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The regular moeting of the Council wa held on Mouday evening, AldTmen Uate, Kyer, Schmidt, and Page being absent, ami the following business was transacted : FETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Of S. P. Jewett aml otheis, tor erectiun ol treet lump on Hout.h hiUb of Wost Huron street, at soine poiut about midway betweeu the residences oi J. N. (iott and L. M. Lyon. l'o General Fund Comrmttee. Of E. W. Voigt, preaeuting liis saloon bond fur npproval. To City Attornoy. To the Mayor, Recorder, and Altlnnica of the city of Ánn Arbor : Wliereas the taxes duo iroro the saloon keepers to the city, for the iirst half oi the yoar oommencing April lst, amouuting to over f 1,500, have, by the neglect of the Marshal aud Mayor to perform their respective duties, beeu uucollected. And, wliereas the ordilauce iniposing stïch taxes, whereby a like uin would be due the city for the balance ot ;he year, was, at the last Bession of the Gomnon Council, ropealed by the saloon keepers and their special frieuds - altliougli notified ot the absence on account ot sickness of two Aldermeu who were known to be opposed to such repeal. And, wliereas the poliue force have been paid and the poor of the city heretofore supported by the fuuds denved trom this source, and, iu the opinión of the uuderBigned, ought to have heen the present year, yet not wishiug to Btand in the way of any other course which a majonty of the Council in their windom luay see ñt to adopt, i do hereby resign my oftice as oue of the Aidermen of the Sixth w'ard of said city. - r KINKBAS Ij. 1'ACtK. The resignaron was accepted. FBOM CITY OÍTICEBS. Tlie City Atturney submitted tax rolls for building snluwiilks in front of premises oí Joseph Heuderson, M. H. Goodrich, and Jamos Colemau, on North Fourth street, and E. W. Morgan, on Broadway. Approved, and ordered placed m hands oí Traasurer tor oollection. Recorder's mouthly stiiteinent shows the following uuexpeuded balances belonging to the several funds: General iund, 1842.38; First ward, $125.06; Secoud ward, $39:?. 22 ; Third ward, il 16 97; Fourth ward, Í217.75 ; l'ifth ward, 2'28.73 ; Siith wrd, Í123.31 ; City Cemetery, $8.88 ; Contingent, $2,403.01. The Treanurer's monthly statement was preseuted, butsome erors being discovered it was itjferred back for correctiou. The Marshal repoi'ted tour arresta dwing mouth of one tor vagrancy, three for being drunk and disorderly. Alio, that he had disbursed among the city poor during the past inonth the sum of $96.97. BEPOUTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Gott reported a list of bilis, recominemliiig their allowanco. Report accepted nd warrants ordered draw on the tlie soveral ïiinds for the t'ollotring amounta : General fuud, 834 óü ; Contingent, f334.47; General Street, f2 21 ; First ward, $9 .32 ; Secoud ward, 18 79; Third ward, Í3.00 ; Fourth ward, $10ó.üó ; Fifth ward, $10.0-5. Also, by same, iu favor oí disallowing claim of Aklermau Uate, for IS 1-2 days services suporintending street work. Disallowed. Streeit-Ald. Besimer, iu cotnpliaiice with a vote of the Couucil at last meeting, submitted au itemized report of the cost of building the bridge over Allen's creok, on West Hurou street. The total cost of said bridge being fli2É.'.7ó. Accepted and tiled. MISCELLANEOÜS By A!d. Rogers, that the Mayor be directed o offer reward of $25 for the detection of any lerso breaking or ineddling with any strest amp. Agreed to. By. Aid. Bower, that a warrant be ordered drawn on contingent f uud iu favor of John Morgun for the sum of $4ö, for reraoving street giirbage during past season. Agreed to. By Aid. Ortman, that poundmaster of North 'ound be direoted to enter complaint against he person that recently broke opea said )ound. Agreed to. Adjourned. We tuke pleasure in calliug the attantion ot onr readers- both Democratie and Republican; - who wiíh to take a Detroit paper the coming year- either daily or weekly- to the Free Press. No other journal is more instant in seasou in gathariug news from all quarterx of the State or nation - and the cream of the news is given without too much of detail in amall matters. lts correspondeos at Wiishington, New York and Boston are both wMe wake and scholarly, while for the past year it has furnished very instructive letters from Europe - which field it will 'continue to work. i (iiiiivHiiy uw rice i-rets is soumi - the euitors relying more upon punfjent peragraphs than leugthy dissei-tatious. lts local nevrs is full oï apice and lite- Bijah aud M. Quad (two ia one) tiiniialiiUK abundaiit of fun and humor. lts aricultural and rlomestic depnrtmout ih capitally mauagbd, Hl commercial report relial)Ie, and its Stt neus full and well preparad. On the whole botli daily and weekly are model the one for the oountiug room and the business man, the other for the farmer or lireside. Daily ( 10 a year, weekly ?2 ; both free of postage. Addreas Detroit Free Press Company. Tho Weckly Free Pres una tlie Aitaus, Í2.7S.


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