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Proceedings Of Congress

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Ttjesday, Noy. 27.- Sexate.- The Senate remained ín continuous se.ssiou Monday night, everj moüonf the Republicana to adjourn or take a recese being voted down by the Demócrata. The Republicana wero equally obstinate in their deterniination to prevent a voto on Thurnjau's reBolutinn discharging tho Comiüittee on Privileges and Elections froni further considérate n of the case of M. C. But'.er, but to force it over until 12 o'clock Tuesday, when, as it was claimcd, the Senate woxi'd enter upon a new legisiative day. tbe report of the committee in the case of "V. P. Kellogg conld be called np as a quasttoffl of high privilege, and take precedenee. When thnt hour arrived, however, Mr. Hoar, who occupied the chair, decided that the legislativo day would continue mtil an adjournïueut was had. There were many interesting and sonie exciting ecenes in tho Senate during the progress of the parliamentary couteet. To kili time, the Republicana called for the reading of the testimony in regard to the Hamburg (8. C.) massacre, taken by a co.Lliiittee of the benate a year ago, and also the brief of Mr. Corbin, clainiiitg a sent in the Seuate f rom Soutb Carolina. These documente consitted of severa] hundred pages of closely-printed matter, and the reading of theni consiuned Bomo fifteen bours of time. Motions without number to adjonrn, to take a rócese, etc., were made and promptly voted down hy the Demócrata, with the aid of Mesare. Davie, Patterson aud Conover. At about 3 o'clock in the aftornoon the protraoted parliamentary battle was brought to a close by ttie adoption of tbo Thurnian resoluiion by a vote of 23 to 27, aud the Senato adjourned. House. - Mr. Morrison addressed the nouse on the curreucy questlon Bills were introduced : By Mr. Mackey, for the revival of the franking privilege ; by Mr. Kiddle, restoring to the pension rolls the names of all soldiers strickea off on account of disloyalty ; a!so, repealing the act prohiblling the payment by any officer to any person not known to have been opposed to the rcbellion ; by Mr. Bannmg, providing for the repcal of the, special taxes now imprwed by the United States Government upon brewers, rectiüers, wholc-ale hquor-dOAlers, saloonkeepers, manufacturen, and wholef-a'e and retni] dealera in tobáceo, dán, etc.; by Mr. Corbett, anundlng the constitution so as to give to eacb of the Territorios and tho District of Columbia one momber of CocgresB. Wednesdaï, Nov. 28.- Senate. - Tho contest betweon the opposing politieel forces in the Senate was resnmed directly after the journal was read. Mr. Wadlcigh, Chairman of the Elections Committee, moved, as a privileged ques-tion, to procced to the consideration of tbe case of Kellogg over that of Butler. The Chair rnled Mr. Wadloitíli's motion in order. Mr. Thnrman appealed from the decisión of the Chair, And the Vice President wae sustained by a majority of one- Mr. Conover voting with the Kepublicans and Mr. Patteryon with tbe Demócrata, Mr, Davis, of Illinois, not voting. Upon a motion to ircor d with the Kellogg case the vote was a tic- 29 to 29 -and the Vice President gave the casting vote in the afflrmative. Mr. Thurnian cballenged the right of thr; Vic l President to vote on questions p. rtaining to legislati.m. Mr. WheelCT said he had careruUy considfred the quention as to his right to vote upon the case, and he had uo doubt of his right to do so under the coubtitution. Mr. Ihurmau then moved to recommit the Kellogg caFe, upon whieh a general debate enBued, whicb. was participated in bv Messrs. Hill, Saiütbury, Wadleigh and McMillan. Pending disoussion the Senate voted, by a majority of one, to adjourn. Hocsk.