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The National Domain

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Public Domain
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Repobt of the Commissioser ov the General Land Office. Hou. J. C. Williamson, the Commissioner General of the Land Office, in his annual report, saye tho eales of public lands for cash are about 100,000 acre more than the previou year, while the number entcred under tho Homostead and Timber-Culturo laws is 785,123 leus. There wcre certified for raiiroad purpoüos 700,791 acres. Tho total disposals of public lands were 47,822,132 acres. Public surveys have been extended over 713,572,737 acre. The total of unsurveyed lands is 1.101,197,183 aeres. There wero surveycd tho past year 11,212,928 nerts at a coat of -Y215,942. The consolide Hon of all the office of the Surveyor General into ono in rocommendcd ; also, thu abolition of the contract eystem, and the appointment of a Hurveyor General, who may appoint assittaiits requirid to personally make Burveys. A large number of grants for railroads have expired by limitation, and it ia regarded important that action shouldbe taken by Congres either to enforce the forfeiture of Ihe grant or oxtend (ho time for the coniplelion of the roadn. Should the latter oöurse be pnroued, the claims vt boua-fide settlers npon hiped anfls ttlioiild be proteoted. It ; is recommended that Congress witlidraw all land chi( fly vataable for pine timler from the Homottead and Pre-emption Ikwg, and from Bale exCcpt for cash ; also, that the S-.cretary of the Iuterior be authorized to aell timber fröm pnblie lands in the mining district; also, to sell timber upon any unsurveyed land (not mineral) when neoded for actual settloment bef.. re: (jiiblio Biirvovs also, that a law be en.'!(■■'■ I providing for tho care and ciistody of timber-iaiuis unfU for agricnlture, and for the gradual ale of timber, and for the perpet.uatioii of the grovlh of timber of such landn. i.eKi-latiou luithorizing seiznrea of timber cut from public lands, without resort to the tcdimirt procesa of the courts, is also rccouimended. 'Iho United Ktates Marshal for the Southern Distri-t of UiMisrippi luis selsed. in three oounfies bordcrinc on the Gulf of Moxico. in Hit; uit of th United State ngaiaüt Johu Minuiug aud otbers, laro anjouutB of tiruber, priufiipally pjne ]og, estimateii a( over 75,000 in immber. Thcro will aluo be Beized a large amount of charcoal and turpentinc. Thia action Ktops a trade which has employed raauy vcKscld oarrying timbcr or lumbur to foreign and domestio niarketi'.


Old News
Michigan Argus