away from Washington to attend to his own business ? The " cheap money " men won thoir second victory in tlie House on Friday last, passing the Rosumption repeal bill by a voto of 133 to 120. This action means an increase in the prico of gold (tho money of tho bloated bondboldor), and a decroase in tho purchasing power of the greenback : that is if it means an inflation of tho greenback currency. The New York World gets in this little dig at Senator Sharon, of California and Novada : " Senator Sharon canuot understand wliy there should be such a fuss kickod up about his absence from his soat. Ho bought and paid for it with '■" - - "y. - !- - tr. 1I0 with his own proporty what ho will." Exactly ! But do tho people of Nevada agres with Sharon ? Make silver a legal tender and will our frieud who gets $110 in silver tor a horso bo any richer than he is now with tho markot valué oí' tho same horse $100 in gold ? In other words nhrinking tlie rubber yard stick won't iu:iko any moro yards in a pieco of cloth ; nor will legally increasing the valuo of a so-callod dollar mako it buy more in the markets ot tho world. And tho sama illustration is applicablo to tho legal tender but inconvertible and iiredeomable greenback. Dm x't Senator Christiancy put his loot in it on Monday whon ho tauntcd Senator Patterson in this wiso : "If Senator Patteison could stand with an Administration that would protect an illegal Legiglaturc, ho carried his Iïepublicauism to an extont which ho (Christiancy) could not." Senator Christiancy was not noted for striking very heavy blows against the Grant Adminigtration when it was cngaged in protecting an illegal Tjegislature in Liouisiana, añil his votes wero not weightod with very heay condemnation. The bond puzzlo in Detroit has been solved. Ex-Controller Garfield is the man who misappropriated the five 500 bonds, and a later discovory that he had converted some $1,900 in unsold coupons to his own use - getting the treasurer to pay thuiu when ho should havo canceled thom - caused his arrest on Saturday last 011 a chargo of etnbczzlement. His friends caino to his relief on Monday, paid tho amount with interest (2,385), and he was discharged. "Would the same consideration und morcy have been measured out to a poor devil who appropriated another man's purse, - even though crowdcd theroto by tho pangs of hunger '( That's the question. al - -TO - Y■ - For several months an indictment has boen pending in the courts of South Carolina against Senator Patterson ; for many weeks tho question of his extradition has been beforc tho District courts ; and all this time hc bas been considerod in full communion in the P.fipublican party. No steps havo boon taken by his political fellow Senators to investígate the charges against hini, Btrd lic was assignuil at tlie opening of the CftÜed sussioii to the chairmuishiij of an important committee. But 110 sooner does thi Senator Patterson givu ovidence by bis votes thut ho proposes to do as he last llay said ho woutd do, vote for tbe admission of his ooileague Butler, than' Senator Edmunds makes hast to offer a resolution of tnvesttgatien of certain vaguo charges alleging a corrupt bargain, not as :m indepeiulont quostion, but as a substituto for a resolution discharging tho Comtnittèo on Privileges and Elections fiom thi; fufther considoration of Mr. Butlur's ciedontiiils. Not even Senator K Imumls could maiko this proffer of investlgtioa at such a time seem auything moro or loss than the dlsgrttorful ftti-co it really was. THAT was a capital hit made 1 y Senator Conover en Monday : " I seo a Democratie State administration in South Carolina reeognized by President Hayes, tho leadur and head of our party. If tho Demócrata oarried tho State, os ' our President ' liaa detormined, I cannot see why they Lave not a right to elect a Senator belonging to their own party. I am not wüling to opposo the decisión the President has made upon this subject, and I am not willing to stultify mysnlf by saying that a D'inocratic State electod a Rtipubliean Senator. This Democrutic State has not done so." But as if this was not enough, the next shot hit tho buü's in tho vory center and rung tho bell : " Agnin I undorstund that tho Suprema Court of South Carolina has decided that the Legislature whioh elected Butler was the legal Legisla turo of the Statu. Can wc go back on that decisión? I tliink not. It has been rocently deeided by a tribunal, the like of which never sat on earth, a tribunal called into existence to load tho nation out of a wildernoss of troublo and gloom, couiposed of judges of tho Supremo Court, of Senators and members of the Houso of Representativos, lawyers, sil that the Senate and Houso of Representativos combined, could not go behind tho decisión of tho Returning Board of a State, even in the case of actual fraud, to determino who were duly elected Electora, and that this rosults from the right of each Stafe to regulato her own affaira. How thon can we now go behind the decisión of tho Supremo Court of tho State as to which of the two bodios is tho rightf ul Legislature of that Stato ? '' Conover may not bo a lawyer, - he said that he was n't, but ho certainly put the lawyers of his party, the lawyer who wat a member of that " high joint " Cominission, in a tight placo. All eyes havo beou turned toward tho Unitod States Sonate during the week. The contest ovor Butler and Kellogg - the ono elaiming a seat from South Carolina and . the other from Louisian.i - was rooponed on Monday at tho expiration of tho niorning hour. The Committee on Privileges and Elections reported iu favor of adoiittiug Kellogg, but an objoction to its consideration sent it over one day under tho rules. Thurman's motion to discharge tho same coininittoe from the furthev cousideration of tho credonlials of Butler then came op, when tillibustering was commenced by tho Republicans, resulting iu a continuous session through Monday night and until 4 o'clock p. iu. Tuesday - '28 houra - and making a Tuesday sossion impossible. About 3 p. m. Thurman's motion was adopted by a voto of 29 to 27, - Conover, Davis, and Patterson voting with tho Dernocrats. At Wednesday's sossion Conover votod with tho Republicans, giving the Kellogg admission resolutiou the inside track ; but the Democrats prevented a voto beiug reached, and ia tho discussion rired somt; hot shot into tho camp of their opponents. We aro without anything from yesterday's session, but it is safe to predict that thero was more fillibustoring. Hon. J. B. Walker, one of tho leading citizens of Flint and for many years acting commissioner of tho institution for tho deaf, dumb, and blind, died on the lóth inst., aged (i years. II. L. Spaulding, for niany years a popular conductor on tho Michigan Contrai Railroad, and the oldo=t employé on its pay rolls, died at Marshall last week. A car load of potatoes containiug 3G0 bushols, was shipped from here to San Antonio, Texas, a t'uw days since, tlie freight on which auiounted to $28.C9. They aro worth there $1.39 and $2 per bushel. - Coldwater lieptihlican. The Michigan Beekeepers' Assooiation holds its annual meeting at Adrián, December ló. The Oíd Third Rogimont Michigan Infantry Association will hold their sixth aunual reunión and dance at Mason's Hall, in Muskegon, on Thursday ovening, December 13. The annual meeting of tha Stato Pomological Society will be held at Grand Rapids on Tuesday, Wodnesday, of next week, Decoraber 1, ó, nnd G. The programmo of addresses, papers, and discussions indicate an interesting meeting. Sometime between Saturday night last and Monday niorning burglars broke open the safe of Berringor ifc Co., at Lapecr, but got no money ; and also made an unsuccossful attempt to break open tho safe of the County Treasurer. Tho Stato Grango holds its nnnual meeting at Lansing on Monday next, December 3. During Monday night last the office of tho Fort Street Railway Company, Detroit, was entered, and the Lillie safe blowod open and robbod of $519.38. Four prisoners made an unsuccossful attempt to break jail at Pontiao last Sunday night.


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