- The House was not in seseion. Thuhsdat, Nov. 29. - Senate. - Immodiately after the reading of the jourual, objection being offered to any uew business, consideration was resumed of the resolution for the admission of Wil!iüm Pilt Kellogg as S'nator from Louipiana for nix year from Marcb 4, 1877, the pending question being on the amendment of Mr. Saulsbv ry to commit the whole Bubject to tbe Committee on Privileges and Elections, with instructions to take tettimony npon cerfaiu charges of the eomplioity of Gov. Kellogg with the Rotnruing Board in frauds for the purpoue of having himsdf electod to the Senate. A long diifcuesion followed. The Democrats charged that they had witnesses ready to prove conclusively that Gov. Ki-llopg was in coinplicity with the Returning Board in frands to clect himself to the Senatc. Without nctlon on tbc matter the Senate adjourned. HoueE. - Not ín session. Fmdaï, Nov. 30.- Senate. - Tho House joint resolution in relation to the Paris Exposition was amended and passed A number of bilis were introduced and referred Consideration wasresumed of the. Kellogg case. Mr. Patterson delivered an elabórate eet speech in reply to the severe attack uiade upon his ccurao by Mr. Kdmunds on Tuesday. A mot. 03 to recommtt the Kellogg case was lost- 29 to 29- l ue Vice President deciiniug to exercise his prerog Jt'ive, as the motion waa lost by the failure to rfoelO a majority of afllrmative votee. At 2 o'clock Sa1 1 rday moruing a vote waa taken on the original nsolution to eeat ' Kellegg. and it was adopted-G. nover and Patterfon voting with the Itepub'ica in the affirmative. Tho vote stood 29 to 28. Mr. ihunnan tken moved that If. C. Butler be swom in as Senatcr from South Carolina. Agreed to- veas 29; nays, 28- Conover and Patterson voting in the afflrmative. Mcssr. Kellogg and Butler were then sworn in as Senators The Senate, in executive session, confimied the ncmination of John M. Harían, of Kcutucky, to be Jndge of the Supreme Court. A motion to reconsider was immeitiately entered, which would :oavo the quesllon stil! open. The nomination of William Henry Smith, as Collector of Customs at Chicago was rctumed without any recommendation. Hocbe.- No business was transao'.ed in the Houee. Si-tdhdaï, Dec. 1.- Senate.- A resolutiou wan presentcd by Mr. Wadleigh, Ohairman of the Comrcittce on Privileges and EiectionB, declaring J. B. EtlfttB entitled to a 6eat as Senator from Louisiana. It waspiaced on the ca'endar. Mr. Iogktb gave notice that he did not ooucur wilh the majority of the committee in submittinu' this report, and tbat he would bcroafter preaent the report of the miuorïty signed by himaeif and two others- Messrs. MoM i :- lan, of Minnesota, aud Camerún, of Wisconsin A bilí was introduced by Mr. Voorhecs grauting panaions tosol.lieisof the Mctieau war.... The Deflciency Appropriation bil] was passed The ficuate, in exf-cutive fossion, conlirmeri the nomination of O wen P. Fitzsiinmons to be Marsluil of Georgia, artcr an animated discuxsion, by six majority, the negativo votts being all Republicana. The uominationa i,f Hoosevelt and Prinoe to be Collector and Iiaval Ofllcr-r of Ihe port of New York, were reported advcrely by the Commerco Committee, of walen Mr. i Chairman, and placed on the calendar. House.- 1 bül tras nnanimcusly passcd, under a Buspension of the rules, appropriating $1 000 to each Hiirviving officer of the lost war steamer Huron; $100 to fach purviving Reaman; and to the widowa and children of the lost an sllavranoe equal to a ycar's pay of their rcepectivc relati vch A motion to Buspend the ruVs and pass a bilí to remóse ttie disabilities inipom il npoa any person by virtue of the thirteenth Becücn of the Foórtl f-uth amendment was lost- yeas, 90; nays, 52- uot two-thirds voting in the aflirnmtive A motion toimtructthe Wavs and Means Committee to revise tho tarín" so as to inakc it solely a tariff for rêvenue was rejfotcd - yeas, 66; nays, 76....Both houaes adjourned till 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, Dec. 3. Monday, Dec. 3.- Senate.- Tho extra sesBion met at 10 o'clock, and af ter a session of an hour und a half adjourned. The regular ecssíon of tho Henate begen at uoon, tho President' message and the various department report were read, and an aójoiirnment was voted till Thursday, Dec. 6. Hotjse. - Nothing waa done in tbc House bcyond ïearing the message and accompanying documenta rend. The total of school reeeipts in Ohio for tlie yrar was $347,298.86. The paymenta nmounted to $270,523.11. Male aaliers receive au average salary pf L51 per month; fsmale taohers, 34,


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