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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "DLÖÖDËD FOWLS. The subscriber olfers for sale a few Thorouglibml Light Brainah Fowls, From lmportod stock, st S3 each. Now is the time for fowl faoelera to improTa ilicir Hoeks. Bi 1!. HALL, wl On the Baldwia l'urni, Anu Arlwr. TUE MII.WAVlif.K' MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITOTE. EsUbliihcd 1807 nd Chartcrcd by the State Legisloture fortheimpruveiliroAtincnt of all Private and ChroaiO DiücaBCB inontiuited in thti card. Just publisbed, -[WïmTt-i "THE SILENT FRIEND!" fimlËliJtti. A nfíl'-ntitil Adviscrfor tlicyounjiani JS ' ■uiJHPr 1i:'1'"" ftged ot' boih Bcxca ;on all IiacaTjKr M ut a Frivata Nature, arimiKfrom """' Early Abuses or Intoction, Scininul Wcskiicis, and l.i'ïs of Manhood, and the best mcans otcure; with valuablc adyice to the Marricd and thoto contemplfttinff Mnrriage-, iiicludiiiKatrcatisc on i-'cmalo DiHt-aBoa and Cbromc Aft'cctions of the Thruat. Luiiffs and Skin, Catarrh, Cáncer, itupture, Pllci,Fiitula.tlie Opium Ilabit 4tc. It contains ïOJlarge paea and numciout engraviners iiuulr-l under bc& on reccípt oi50cti. A CLINICAL LECTURE on the above diseaic, a4 thrpnnciplcd f medical praetlcc in their trtratmeut. FricclUct. AddressAttcudinKPhvfciciaii, M. & S. INSTl T U T t, Nü 435 Water Bt.. MILWAUKEE.Wi LE BARON & CO., DKALERS IX Groceries, Provisions, ANI ALL KIND QF Country Produce, SAXjINK, MICH. CALL BEFOttE BT'YING OR SELLÏNG. 1878. TUK 817S. D E T O I T Post and Tribune. The Metropolitan RepublUan Journal l' Michigan. TUE consolldation of The Detroit Post and The Detroit. Tribune has resulted iu makin Tuk Post anij Thiih'nk the RepubUcvn jiaper of lichigiin. lts resources, its circulatiofe!. lts facilities for obtaining news by telegraph and corrcsiwndeuce, Itaoombinatlon af editorial talent, ita proprietorhip by the wealtblesl and mout powerfol newspaper Corporation ever fonned In thb State, allcomMuc to ivc Tbe Post and Tribune advantagea iuch as u,- ei lia i e I d conunasded by auy otber Michigan journal. I' i enpeolaly Btrong in Itsneifsgatherlng depari ui Bparing no palaa r expense toobtMD vny latostand ftanhest nem of any ImportaDoe from all ctuarton, by special lispatohea and a corps of able correspondente. The newsthnsgatbered fot i iie Haily cditlona 11 l"1 preaented in a condonsed awl utlractlve forui in The Wi'i'kly Post and Tribuno. The paper wlll bè thorouetily and roliablj ltmiblican in tone, nml will Uïboi 'o huild op and not divide the great party of b'reedom and the People'a Rlghts, t 11 brlog enterprlse, experirnvc andzeutoiUwoTk. It wiltruat all quosiloua in nliifli Michigan is Interested from the Michigan ■ t.iniipciini, inii wllh Justlce, candor, aud inflexible aanerence to correct principies. In all it.H dopartnuMits it 11 Ire i trst-cla.-s paper, lis Commercial Department will glve to farmers and othen the tresnest and nn-t reliable nem frotn the leadtng luarketa ol country and Kngland. Ik MbweUaueous Beadlng Matter will alwaysbc carefully selected, pure lu tone, fresh, racy, inatructive, Interesilngi and fit for tin: most rUincd famlly órele- the very creara of eurreut literatura. Ita newi of all aorta will be of the vory latet( and most reliable. TheCongressional Proeëedlngs, the Political news, the war in Kurope, the disturb cd conditiun of Krancc, the approabhing World's Bxposition in Paris, and other important topics. will orowd the coming year with groat and Interest ing events. and every oitlsen will feel more than ever the need of a reliable, enterprtalng, ably-coDducted flrst-class newapaper, tich as The Poal and Tribune. The Evening Telegraph. In addition to their Morning, Tri-AVeekly, and Weekly editious, the Tost and Tribune Company publish Tuk Detroit Evmnra Teleobaph, the lest and cheepeat afternoon paper pnblished in Michigan, andthcouly Aftemooa Paper in Detroit baving the Associated Press dispatches. It is carefully and