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Wiiat Gisn. Sherman's Report Shows. The anmial report of Gen. Sherman sliows that on Oct. 12 the regular arniy was composed of : General offloers n General staff officcra '.'.'.'.'.'. ' 5fif Hospital ste'.vardtí ,,'' m Eutfiiiec-r battalion '."", ' AJ Ordinanco fiiiiüLod men .,.' ' 34Í Ëallsted men of Btaff corpa ■ ■ . Cavalry ofllcers, for ten regimentfc. ....... .. . '. 4:) Knust ed men 7 $11 Oavalry s:.,i offleere, for five rerftinents '2S4 ICnlisted inen 'ï 321 Allery .-..■. .!!."!ï.'"S305 [nlantry nflicers, for twnty-flve reeiments 877 EohBted meu _ 8 77Ö Inf aatry '.'.'.'..'.'. 9655 Ik-sidcH which Ulereare reportadas non-cómmiaSl0HEd stuff, uüitVacbed to regiments, Military Academy, reoruits uuiisignod. Indian Fcout?, and priison yuards, amouuting to i1'"- .... 1,877 Slgnal corps y Retircil omeers II TI I " " '.'.'.'.'. 301 Captain of United States arniy' by act f CongreöB " j AgRregatinpt offleers aud mcu I'..!.".'... . !24,501 Of which foroe availabio for war is made up of cavalry, artillery and infantry regimenté, amonutiug to 20,601 ofliceri; and iñen, to which should be added the eleven general ofticersancl officers of general ►taff semng with them, together with 57U Indian scrut. The General details the operations of the arniy during the year, referring especially and in high terms of praise to the conduet of offlcers and men duriiig tho Indiau war and at the time of the recent riots. It uppearo that Gen. Sheridan, recomrneuding an increaso in every company i'i tho service to 100 men, expresseJ the opinión that, had this been done soine time ago, the ludían tronóles would have been settled promptly, with a trong probability that tliey wonld not havo occurred at all. Gen. Sheiidau adds : " The Indian troubles in thiadivision are over for the present. I cannot say tbat they ore iinally ended. Complieatious are still hable to arise, and our experience uhould teach iw to be better prepared than wc have hitherto been." Gen. Shcntian aflees with Gen. Sheridan"s recommendation, whicli would raise the annv to nearly 50,000 men, but despaira of snecess in such application to Congresa, and therefore urges sucli leginlation as will give na 25.000 men for regiments of the Une. Ihïs would make for the present 430 companies, with an average of flfty-eight men to the company. "I believe it to bo wrong and damaging to iiicrc&Bo the cavalry 8t the expense of the artillery and infimtry. Tho latter do as good service as cavalry, are as nocessary, and cost mnch less for maintenaixe. All are ( lualiynccessary and should bo on a par, but tho President should bate tho right to increase companies Utioned at exposed points at the loss of other not siniilarly situated." Tho concluding portion of tho roport is devoted to the account of Howard'a movcments in pursuit of the Nez Perces and tlieir floal capturo by Miles, Gen. Sherman says Col. Miles and his ofhoers and men are entitled to all honor and praise for their prompt, skillful and successful work, while others, by their long and toilsome piu-siüt, are entitled "lo corresponding credit because they mado that success poaeible. The Geueral hopea these Indians will be provided with homes in the spring on the indian reservation, near the Modocs, wherö, by moderate labor, they can soon be ablo to support themselves iit peaco. They should never again be allowed toretuin to Oregou or to Lap . ai.


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Michigan Argus