able edited, is pniQ and anexceptionalin tone, is bright, racy, fresh and original, and contalna all the uews of the day, ai accu ratel T and cotnpletely as the bxrgesl laily in the land, bui In oondensed forra, for rapid and agroeablc reading. Special attentión 1 pald to obtaljilnff the ltesi news from cvery ciiy and TlUage in Htehlgail. lts Markrt., Mondy and "Marine news will be thorOttghly fresh and reliable, every possible item of Information of value tobuaineaa men being carefólly collected and arranged for its columns. TEPvMS-ALL POSTAGE PAID. Perannum Oinw. 3 mos, Daily. . . . ?lu.oo $r,.m UtM Tri-Weekly, . . 5.00 2M ÍM Wcckly, ." . . 1.60 .74 .4') Evening Telegraph, . 5.0 2.50 1.2S 1663 .S Sí ga d á 3 í jMj oí lüstato of James Ponnel. . TATIC OK MICHIGAN, County of Wuitfiiaw, ss. O At H ses-sion of the PtobfttG Coutt for the county Of VPasfatoilAW, holden at the Irol;il4: Otlit-o, iD the City of Ann Arbor, on Snturday, the twcnty-f'mrth day of November in tlic year ooe tlmusanrt otght hundred and beventy-soveii. l'rebcnt, WiUiam í. Iloniiitnn, Judge of ProbAfe. Ia the matter of the estáte ol" .lames Pen nel, deeeascd. LuvatusO. Ali.Mi, exL-nutor of the will and testament of soid deceased, cóuatjs lato cour! etud represents that hc Ls AOW prepAtCd to TCttdér hls fiool accouat us siich exeeutor. Thcreupon it is ordered, that Satiirday, the 22d day of I)(H:(Miihernext,aLteno'clock in thefoïenoon be u-igned for examininjí and oHowtng lach account, and thalthedevi.seea, légateos and lieirs at Iflw of sLiid deceiucd, and all other persons interested ia Bald éstftte, are rc]uired to appear at a sesstoo of said court, then to be holden at the Probato Office in the city of Ann Arbor in saidcounty, and show cause, if any thero le, why'the said account should not be iillowed : And it is furthor ordered, that said exeeutor give notice tothe persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publishcd in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said eounty, three successive weeks previons to said day of heftiiDjr. WlLLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. l(5ü:t Estato of Eeeve Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslitenaw. O bs. At a session of the Probate Court for tho county of Wishtenaw, holden at the Probate OÖlcft in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-third day of November, in the yeur oue thousand eiglit hundred and aeventy-Beven. Present, Willuim D. ilarrlman, Judfc of Probate. In the matter of tho eatate of John F. lieeve, Gilea "V Reeve, and Frank W. Recve, minors. On reading and filing the petition, duly vexifled, of Adelle J. Reeve, guardián of said minors, prayïns that she may be licensed to t;ll certain real estato belonging to aid minors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the twenty-ninth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forcaoou, be aaaigned for tlie hearing of eaid petition, nnd that the next of kin of eaid minors, and all other persons interested in said etitate, are required to appenr at a aession of said court, then. to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any , tbere be, why the prayer of the politioner should uot be gran t cd : And it i lurther ordered tlmt aaid petitioner gtvfl uotice to the persons interented in aaid estato, of the pendency of said petition ml the liearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, four succeflsive weeks previous to eaid day of liearing. W1LLTAM D HARRIMAN, f A true copy.) Jttdgti of Probnta. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. iGtó Dobbin's Starch Polish r: :■;: -." ÍKOWDÁSHíNE) A UBEAT DISCO VERY ! liy tho ue of whlcli èverr fiunily may j1t3 tlirir l.iiH-n ilüit poltflii pi'ciilhir t tine luundiy work. HaviiiK tinit: and luhur in iruninK, itn.iothan Ha eutiffl cust. S 'ld by srocers, orwlll ha sent postage païd on r - ■ ■ j j t tf TScta UOBBINS, BEO. & CO-, 13 . Fourtli Kt.. I'hilnclclpliia. ju Aa Hk Ureatchauco to make mouey. ÍÍ [i[J Ij you can't get gold jou can et ( iU mm n irreenburks. W'v, need a pmon in every town to take subscriptiona for the lareat, cheapeat and best illutrutud family publication in the world. Any one can bocome a succeBsful agent. The nioüt elegant worka of art giveu freo to aubsciibeiis. The price ia so tow that almoat everyb dy subucribca. One agent reporta making over $150 in a week. A lady ngent reporta taking over 400 aubseribers in ten dnys. All who engage make money foat. You can devote all you r time to tho buainuss, or only your pure time. You need not be away from homo over night. You cnn do it as well as otherü. Full purticularn, direciions and terms free. Elegant and expensive outilt free. If you want protttable work eend na your address at once. It costs nothing to try the businesn. No one who enguges fails to inuke reat pny. AóMrosa, " The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. 1W8 '_ THE SÜÑ7 1878.' NEW YÖRK 1878". Aa the tiints approuches for the renewftl o f subSCliptions, THË SUN would remind its lriends and well-wishers everywhere, that it is agato u candidato for their coosideration and support. Upon its rucord for the past ten years it relies lor a ce of the hcarty symptithy and generous co-operation whieh have hithcrlo been extended to it from every qua r ter of the Union. The litil Sun i.s a fourpag6 sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post-paid, 55 cenia a month, or$((.5O por yeur. The Sinulay edition of The Sun ia an eightpage sheet of 5G columns. While givini the news of the day, it al60 containa a Largfl nmount of literary and miscelftneous matter apmially prepured lor it. Tas Sindav Scx luía met with great 10 cosa. Poatpfiid $1.20 ayear. Tli e Week I y Sun U'ho doos not know Thi-; Wi:kkly 8uM ! It eironlalñ throughoufc the United es. the Canada, andbeyond. Ninety thougund familie groet itrt welcomo pages woekly, and regard it in the light of gui'l'1, counselor aud fxiena. lts news, editoriül, agricultura! and literary departments muke it esseDtlally a Journal ïor the lamily and the flreBide. TevAu: OncDoIltira year, iwast paid. Xhia priori (juality oo&sidered, makea it the cheapest uewBp'aper published. For clubs oi ten, with $10 cash, we wöl end an extra copy free. Addroia PUBLISHEB OF THK SUN, lttAUwV New York City. j. Tlli: GRÉAT CAITSE ITMAÏT MISERY. Juat publislied, in .1 sealed envelupe. lrioe, aix cents. A Lccturc 011 tlie Uiiit, Treutiiuiii, and radical cure of Seminnl Weaknéflt, or tipermatorrluDii, induced by Self-Abue, Involuntury Emissions, Impotency, Xervoua Deblilitv, and Impcdiments to Ma Tinge generally ; Consumptton, Kpilepsy, andje'it; Mental and Pbysioftl Incapacity, &c- By KOHKlïT J, CUIjVKUWELL, M. D-, author of thu i( Üreeu Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this adiuíruble Lccturo, clearly provea lrotn J'is own experu'jice tliat the awful consequences of tielf-Abutíe id a y be effect ually removed without medicine, and without dangerouö surical operation, boitgiea, instruments, rings, or cordiuis ; poititing out a mode oí' cure at once oortáinf and elfectual, by means of which every sufftrer, no matter whut liis oondition ninybe,may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radio ally. J$"This Lccturc wiH prow (t boon to thousands and thouxands. Sent under aeal, in a pliiin envelope, to any ad■ir. ...,, poot-poidf ou rvccipt of tix ecnis or two postage stampt. Addreas the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., íi Aun Street. N. Y. Tost Oíüce Box, 458C, WSOyl ETN A IN8UKANCB CÜMPANÏ. Capital, ■ - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, lMTli, $6,792,649.98. Losscs Paid in 55 Yeara, $44,760,391.71. Surplus ovor all Linbilities, inchulitig Ke-Iu8urance Reserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 36. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insuranco and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C MACKi A sent, Aun Arbor. rVINSEY & HKAÜOLT'S" BAKEiiY, OHOCERY -A,SD - V L O VU &. FKKI) STOKK. lïi keep couatHutly on imnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and KHTA.IL TIIADE. We nhiill iiitjo keep a uupply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAI' FL0UR, KYE KLOU11, ÏIL'CK WWHEAT FliOUK, UUUNMKAL, FEED, ir., ie. At wholesulo una retiul. A senerul stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIOXS constnnlly on lmnd, wliioh wil! be aold on tt8 reuBonnble terins hh at uuy otfaoi huuse in tliis city. Caah piiid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Tro lucO senerally. 8ÜT (iood delivercd to any part of the city with out extra churfffl. niJfsnï a siviion. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1876. 1.1C4 ÍND si:e tuk JACKSO TKÜSS HOI) WALM)N Als.,, ti New Uiffht-IIlLIld il r rn II Irun l'sru MkIIi r, i M. ROUERS'. T3RICF OF LÏMÊ EEUUCED. Oliio linie will hureafter be sold al whulesaleat my lime room, in this city, ut SS cenls, ;md MonKii' lime at 30 ceuts per bus) iel. i Aun Albor, Ootobéff 30, 1877. Wood "Wanted ! IN EX.CXÍAN&E roii Siuldles, Ilariiess, Tnmks, Tra veling Jí2,s, Robes, Hlanlietfs, etc. J. VOLLASÜ. Wool Time and After Harvest ! AS Wool tiiut: ;uid Horvest have bot h Cuiuc :tnd goue, I sliaply ask eacli aod evtry ouo win owcs un y amouat, giwit or una!}, to baar in miad thi:ir luiitf pat pioniUo, &nú wulk up llke a chlcken to thu doogb, with the oasb in their breuchus jiuckot, uiid pa y nu, or I will ('nul out. wliat virtue tbsre is in a summons. [f theM collectiuns c:m't bc made willingly they must be made lorcibly. I have come to a Ürm FOSOÏutloD to collect my ouUtaBding debto If yon thii mattor youV lmnicdintu alteution you wiil bare yourself costs. Now I want you to believe every word of this because it Ís truc Thia tliin must bc duur. Ann Arbor, July 1H, 1677. M. HOGERS. VTEW TEA STORE. Japan '1' a ut 3Oc, 40c, 5lc umi 00c pi-i-lli ,; tUo best importi-d at 70c per Ib. Gunpowdcr Tea at 60c and 80c per 11)., and the very best imported at $1,00 pound. Yonng Ilyson at 40c, 50c and 60c, anil the Jn-st imported at SOc per 1b. Ooioiig Tea at :i5c, 50c, GO, and "Oc per 1b. Imperial Tea at 30ct 40e, and 50c per lb. Twankey Tea at 20c, 25c, aud 30c per lb. COFFEES AND SPICES, of our own roaiiüng and grinding, at grcatly reduced priees. GIvo lis a Cll and bn Convinced. .1. W. HAXGSTERFEK & CO., :!() A ::_' soiiiii lililí Kt., Ann Arbor. 1689m6 A B ANKRUPT STOCK OF HARDWARE ! WILL BK SOLD Without Regard to Cost At the old stand of Zi. C. HISDOXT, No. :il Soiiili Main St., Aun Albor. N0W IS THE TIME - FOB CASH BITYERS 'J'ü liiy n thtrir Winter nupply of STOVES And Hardware of every Déscription. ALL T1IO3K IXTENDIXG TO BUILD ANOTHEU YEAE, CAN N0W BUY TUIilU DOOR TUISIMINGS AND OTHKR HARDWARK 0 H K A P ! IF Y0Ü AEE TIEED OF Big Gas Bills ! GET ONE OF ÖUB NATIOXAL UAS WORKS AND MAKE YOÜR ÜWN GAS FOR 75 ets PER 1,000 ft. lf you have use for a La-rge Ainoimt of (Jas, write to us tor the particular s of the way in whicli yon can liave a GAS WORKS FOR NOTHINC ! National (í.is Wurks Erectfon Co., Detroit, .".; & 5$ Bates St. II. MANK, SuperinUsudent. 1059 SËÖRGE WTCROPSE Y, Lateof the firm of Ci.akk A Cropsey, and A. Kkaknev, late of Texas, under tliv lirni name oí KEAKNEY & CUOPSEY, Hare eetabltthed Uisouelvei ut No. 33 Soutli naln SI., A il il Arbor, aixl propora to do KflKTIll Crocerv Business They wlll alnu k.'.'p CBOCKEEY, CLASS and WOODICN W ARE, and a full Une of DOMESTIC and 1'olUiIUN FKUITii, Tliey have liiu-d and furnUhed A Fïrst-class Eating Department, Wlicrr kiK can he hd i a!l hOttts, or board b y the weck. Cueli puid for Hutler, i:ca, aatl uil iJoimtry produce. Gootl iirumi)tly delivrred in any part of the city. Kemember the place. 3 3 Sonlli 'lui ii Street. KEARNKY & CHOPS KV Ann Arbor, Apri! 26, I87Í. 1580 "pOE SALE. FOUR VERY FINE Thoroughbred Suffolk Boars, SIX MONTIIS dl. I). Diillii Mills, Oct.20, 1877. I6SSTS WM. W'. TUBES.


Old News
Michigan Argus